Tuesday, April 8, 2014

SON OF TRUDEAU … Coming To Theatres

Near You,  Fall of 2015.

That dear reader is the election timing for the next Canadian Federal Election.  And Son of Trudeau of course is Young Trudeau, off-spring of the late Pierre Elliott. 

Currently, YT is the Leader of Canada’s 3rd Party the Liberal Party of Canada and on a few occasions I have written in support of his policies – for example, the decriminalization of marijuana.  (That war, dear reader, has been well and truly lost).

But I continue to refer to the young chap as YT since I know at heart that he is simply out of his league, drama teacher aside. 

No where is this more apparent than his comments given recently to an Iranian newspaper.

Here is what Justin had to say:

“ It’s important to talk to each other (Canada / Iran) and it’s especially important to talk to regimes that you disagree with and that disagree with you, and make sure that there is means of communications.”

Typical Obama tripe – whoops – I meant to say Young Trudeau tripe.

But in all seriousness, Obama could not have said it better and look where his talking has taken us.

Iran is on record as saying it wants to blast Israel from the face of the earth.  So what does YT expect to gain from talk with Iran; their agreement to just blast away half of Israel?

And, as I have consistently stated in numerous blogs, the greatest danger facing the world today is not Russian aggression but rather Iran obtaining the Atomic Bomb…and they are close, very, very close.

And nothing of a material value is being done to block their objective.

Except of course more talk?

In that regard it is indeed ironic that as one failure on the world stage will be bowing out .. Obama, another ‘talker’ … YT, may very well be assuming office.

And that is not that difficult to imagine – after all Obama, the worst president in American history was elected twice and McGuinty, Canada’s worst premier performed a three-peat. 

Hopefully by then, the US will find a President that is prepared to go beyond mere words and then should Young Justin prove successful, he can talk to himself. 

At least then he may find an audience who will listen.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’



Monday, April 7, 2014

Maybe It Is The Company One Keeps?


As in Laura Miller, former deputy chief of staff to the disgraced Dalton McGuinty and now Executive Director of the Liberal Party of British Columbia.

Here is what Dalton McGuinty had to say about his former staffers, including Laura Miller, just last week:

In my office, it was my honour to serve alongside a hard-working and dedicated staff who, from top to bottom, were committed to the highest standards of public service.” 

And not to be outdone, and indeed to go one better, BC Premier Christy Clark had this to say about her Party’s new Director, Ms. Miller:

"She is a person of absolutely sterling character and she works incredibly hard for our party and for our province."  "She's a person of the utmost integrity and we're really, really lucky to have her in B.C."

But wait a minute, is this not the same Laura Miller whose significant other is no other than Peter Faist, the alleged ‘watergate type plumber’ who allegedly deleted the data on all 24 hard-drives in the Premiers’ Offices of Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne?

And was this not the same Laura Miller who had this to say to the all party committee investigating the Gas Plant Cancellation Scandal:

Mr. Victor Fedeli: I have the records now; don’t worry. We have them now. We know you’re in this up to your forehead in this gas plants scandal.

Ms. Laura Miller: I don’t really feel that I am, but thank you for that.

Mr. Victor Fedeli: Well, the 1,000 times you’re mentioned—you’re one of the pivotal people in this gas plant scandal, in the spin of it all.

Ms. Laura Miller: “Pivotal”?

Mr. Victor Fedeli: You’re organizing meetings about it.

Ms. Laura Miller: Can I quote you for my bio?

Mr. Victor Fedeli: Yes, you can.

Ms. Laura Miller: That’s great.

Mr. Victor Fedeli: It won’t be a very impressive bio when you’re talking about gas plant scandals—

I was unfortunate enough to hear this exchange on t.v. where it came across far worse than mere words on a page do.

I just wished I had been doing the questioning, I would not have been as polite to this ‘young miss’ as Victor Fedeli was.

And I say ‘young miss’ since no woman would have behaved in such a cavalier manner given the seriousness of the issue at hand … the waste of over $1,000,000,000 of tax payers’ money.

Indeed, I thought at the time of what two of my deceased Aunts would have done with her – Aunt Jean would have washed the little dear’s mouth out with soap, while my Aunt Ella would have given her head a good soaking in her ever present rain barrel.

But that is not all, last week before this same Queen’s Park Committee the Chief Cop investigating the scandal disclosed that Miller was one of 3  persons who have refused so far to be interviewed by him.  Not surprisingly, the other two were her said boyfriend and her former boss, David Livingstone for Chief of Staff to McGuinty.

And with that, I think again about McGuinty’s above words ‘hard-working and dedicated staff ….committed to the highest standards of public service’.

If young Laura’s above actions are examples of a ‘commitment to the highest standards of public service’, our standards have certainly taken a xxxx kicking in recent years.  (My apologies to my late Aunts … you and I know what they would have done to me).

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’