Wednesday, February 2, 2022


 Although I have been blogging for Erin O'Toole to step down ...virtually from the time he won the Conservative Leadership I do not take any joy in his loss today in fact I am sad for both he and his family.  Politics is a dirty business as we all witnessed earlier today.

What I am though is relieved but only wish he did as his predecessor Andrew Shear did and resign on his own rather than to have been humiliatingly defeated by his own caucus. 

For me the olde Adage paraphrased applies here...Why Vote for the Imitation when you can vote for the Real McCoy as in Justin Trudeau the Left Wing Progressive Woke to his very Core.

Trudeau called an unnecessary Election during the height of a once in a century pandemic in his lust for Majority Government.  His focus is on anything but Canada's flailing Economy and for the sake of us all he needs to go. 

Right after that Election I predicted all Three (3) of the Major Party Leaders would be gone before the Next Election comes round.  So Mr. O'Toole is but the first.

Trudeau should be next to go for the reasons I have stated above but Liberal Members of Parliament are not known for their Courage.  So we'll have to cross our fingers and hope for the best.

That leaves Jagmeet Singh and the New Democrats.  Despite thinking he is the best Leader of the Three, the NDP gained but one per cent more in the recent Contest ...from 16 to 17% and but 1 more seat ...from 24 to 25.  Should an Election be held today the results would be similar.  Hardly anything to write home about.  The main fault against Singh is that he is Trudeau's Water Bearer...Yes Man and again the above Adage comes into play.  Why vote NDP when you can vote Liberal and get better results.  Singh needs to go and with Members in the Wings like Charlie Angus that Party could do so so much better.

So let's clear the decks ...these 3 have been distinct failures in their own right.  

Let's bring on Pierre Poilievre and get the next Election underway.

As I Continue To See It...

'K.D. Galagher' 

Sunday, January 30, 2022



Just before coming up to my computer I turned on the news which I have been studiously avoiding due to its flagrant distortion of what is happening right now on Parliament Hill.

They ...are left wing looney progressive media has labelled the Truckers as a bunch of Right Wing Fascists.

All I can say is thank Gawd for the Truckers - at least they were in the front lines during these Covid 2 years while these media bozos pontificated about stuff and nonsense.  I used to think Democracy was dependent on a free and independent press ...and I still do..but it is no thanks to most of the current batch.

Anyway the Reporter on the Ground was complaining about members of the Trucker Crowd coming up and yelling at him and are you ready for this...blocking his camera.

With all the negatives the Media has spewed forth I think the guy got off lucky ...and I am not suggesting for a minute that violence would be in order but certainly a bit of calling these condescending know-it-alls out seems fair and proper.

There are idiots in any significant demonstrations ..on the Right and on the Left but for the most part these folks are decent and represent the heart and soul of what it is to be a Canadian far more than most of the guys and gals behind the microphones.

I'd say to the Chap on TV ...buck up - you and yours stirred the pot with your over-the-top rhetoric now you are reaping the consequences...take it like a man or in this time of Progressives is that too much to ask and to expect.

As I See It...

'K.D. Galagher'