Saturday, November 5, 2011

Premier Dalton McGuinty Told Me So .

As a vocal opponent of Dalton McGuinty in the lead up to the recent Ontario Election, I have vowed not to say a disparaging word about him given his stunning electoral victory; i.e. I was obviously out of sinc with my fellow Ontarians.

So in that vain, I want to relate some positive aspects about his new administration.

First on the Economic Front.

During the last Election, the Premier was at pains to promote the excellent job he and his fellow Liberals have done in preserving Ontario's economy and in creating jobs - both black and green jobs. He glossed over the fact that under his stewardship, Ontario had fallen to Have-Not Status but let us not be picky.

So the Good News. Reports out this week indicate that both the United States and Ontario have created about 70,000 full time jobs in October. Oh wait, the United States did but the papers report a negative 70,000 in the case of Ontario. A mere typo I am sure - Premier Dalton McGuinty told me so. Those same newspaper reports show Ontario's jobless numbers increasing but again they are not to be believed.

And Speaking of Green Jobs - you will well remember during the Campaign, Premier McGuinty held a press conference at one the new Green Manufacturers where he stated that Ontario's Green Policies have created 20,000 jobs on the way to 50,000. We were all so proud of our Premier, even when it came out the next day that the company where his news conference was held - was closed for want of business. A mere detail

But want I want to communicate to you today is another misleading newspaper account stating that a Green firm in St. Catharines called Silicon Knights upon receiving a large government grant - just laid off half of its work force. Lies, Lies and more Lies. Again, Premier McGuinty told me so.

As an aside, I really do not understand what has gotten into the media - they are usually so left wing and we should be able to count on them to put our Premier in proper light.

And then there is Hydro. Users began calling into the Talk Radio Stations - some in tears - saying that immediately after Election Day they began to receive letters from Hydro threatening to cut off their power. Many said that they even offered partial payment - since their bills were so high - but Hydro out and out rejected their offers.

Well dear reader, I know what is going on here too. Tories disguised as Hydro Consumers are clogging these shows with their false and misleading statements. Premier McGuinty told me so.

Well that's it for now. Rest assured I will continue to point out these frivolous yet spiteful attacks against our Premier as they continue to come to me attention.

And just remember, when you too come across them - bear in mind they are all false.

Premier McGuinty Told Us So.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galager'

Friday, November 4, 2011

Well So Much For Democracy...

Papandreou collapsed faster than a cheap card table in the face of Germany and France's dictum to drop the Referendum or face immediate expulsion from the EU.

So where does that leave the people of Greece?

Angrier than ever. They will not be allowed a say in the continued loss of their 'entitlements'.

More violence and bloodshed will follow.

As I said yesterday, with such major changes being imposed on Greek Society, it is only proper that its citizens have a direct say in what occurs.

Now they won't.

Not that it matters in regard to the eventual outcome though.

Either way, Greece will have to continue to reel in its spending. And either way - with or without a Referendum, Greece will most likely be dropped from the EU Club.

But at least with a Referendum, the Greek People would have a direct say in their future.

And with that, it would have mitigated the violent fallout and would have help the average Greek person to both accept and positively engage the needed austerity measures.

An opportunity lost.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Beware of Greek Bearing ...

... A Dagger.

One just stabbed it into the back of his EU Colleagues - as in Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou.

And this just following Europe's months of contortions to reach a financial bailout for their Greek Member State.

Some friend.

But you know what - Papandreou is correct in what he is doing - too bad he let things drift so long before springing his plan; it would have saved much time and wasted energy.

But why do I say the PM is correct? Simply because it is the Democratic Way to do things.

Greece is in turmoil; strikes, riots and demonstrations by its citizens over draconian cuts to jobs, salaries, and pensions.

In a democracy, they should have the right to decide on such major developments via a Referendum.

As an aside, these draconian measures are coming our way too, as I have pointed out in many of my previous Blogs. We had a chance and indeed we still do to a lesser extent - to cushion the blow in regard to our so-called "Entitlements," but if we put it off much longer, we too will soon experience a Greek-like Collapse.

The EU is in shock by this development and are threatening Greece with expulsion.

Bear in Mind though, it would have happened anyway - even with the bailout and assuming Greece went along with it; - in the end, Greece's continuation in the EU Community was destined to failure given its dire economic position.

Now to the Referendum which is to be held within three or four months time.

But you know what ? - it will never be held.

There is no way in hell that Europe will put things on hold for that length of time awaiting Greece's decision.

Europe will move right away to give Greece an ultimatum - go with the Bailout or get the hell out the Union.

Greece will opt for the latter, since Papandreou has now boxed himself in with his Referendum Pledge.

And as I mentioned above, this would have eventually happened in any event; there is no way Europe would want to continue to extend needed future packages to this ailing country.

So Papandreou gets the best deal he can - his approach is democratic and cannot be faulted in that respect. Plus, he is currently vilified by his citizenry for imposing draconian measures and now the acceptance or rejection of those self same measures will fall to the voter for decision where they belong.

If a Referendum is held, it will not be on whether or not to remain in the EU - that decision will be made much sooner and certainly not by the Greeks themselves.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'