Thursday, May 5, 2011

Osama Bin Laden’s Death …


Exposes Western Society’s  declining values.

First, let me assure the reader that I support Bin Laden’s summary execution (although I do not think myself capable of shooting anyone who is unarmed).

Second, his hurried burial at Sea was, I believe, for the best.

Where I diverge from conventional thinking is in regard to the release of photos and to the underlying issue of Torture.

First the Photos.

Two Schools’ of Thought have immerged in regard to the release of photos showing the corpse.

First – revengers who want to display this handiwork for all the world to see and be damned with the consequences.  Let’s call it the Sarah Palin School of Thought.

The Second School of Thought is that held by President Obama who is fearful that the release of such Photos would only encourage retaliation by Radical Muslims against the West.  Let’s call this the Fearful School of Thought.

I subscribe to neither.

Dealing with the Second School first.

We in Western Society have shown enough Fear since 9/11.  My message to extremists is “bring it on” (i.e. in the words of Churchill, as I mentioned in an earlier Blog) – ‘You do Your Worst and We’ll do our Best’.

But that said, I would not release the pix – not out of fear but out of a conviction that it is not the Christian Thing To Do.  You don’t parade bodies around – even if our Enemies consistently doing so.

And of course my belief here applies equally to the Palin School of Revenge.  Western Society in the 21st Century should rise above that.    

Bin Laden’s killing has also caused a revisit to the Issue of State Sanctioned Torture.

Again two sides have immerged in this debate.

Obama has consistently come out against Torture because it is Ineffective.  Let’s call this the Position of the Left.

The Right (e.g Fox News) has pointed out, with some support of its position, that torture has yielded valuable information that has ended up saving society from further hardship.

More specifically in the case of Bin Laden, Fox argues that Water-Boarding resulted in information that eventually led to his death.

I, though, am opposed to any Torture.  Again, just because Evil does it – does not give us the right to do the same.

Sadly, neither the Right nor the Left advances this Basic Christian Tenet.

And in a broader sense, I consistently see the lack of such Values and Convictions in our Modern Societies.

Unless Reversed, we are headed for trouble.


As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, May 3, 2011




Simply put – it would have been a disaster to have had the NDP and Liberals gang up to form the Government.

My Analysis was based solely on the Polls which up until Election Day showed the Conservatives in Minority Territory.

Something happened during the last 24 hrs and I like to think of it being the Hand of God – moving to protect our beloved Country for the next 4 years.

As I see it…


Monday, May 2, 2011

Today is the Day...

First, my Prediction:

Tories - 135 NDP - 101 Libs - 47 Bloc - 25

Another Prediction:

The Tories will continue to Govern - with the help of the decimated Grits.

A Final Prediction:

Iggy is toast - and so is Duceppe. Harper soon to follow.

Bottom Line:

A Government led by Layton is too scary to contemplate - more on that in a later Blog.

So Today's Election Day and as the olde Pros say - "Vote Early And Vote Often".

As I see it.....
