Monday, March 8, 2010

Don't Play It Again Sam ...

Note: Anne tells me that I erred in suggesting motives to Ms. Aimes that do not bear out. Apparently when she referred to politics on the part of the Academy she was referring to the unconventional role she had played and not to her race. I apologize to the actress for my misunderstanding.

Anne tells me it is my age showing and maybe so, but I really have no use for much of what comes out of Hollywood these days - yesterday's Oscars included.

For me, it is all about the maxim - garbage in - garbage out and if all the Academy Awards gets to consider is junk then it is no wonder the results of the awards are so disappointing.

Just to let you know, I have not yet heard which won best movie nor who the top male / female stars were but I suspect those honours will be shared among the following three movies: Avatar; Hurt Locker; and The Blind Side.

Of the three, I have seen all but Avatar - and from the previews, it's a movie I consider nothing more that a Cartoon on Steroids. It used to be, when I was a kid, such films were just preluders to the main event.

Hurt Locker had all the trappings of a poor documentary, sans acting.

The Blind Side had potentially good script but again, came up short on acting. That said, Bullock was passable but certainly not 'great' as in the past tradition of the Oscars.

I did read the following comment in today's paper by Monique Aimes upon her winning Best Supporting Actress - "it can be about the performance and not politics".

Indeed, she should have stated that it "should (all) be about performance" and I suspect the 'politics' thing was just code by Aimes to suggest that minority actors are discriminated against by the Academy. Indeed from my knowledge of lefties who composes the Academy, that if any discrimination exists, it would be in the favour of a minority. In any event, I think Aimes' comment cheapens her award but on the 'performance issue' - she and I most certainly agree.

It was nearly 70 years ago that Boggie and Bergman squared off in Casablanca and yet it remains today one of the best acting performances by a male and female lead. Of note, neither received an Oscar.

My guess is that within a year's time, The Hurt Locker will be relegated to the dustbin of Cinema History along with the Oscar Winners of recent years - Slumdog Millionaire; No Country for Old Men; The Departed; and Crash.

As I see it...
