Saturday, October 17, 2009


I have been meaning for some time now to deal with the Burka and now that it is back in the news of late, it is probably timely to do just that.

As a Libertarian, you can no doubt imagine that basically I have no difficulty with a mature woman wearing a Burka, if that is what she wishes to do. It is her decision and in most cases she is not hurting anyone but herself by so wearing one. Ergo - let her go to it.

I can hear your comments as I write - i.e. 'but it isn't her decision - rather it is her husband's or father's decision and she is simply knuckling under to male authority'.


But I think it is dangerous to assume the motives behind one's actions. Moreover, even if it is the case that she is being forced to wear such archaic garb, it is up to the woman herself and women generally in similar circumstance to rise up against this supposed religious custom.

Indeed, there are more and more instances reported where Muslim women are doing just that - both here in the modern word and more importantly, in their old countries.

It took the Suffragettes to secure the right to vote for women and it will take the muslim women to caste off their cloaks of submission and male domination.

That is not to say I believe the Burka can be used to hide behind in every instance. The following are some of the times when the veil must be lifted:
  • Photo Id for drivers' licences, health cards, and proof of citizenship for voting.

In addition, French President Sarkozy was correct when he banned the Burka from French schools. There is no way our teachers should be expected to teach a child when all they see is two eyes peering out at them.

In fact, I would outlaw Burkas for children generally since they are not of age to give consent. An adult woman is quite another matter, as I have noted above.

Should an adult woman though decide the Burka is not for her, our society must come to her aid and protect her from retribution.

I truly believe, if we as a society stick to the above approach, the days of the Burka are numbered, both here and around the world.

As I see it..


Friday, October 16, 2009

Her Majesty the Governor General

I have received some e-mails wondering if I was on holidays - I was not, but did take a little break over Thanksgiving. Now back to Blogging - there are so many topics to deal with.

Today, our GG.

When first appointed, I was dumbfounded that our then Prime Minister would appoint someone with so little ties to this country. Plus the one tie she did have, was to Separatism. Perhaps this was not so surprising given that he is the leading candidate for the worst PM in modern Canadian history. (More on this later)

It is not that I am down on immigrants since indeed we are all products of immigration, including our Aboriginals.

The reason I was so opposed the appointment was due to the fact that Madame Jean was not steeped in our Democratic Monarchy. To me, it was like appointing an orderly to do brain surgery.

Her first major test took place when Harper came to her for permission to prorogue Parliament. She erred in allowing him to do so. It was blatantly apparent to everyone that he had lost the confidence of the House and was using Prorogation solely to avoid losing a Non-Confidence Vote. He should not have been allowed to do so.

It is a testament to the public's high esteem for the Office of the Governor General that it could survive such a blunder. Ironically, it also reinforced the continued need for this Office.

This was followed by numerous trips here in Canada and around the world. The domestic trips were in order and in fact, well received. As the Queen's representative, here in Canada, the need for her to fly around on foreign junkets though was lacking. It culminated when she tried to upstage the Queen at the D-Day ceremonies in France. She should have known better but given her lack of background perhaps it was not surprising.

More recently, she has proclaimed herself to be Canada's Head of State despite the fact that even a cursory knowledge of our Constitution would dispell that belief. Plus hopefully the lady would have advisors who, unlike herself, would know better.

There is therefore nothing innocent in her attempt to accede this status unto herself.

We are governed by symbols and tradition as much as we are by Acts and Regulations. Indeed, there is a good argument to be made that the former trumps the latter - especially in times of crisis. To have a novice, albeit a very pretty one, hold such a critical and sensitive position has negative ramifications for us all.

As I see it..


P.S. More test results in - they favour the Libertarian approach.