Friday, July 30, 2021



First off, it considers itself to be a Nation - so much for a partnership of equals in our Country still known as Canada.

Secondly, Polls show that a majority of Quebecers are xenophobic...they do not like Immigrants and that explains why Bill C-21 has received such vast support.  Since the Quiet Revolution, Anglos have left Quebec in droves and Immigrants will be doing so or either that or not coming to Quebec in the first place. 

Third, is Bill C-21 itself which renders any citizen who wishes to display symbols of their religion to be second class.  The new fast train to Toronto will not want for passengers fleeing the Province. 

And finally, Four, Quebec has made French as its Only Official Language- when English is the main language spoken in North America and where English is the main language of Business throughout the world.  Their people will be at such a disadvantage but I would bet you a dollar to a donut that the children of the Quebec Elite will still find a way to learn both fools them.  

So add them up; 1+ 2 +3 +4 =  Backwater. 

As proof of this, an article appeared in today's National Post Financial Section that dealt with the current negotiations underway wherein the Canadian National Railway HQ in Montreal is attempting to buy a Railroad based in Kansas.  CNR's rival is the Canadian Pacific Railway based in Alberta.  Negotiations are encountering some rough water from the Kansas City Rail Shareholders due to their concerns over Number 4 - they do not like the fact that English will not be welcomed in the new entity's Head Office.  They are also disillusioned by the fact that they view Quebec to be wedded to Socialism.  Will the merger go through ... possibly but there are rough waters ahead and to me this merely foreshadows much more difficulty for Quebec in the future.

So in its effort to preserve Quebec's language and distinct culture their Government is taking their Province...oh I mean their Nation... Out of Play.   

As I See It ...

K.D. Galagher

Tuesday, July 27, 2021



They opposed Discrimination Against Blacks, Asians, the Indigenous and included in their list were followers of both the Muslim and Jewish Faith.  Missing, was any word of what they thought about Domestic Violence, Workhouses and Debtors' Prisons. 

As I was reading this, I thought to myself 'what a waste of space and money' - and who was paying for this?  From a newsworthy point of view it would only be so if they had all come out in favour of  discrimination.  In other words, their condemnation amounted to little more than apple pie and mother knows best.

But Their Ad was in fact Noteworthy for one reason... Christians were purposely left out !! This despite the fact that our Churches are being burned down or vandalized all over this country.  Not a Word. 

Is it possible that they too believe, as our 'esteemed' Prime Minister believes, that we Christians had it coming and that the burning of our churches in his considered opinion "was understandable".  (Another classic example of His having His Mother's Looks as well as His Mother's Brain). 

As you know, your Mother and I, along with 2 other Catholic Couples held a Rally on Parliament Hill a few years ago to bring awareness to the plight of Christians around the world... especially in the Middle East.  Some 2,000 attended on very short notice and all the major religions were represented, along with all the major political one - the Liberals. This was not totally surprising to us since one of the reasons we held our Rally was because the Liberals consistently went on about how badly Muslims were fairing over there but never once commented on the numerous deaths and destruction that  Christians were facing at the hands of Islamic Extremists.

Systemic Racism Does Not Exist In Canada.  But Stunts like Harper, Martin et al only serve to reinforce the impression that we are.  And to leave out Us Christians renders their effort even more derisible. 

What we need is greater effort to bring the various factions in Society together to Unite Us All in what is best for Canada and in the end what is Best for Each One of Us.  It comes down to Accentuating the Positive rather than Dwelling on the Negative since the Fact is, We Are ALL Most Fortunate To Live In The Best Country In the World.  

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Sunday, July 25, 2021

THE 905

 We here in Canada are about to have an Election that no one but our esteemed Prime Minister wants to have and only he. since he believes - probably correctly, that it will result in a Majority Government for Him.

I will not get into the Merits of having an Election right now nor will I even speak of the gross amount of Taxpayer Cash He has been Liberally Spread- and I mean Liberally Spread !! across the Country.

Rather, in this Blog I am going to deal with the Why as in Why he is likely to Win and not only that but Win with a Undeserved Majority.

The Pundits are a twitter - with their predictions - 'the Grits are way out in front in the Polling - the Tories way behind and the Dippers are doing far better than expected '- they are not of course, but that is the swill that they are serving up daily.  In fact, this will be Jagmeet Singh's First Campaign... as well as his Last. 

So let's now take a look at the Country in its entirety:  Atlantic Canada, as it has in recent Elections, will continue to go Red.  The Reason Being - they are addicted to handouts and the Liberals are the best darn hand-outers going. (I must say I love being a Blogger because I can say such Truths without having the Progressive Left swoop down on me demanding retraction).

Quebec will again be split in two between the Liberals and the Bloc.  The Other Two Parties are mere uninvolved Spectators. 

