Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It Beats Me How …


One little twerp – albeit a ‘terrorist’ little twerp, could cause so much mayhem in and for our society.  I cannot recall more print and film being expended on one petty, vile individual; the 24 hour news cycle at its worst.

The following comments abound – end of innocence, this changes everything…  Not.

Ever hear of World War One when Canada lost over 1 in 10 of its male youth?  Heaven help us when we suffers a more significant terrorist act like that sustained by America on 9/11. 

That is not to say that a lone gunman cannot wreck havoc and affect the course of history – think of Lincoln and Kennedy.

But let’s not overstate it and to cut the chaff from the wheat, the only real issue that emerges from last week’s killings in both Montreal and here in Ottawa is what should we do with the 90 or so other little twerps freely roaming around..ready to strike?

Lock them up for Treason comes immediately to mind even though that would take a legislative change and I say this as a retired lawyer and a Libertarian to boot. 

Dear reader, we are at war and this will likely continue for some time to come. Our enemy is the World’s Terrorists …primarily the Muslim Extremists of every ilk and kind.

And know, these Bully Terrorist Groups are not doing it for Religious purposes – that is just to  shield their real motives of power and prestige.

They want to see Western Societies and indeed all Societies in their own image and will not rest until those ends are achieved or until they rest a good 6 feet under. In regard to the latter, let’s do our bit to help them along.

So that brings us back to the infamous 90.  They spout their venom and mimic their foreign twisted masters in the wish that our Society come to an abrupt end.   

This is a new phenomenon – we are not dealing with foreign armies but rather with organized guerrilla groups intent on inflicting as much pain on us as they possibly can.

If we have those amongst who support those objectives, they are our enemy – plain and simple.

Round them up with a view to deprogramming them.  If that does not work – keep them under lock and key until their masters abroad are defeated.

Harsh?  You bet, but sadly necessary.

The bottom line here is that although we should not fear terrorists, we should not leave them alone to their own devices.

Freedom of speech and thought is still paramount but there are limits; you cannot let someone like Hitler speak freely about the need to kill all Jews nor can you allow Islamic Terrorists to speak freely about the need to kill “infidels” like you and me.

The left will howl but as P.E.T. famously said, let those bleeding hearts bleed.  Your life and my life is more worthy than the lives of petty, cowardly terrorists.  Full stop.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’