Monday, April 8, 2013

He’s Got the Teeth & the Hair …


He’s even got the Name.

All he lacks is the rest of the body including a Brain.

Young Trudeau that is.

He has run a policy free campaign – with pride, stating that Leadership Races are not the time to discuss policy.

Rather reminiscent of Kim Campbell’s proclamation that Election Campaigns too were not the time to delve into such trivia.

Makes one wonder when exactly is a good time?

Plus, in the case of the coronation of Trudeau, how does one properly assess whether or not to vote for him when you have no idea as to what exactly he stands for.

One of the few areas he has pronounced himself on is pro choice – he is an ardent supporter.  Given that alone, he has lost this potential supporter.

He has also made clear that if it comes down to a choice between Quebec and the Rest of Canada, he’ll take the former.  Again sufficient information for me to turn away.

I said at the outset of the Leadership Race that Young Trudeau (YT) would be wise to sit it out until he at least gained some real experience.  Surprising as it is, he did not take my advice.

And I say that not because I thought he could not win – in fact I was afraid he would and not because I feared the Liberals returning to power – at this point in my life I really do not care who is in power – they are all varying shades of red. (And now we no longer have Maggie Thatcher to call back to set things straight).

Rather I said I hoped he would not run – again for his own sake, in that he did not have the needed life experience.  But more importantly, for the Liberal Party’s well being since by going the Trudeau route they could fore stall any serious look at where they collectively have gone off the rails.

That said, let’s hope that with that the Race coming to its logical conclusion that Trudeau will find the time to discuss policy before we are plunged into an Election a couple of years hence.

From my perspective though, I would be most surprised if he did.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’