Sunday, September 11, 2022


As in Pierre..the winner of last evening's Leadership Contest for Canada's Conservative Party.

Two things surprised me not that PP won - I fully expected that from day one ...rather I did not see that his margin of victory would be so substantial.  I figured he would win on the first ballot - as he did but with a vote in the mid 50 % not in the high 60% range.

The other surprise I had was the low vote total for his major rival Jean Charest...a meagre 16% whereas I was expecting a total more in the mid 25% range.  Oh well I guess that is it for dear Jean.

Pollievre will be Canada's next Prime Minister likely with a massive majority similar to those gained by Brian Mulroney and John Diefenbaker in earlier days.

I say that not just because PP has earned the right but rather it will be due to the utter chaos Canada has experienced at the hands of our current playwright PM Justin Trudeau.  I won't get into the various and numerous missteps he has made since they are well and truly known by us all. 

Even the Toronto Star in a perverse way agrees with my its coverage it states that Young Trudeau will now certainly stay on and run in the next election.   And when dear reader did the Star ever get anything right.  But hopefully for once it has it right since YT running again will only ensure a  vast win for PP.

So you as a Reader might ask at this point, if Trudeau is so bad how did he possibly win the previous two elections?  

The answer is quite simple - in those 2 elections he was running against two Milk Toasts - Andrew Sheer and Erin O'Toole ...both nice guys but you know what they say about nice guys.

Poilievre is a fighter ...he is fast on his feet and quick witted.  

No pushover He fact get used to calling him 'Mr. Prime Minister'.

It has a nice ring to it ...don't you think.

As I See It ...

'K.D. Galagher'