Thursday, August 16, 2012



In the upcoming ByElections.

As you know, Premier McGuinty has called two (2) ByElections for Sept. 6/12;  one in Kitchener Waterloo and the second in Vaughan.

If he wins them both, he has secured for himself a Majority Government.  If he loses both, it is the status quo that is to say, the minority position he now encounters will continue. 

McGuinty is focusing his efforts (our money) on the Kitchener gig since this is a long time Tory Riding.  He had to bribe the incumbent to free it up and is currently spending money like a drunken sailor to bring it to the Liberal side of the House. What’s money when you have as much as Ontario does.  Not.

Strangely, I am rooting for the guy!!

Over the last 9 years, McGuinty has brought our once ‘Engine of Canada’, to its financial knees.  It just seems so unfair to me that he would be spared from having to help clean up the mess that he and he alone has made. So win both elections dear sir and deal with the consequences.

Indeed, the reality of the situation seems to have finally dawned on our Supreme Leader – wage and bonus cuts, pay freezes, doctor fee roll backs and the like, are becoming the norm and I find it fun to watch McGuinty forced at last by financial reality to do impose restraint on his fiscal frivolity.

A short while ago, I received a telephone call from a Fundraiser asking for money to help hold the Kitchener Waterloo Riding for the Tories.  I told the chap no – and my reason why – i.e. I would like to see McGuinty win – for all of the reasons mentioned above.  To my surprise, the chap fully agreed with me.

So what’s going to happen.

Tories will win Kitchener Waterloo and the Grits will hold Vaughan and it will be life as per usual at Queen’s Park.  The bribing of both Witmer and the Voters of KW will be for nought.

Ontario will be financially poorer for it … but that is par for the course with this McGuinty Gang.

 As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Either A Very Brilliant Move …


Or a Most Stupid One.

I am speaking about Romney’s choice of Paul Ryan as his Vice Presidential Mate.

There is no in between here, since this particular choice will either Guarantee him a Win this coming November or a Loss and seldom does the picking of a Running Mate amount to this – I can only think of JFK’s choice of LBJ in 1960 as a comparable.

For me, I would have gone with Florida Senator Marco Rubio for two important reasons:  first, Florida is one of a very few “Swing” States, that are needed to win the Presidential Election.  You will recall that this State and this State alone put George W. Bush over the top in the protracted Election of 2000.

The second reason I would go with Rubio is due to his Spanish Heritage.  He is one of few up and coming Latinos in America and with him on the Ticket, he would attract the growing Latino Vote to help off-set the one-sided Black Vote that will automatically go to Obama – i.e. 90% plus.

So let’s consider the Non-Reasons put forward by Romney’s Camp for having chosen the way they did:

  • “Ryan believes in God, is opposed to Abortion and wants to Balance the Nation’s Budget.  As such, he will appeal to the Tea Partyers”.  Whether or not Ryan appeals to the T.P.s has little to do with the outcome of November’s Election – the T.P. has no where else to go, other than to Romney.  So Rule that one out.
  • “Ryan is from Wisconsin and we need that State to win”. No they don’t.  It is not a critical swing state and in fact, even with Ryan on the ticket, the odds are against Wisconsin going Republican in November.
  • Finally, “Ryan will appeal to the undecideds since they are as concerned about economic issues as is he”.  No they are not, as I will explain below.

So, if not for those reasons, why did Romney choose Ryan?

Because the 2012 Election needs to be about the Economy and if it is not, Obama wins – simple as that.

And this is where the ‘Brilliant’ comes in – Ryan is steeped in the economy and has drafted two Budget Bills which passed the House of Representatives but were defeated in the Democratic Senate.

His nomination as VP would help to put the Election Focus back on the Economy – where it needs to be – not only for Romney / Ryan – but for the country’s  as a whole.

I mentioned the undecideds – these are the key voters, come November, since the American Electorate is split 45/45 between Republican and Democrat.  Whoever garners the majority of the remaining 10% will become President.  But when the Republicans say the uncommitted are concerned only about economic issues – they are mistaken.  Rather they are but a microcosm of the Electorate at Large – many things concern them.

What the undecideds do bring to the table is that they collectively have an open mind and as such, are potentially receptive to Republican Policy, and by the same token, are potentially receptive to Democratic Policy.

What the Republicans need do then, is make sure that the uncommitteds’ overriding concern becomes the economy before Election Day. Ryan’s appointment will considerably help get the economic message out; it will not though guarantee a majority vote.

Obama has been most successful to date in keeping the Republicans on the defensive and keeping the issue of economy off the front pages.  With Ryan’s appointment, the President and his cronies will have lots of new ammunition to continue the fight. 

We can only hope that the middle 10% will be astute enough to realize the brilliance of Romney’s Strategy.

As I see it …

‘K. D. Galagher’