Friday, June 5, 2015

The Secular Surge.


More and more Christians and Muslims are beginning to speak out about the Secular Surge in modern day society.

Redefinition of marriage and the nuclear family; self identification when it comes to one’s sex (i.e. requests are now permitted in many jurisdictions to allow a person to change their sex on their birth certificate or even to leave the box blank); open season on abortion in Canada leaving us in the select company of Red China and North Korea; Euthanasia is becoming the norm; etc.

Christians, Jews and even Muslims are being killed and persecuted in many parts of the world.

While society scoffs at their beliefs and believe themselves to be morally superior.

The new religion is the environment especially as it relates to Global Cooling / Warming / and or Climate Change.  Pick One.

More latterly this new religion is extending to the food we should eat.  Vegetarian anyone?

Love has been replaced by Pornography.

In the recent past, neighbours looked out for neighbours.  Now the majority look out for only themselves.

The Progressives amongst us believe they have achieved Utopia.

A minority of us believe they are deceived and are in for a reckoning.

Some religious folk truly believe that the reckoning will come with the end of the world.

It may.

But a reckoning will come nonetheless.  Civilizations since the time of man have come and gone.  Signs now point to the decline of our own.

China is on the rise.  Just a few years ago the prediction was that within 20 years or so – China would surpass the United States in economic activity.  More recent reports indicate that this has already happened.

We used to have freedom of speech and freedom of religion but those days too are on the wane. Our Courts – Human Rights Courts and even the Supreme Court of Canada have been instrumental in their decline.

Mark my words – we are soon going to see Priests, Rabbis, Imams, Ministers jailed for their defence of God. 

It may be hard for you to imagine that happening but with the change in the marriage laws alone – the day is coming when the Secular State is going to demand that the Church marry gays regardless of the teachings in Bible – the Koran or the Torah.

And as I mentioned in an earlier Blog – do not concern yourself for the welfare of the Christians etc – they will be okay since they have their faith.

Rather it is the welfare of Secular Society which should be of concern to us all.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Thursday, June 4, 2015

Truth and Reconciliation …


As in Justice Sinclair’s $60 million dollar report on Natives in Canada and Residential Schools.

The bottom-line in the report found that this era, beginning in the 1840s, resulted in nothing less than cultural genocide.

Our distinguished Chief Justice, Madame McLaughlin, makes a similar declaration which is surprising since she of all people has been legally trained to sort the wheat from the chaff.

So you can guess at my own thoughts on this which longer time readers will already know but given the recent flurry of interest generated by the Report I thought it worthwhile to restate it…at least the codswallop about Cultural Genocide.

That is not to say Native Culture was not extinguished by the arrival of the Europeans …it most certainly was but the writing was on the wall for the Indian culture with the arrival of Columbus in 1492.

By the 1800s it was all but extinct and that was the real tragedy …  not the Residential Schools.  The loss of culture for our native peoples was inevitable.

Indeed, I’d argue that the origin of the Residential Schools was in response to their loss of culture and way of life.  It was not replacing white man’s way of life with the Indian way of life since the latter had already been confined to the bin of history.

That is not to say that terrible things happened at the Residential Schools but they were formed for good intentions to help natives function in the new reality.

I have not read the Report other than what the papers say about it. The need for more apologies, more monuments and such but what apparently is missing is a statement as to what is needed to advance things for our natives especially those who find themselves on isolated reserves.

During my lifetime I have heard little but blame for white society and the need for more money.  If that had been enough the average Indian would be sitting pretty but sadly that of course is not the case.

They are confined to the reserves where little of value happens and where terrible living conditions are handed down generation after generation.  In that regard the situation reminds me of the terrible conditions inner city Blacks face in America.

The only real solution is for both groups to decide themselves what is needed to break the historical bonds that constrain them.  To continue to ask the Whites for apologies will only serve to delay the day when that happens.

Sadly the Sinclair Report is just another bump in that road. 

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

p.s. did you notice Young Trudeau has accepted all of the Report’s 90 some recommendations obviously without adequately considering them…mother’s looks and mother’s brains. kdg

Monday, June 1, 2015

A Fast Ball Right Down The Middle…


Strike One the Umpire Calls.

The Batter?

None other than the recently elected Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario.

The issue?

The Grits’ Bill before the Legislature to treat e-cigarettes the same as the dreaded cigarette.

E-Cigarettes have no proven health issues and are considered the best way to assist smokers to kick the habit.

So why are the Grits so bound and bent to regulate them to death?

A couple of reasons come to mind:

First – it is the big brother in them – they just love to tell ordinary folks like you and me how to live.

Second – it changes the channel on the real issues of concern to Ontarians like their Hydro One debacle.

Okay – so there are some reasons why the Grits are willing to waste everyone’s time on such frivolity but what is Leader Brown’s excuse for going along with them?

The whole Party voted with the Grits and the Dippers on this nonsense save for the common sense Tory MP from Perth – Randy Hillier.

So the very first pitch – is a strike.

All batters are entitled to three – even new batters – so dear Leader Brown, you have another two strikes at your disposal.

Let’s see how you deal with them.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’