Thursday, May 24, 2012

It’s All So Very Exciting …


And so very scary…

Long time readers of this Blog will know that I have consistently stated that the era we are now in will be marked in history as a time of great protest; mainly violent protest.   We have seen this develop in the Middle East, in Europe, in the United States and even here in Canada.

More recently, we have seen tens of thousands of students march in the streets of Montreal each day ostensibly protesting against minor increases in tuition cost.  But it is not about that, despite the students’ protestations to the contrary.

And even the Wall Street Occupiers, backed by an out of touch President, cannot coherently define what their beef is either.

In Europe, the protestors are more focused; they do not like to see ‘their entitlements’ interfered with and boy are those entitlements quickly vanishing.

But there is a common denominator even if it is not apparent to those involved and that is fear.  They too have come to enjoy the welfare state and they can see it is in danger since our governments have spent themselves into oblivion.  They can see it, but are afraid to admit it.  And that is why little things like minor tuition hikes are blown out of proportion.

To compound things for these troubled youth is the fact that the bill for the last 50 years of proliferate spending is coming due and it will fall to them to make good on it.  Now that is indeed frightening prospect.

So they are inherently worried and yet, due to the scope of the problem, are not yet prepared to seriously confront what their gut is telling them.

And the Unions too are there with the Montreal students – tuition hikes mean nothing to them, but these wily unionists know that a fight of epic proportions is coming their way and they are duping the students into sacrificing themselves in the vanguard.  Pathetic and all ruled by fear.

Charest has not helped the situation, indeed his lack of action may well now lead to his losing total control.  Had he moved decisively at the beginning and jailed a few of the leaders the protest could have been defused.

But dear reader, regardless of what Charest did or did not do, his actions in the scheme of things means little.  The riots are here to stay and will over time continue to grow stronger as governments desperately try to reel in their spending.

I am saddened by this and particularly so for the innocents caught up in this nonsense.  But my real fear is that anarchists are using these protests as a cover in their attempts to bring down our way of life. History shows they have been successful in the past and every indication now shows that conditions are ever improving to see them come out on top once again.

Society’s one great hope is that its ‘silent majority’ grows a spine and comes to its rescue but, as time goes on, this will become more and more difficult. The fear, though, is that the silent majority has also become too used of its entitlements. 

I trust in God, and in our fellow men and do believe that in the final analysis, we will collectively have what it takes to do what is right.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’