Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Jack, as in my Member of the Provincial Parliament, here in Ontario.

A month or so ago Member Jack, made an off-colour joke at an 'off the record' charity fundraiser.

                Note to Jack ... nothing is 'off the record'.

The Guy though is a farmer and the woman who said she was offended was a Member of Canada's Federal Parliament and a former Lt. Colonel in our Military. Guess she led quite a sheltered life in the army.

But this Blog is not about her and only partially about Jack.

It is a Blog about Dysfunctional Ontario Politics which I promised to leave alone for a year - but given this recent kerfuffle, I couldn't help myself... 

You understand.

So back to Jack.  I attended a dinner this past weekend put on by the Ontario Landowners in support of his embattled self.

I learned from the evening's organizers that the PC Party has demanded that Jack apologize to his fellow Tories at their Caucus Meeting this week.

We agreed that this would be a big mistake not only because Jack has already apologized to the 'offended' Lt. Col and also made public his apology but for a much more important reason I will set-out below. 

Jack was also suspended from attending Caucus / the Legislature by new Party Leader Patrick Brown until he under-went 'Politically Correct' Sensitivity Training.

I do not know the MPP very well - but I do know him somewhat and know some of his close friends and neighbours and from that can attest that he is one decent man... probably too decent for politics. He is married to a wonderful woman and has three lovely grown daughters.  Not the type you would think in need of help with Sensitivity.

But he did tell an off-colour joke and is now paying the price.

When this first came out I said he should resign and, in fact, I still feel that way since politics / society has become so politically correct.  That, plus the fact he is a Conservative - means the poor guy is a walking dead.

But the greater part of the Story here is not stumbling Jack ,but rather, it has to do with the State of Affairs of Ontario Politics.

I have classified the dozen+ years the Liberals have been in power in Ontario as the Worst Government our Province has ever experienced and our current Premier Ms. Wynne - its Worst Premier... even worse than her Liberal Predecessor Dolton McGuinty.

But despite that and the fact that Ms. Wynne's Government is the subject of many ongoing police investigations, she is demanding that Opposition Leader Brown dismiss MPP Jack from the Tory Caucus.

The gal has some nerve - you have to give her that.

This nerve of hers / mcguinty is even more apparent when you consider the damage caused to Ontario's economy by her Government's destruction of Ontario's energy system.  This all in a futile folly known as their Green Energy Program to combat Man-made Global Warming.  

It has come with a big price - in fact, in her recent report the Province's Auditor stated that since the Liberals were first elected to Government in the early 2000s - Ontarians have over-paid for their power by more than $30 Billion Dollars.

Even more importantly, their airheaded policy has caused businesses to shutter since they simply cannot afford the tripling cost of power. Some 300,000 plus manufacturing jobs have been lost - likely forever.  

But through it all, we Conservatives retained some comfort in the thought that one day - hopefully as of the next election, Ontario would return to Conservative Rule and the dreaded Green Energy Plan would become history.

Now For The Rest Of The Story:

It turns out that MPP Jack and Conservative Party Leader Brown had it out -  before his ill timed joke - over Green Energy.

Brown had come out in favour of Cap in Trade which is anathema to real conservatives. The MPP told his Leader he could not support him in this folly because at that point Jack was still a real conservative which was not surprising given his status as past president of the Ontario Landowners Association.

I say 'was a real conservative' because of what he said and rather what he did not say at this past weekend's event.  He talked about he was a much better person now he had completed Sensitivity Training ... it is to laugh.  He did not make mention of his demanded apology nor did he make mention of being in disagreement with Leader Brown.

It was apparent to me as well as to the Ontario Landowner Organizers that not only was Jumping Jack going to go through with the demanded apology but he was no longer going to publicly make waves on the disastrous position his Party is taking in support of Cap and Trade.  

So finally, it comes to light that this Blog is really all about Provincial Tory Leader Patrick Brown.

Seeking the Nomination of the Progressive Conservatives - he said all the right things - why is made us real conservatives most proud.

But once in power - it was like the transformation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - what was right was now left.

As evidenced by his support of the most destructive policy Ontarians have ever seen.  Green Energy.

It doesn't work but it costs Billions in over pricing and lost economic activity.

But for us Real Conservatives and for the Welfare of Ontario it does raise the following question - If we can no longer count on the Conservatives to right the ship...who can we count on?

My Libertarian Friends tell me that their member-sign-up in Ontario has never been so brisk. 

May it is time to give them a chance - heaven knows the Tory's have had 4 unsuccessful kicks at the can.. and now it looks like they taken themselves out of the running for kick number 5.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'