Ontario will as per usual see Tories Elected - in the Rural Parts.  The Grits will take the Urban areas while giving up a few crumbs here and there to the NDP.

Manitoba to the BC border will continue to be predominately Blue.

And then BC will split the bounty between the Three Majors.

So it looks like a Liberal Landslide.

But not so fast - as You might have noticed, I did not mention the Suburban Region around Toronto better known as The 905.  It contains 52 Ridings and could easily make the difference between a Majority Liberal Win or a Minority Liberal Win or even a Minority Conservative Win.

So How will it go?  I have no idea since the Polls that have seen have yet to break-down how that Region is likely to Vote.  All things being equal though, I expect that this Region will go mostly Red and if that turns out to be the case... you can kiss Tory hopes for a Joyful Election Night Goodbye. It will also be goodbye to its Leader Erin O'Toole and rightfully so.

And why do I say that?  As I have mentioned in Previous Blogs - up to 70% of Canadians view themselves as being Progressive - read 'on the left'.  That leaves but 30% up for grabs by the Tories. And the Tories under O'Toole have done themselves a great disservice since instead of putting forward Conservative Thoughts and Principles, they have Aped the Liberals and, if they are anything, it is is but Liberal Lite. 

Given that I would never vote Liberal ...even Liberal Lite, my Vote will go to the Libertarian Party of which I feel mostly at home or even with the Family Party for its Christian Values.

You might be trying to tell me that I missed a Party...namely the Greens.  Rest assured it was on Purpose.

As I See It...

K.D. Galagher

I Honestly Did Not Know That....

That if you are a Christian living in India, your life may be in danger...I would understand it if someone told me that this was the case in China - the most populous Nation in the World but not with respect to its Second Most Populous... India.

So where did I learn of this?

Our Wonderful Priest tipped me to this recently when he told me that he was worried that Catholic Churches would be burned.  I thought he was talking about here in Canada even though his prophesy preceded the spate of Church burnings in this country. "No" he countered - "in my country of birth India".

I was simply astounded.  So I looked into it:

There are numerous religions practiced in India but the top 4 are Hindu (80%), Muslim (14%), Christian with a little over 2%, and Sikh* at slightly less that 2%.  It's Prime Minister - Narendra Modi, is Hindu.

*The history of Sikh discontent living under the Hindu majority rule is widely known but I view this to be more of a political issue since the Sikh's live primarily in the Punjab and are desirous of  gaining independence from India.  

Moreover, studies show that India consistently scores very high for Social Hostilities much of which is directed against the low-caste Dalits** but also includes Buddhists, Christians, Jains, Muslims and Sikhs.

 **Dalit women are disproportionately victims of sexual violence due to their low level caste at the hands of Hindu Extremists. 

Given this background, it is not surprising that I found Father Raymond De Souza's recent article in a National Post Edition entitled 'Death Of Jailed Priest A Stain On India' of great interest.   His article, as the title suggests, was primarily in regard to the death of Jesuit Priest Father Stan Swamy earlier this month but shines a spotlight on Prime Minister Modi's governing Bharatiya Janata Party and how it has become "increasingly authoritarian particularly in its treatment of religious minorities the largest being Muslims...and includes Christians".  

Father Swamy is a particularly sad case of such discrimination.  At the age of 84 and in poor health, he died after 9 months in custody on "unfounded charges" after receiving negligible to no medical treatment.  "A cross party alliance of India's opposition parties denounced his inhumane ...treatment". So what did the Good Father do to deserve such ill treatment?   Why he devoted his life to defending the rights of Indigenous Peoples usually called 'Adivasis'.  For his lifetime advocacy on their behalf, he was accused of Terrorism.

Father De Souza points out in his article that sadly this is not an isolated incident since "more than 300,000 (70%) of India's prisoners are 'Undertrials' prisoners awaiting trial" and held without bail. The majority of the undertrials "come from the socially weaker communities". Given this, maybe we should hereafter refer to Father Swamy as Saint Stan !!

I am bringing this to your attention for two reasons.  First, it exemplifies the good the Church does throughout the World bringing the Love of God and of his Son Jesus to us all. 

But secondly and and perhaps of even greater importance, it demonstrates clearly that even Democratic Countries can foster serious Human Rights Abuses.  I have always thought of India as a peaceful nation ...a counterbalance to equally populous China and an ever more serious military threat for what is left of the Free World. If we lose India and its over 1 Billion population the pendulum will really begin to swing even more toward Authoritarianism.  All the while America is in decline with its Progressive Wokeism. 

So, to conclude, I honestly did not know the truth about India and the abuse of its minorities and I honestly do not have an answer as to what can be done about it.

Sad to Say.

As I See It...

K.D. Galagher