Friday, December 19, 2014

Some Quickies …



Or as the late JFK would say – Cubrr.

Obama has for once in his Presidency done the right thing although it will do nothing to help his image that he continues to sell out to dictators and evil generally.

I will still not go to Cuba – even if I was paid to go - since it remains a repressive regime.  I feel the same way about Red China.

My stomach churns when I hear fellow Canadians say that Americans will now ruin Cuba given what boors they are.  Maybe my fellows should look in a mirror first.


Appears to be disintegrating as most of their Alberta MLAs have crossed the floor to the Ruling Tories.

How dishonourable and how short-sighted when what our country needs is a truly conservative party – one that stands for the smallest government as possible and balanced budgets.

It is far too early to determine whether or not Jim Prentice and company will in fact achieve that and unless and until this happens the Wildrose should just stay in place.


One of the traitors who crossed the floor was none other than the Wildrose Leader herself.

If the woman had even a smidgeon of conscience she should have resigned and gone knitting.


A big kerfuffle here in Ottawa when the General Hospital announced that after 100 years it would not be putting up the Nativity Scene in its lobby.

‘Religion has no place in secular society .. don’t you know’.

The hospital got it part right – if it was a new hospital – there’d may no need for Christ at Christmas – but they forgetting history – custom and tradition.

The Ottawa General Hospital was founded by Elizabeth Bruyere – a Roman Catholic Nun and the tradition of the Nativity Scene in her honour has gone on for over 100 years.

And we today are but a collection of our traditions and customs that have gone on before.

Happily the Hospital announced today that it had rethought its position – i.e. after fielding complaints from many outraged patrons – and has decided to erect the Scene once again.




Monday, December 15, 2014

The Ontario Separate School Board…


Caves… again.

There is something out there that does not like the Roman Catholic Church operating its own System of Schools and I fear that the day is quickly coming when it will exist no more.

I say this in spite of the fact there is a constitutional basis for its existence.  My fear is that society would lose since the Catholic system is a far superior to the public one run by the Provincial Government; scholastically it outperforms the provincial system by a wide margin, it instils morals and values in its students and these results combine to attract students from all sectors of society including large numbers from the ethnic communities.

And dear reader, it spends only $8,000 per student annually compared to the provincial boards annual average of over $12,000.

I have said many times that what the province needs to do is give vouchers to parents – e.g $10,000 per student and let the parents decide where best to send their children. You would quickly see the provincial run system shape up as well as see true competition for the education bucks allocated to our children.

But sadly we are talking power here – power for the teachers and their unions and Provincial Government - so the likelihood of this happening is most remote.

But I am getting away from what I started writing today about … i.e the cave-in.

Over the past few weeks, a Separate School here in Ottawa has been entangled in a media frenzy over denying two of its grade 6 students from doing a school project on homosexuals and how society discriminates against them.  If completed, the project would then be presented by these two students to children in grades 4, 5 and 6.  Quite young all things considered and surely there are more age appropriate things to occupy their young minds.

But in the face of such opposition, the Board caved and let the presentation proceed. 

And bear in mind, that the Roman Catholic Church finds homosexuality to be abnormal; although it does not though believe homosexuals to be either bad or of lesser value.

And I share the Church’s opinion.

I believe, as does the Church that our society is best served when a family consists of a mother, a father and a child(ren). Indeed, until very recently, that has been society’s position for millennia.  It is just been with the coming of the 2,00s that our politicians stopped proclaiming this from the mountain tops.

Boy what a difference a decade or two makes.

But the traditional family has been under attack for much longer than that.  Today American stats show that over 70% of Black Women have children out of wedlock – with multiple fathers. This breakdown has led to millions of Blacks dropping out of society into a life of crime.

Even with white society this number has climbed to a third.

A question for you – do you think society is better off in the face of this development?

Nor do I.

And now we layer on ‘marriage’ for non heterosexuals.

I may be wrong but I cannot help but think society will be poorly served by this latest development.

Maybe for the last many hundreds of years humanity got its priorities all wrong when it came to marriage and the rearing of children.

I doubt it, but maybe I am just being an olde foggy here.  But one thing is for certain, there is much at stake here and, for better or worse, future society will be dramatically different from the way it was in 1960 and how it is today.

And it is not very likely the Roman Catholic School Board will be part of that future. 

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’