Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Greatest Danger Facing Humanity ..


If you guessed ISIS, you would be incorrect … the correct answer is and has been for some time – the likelihood that Iran gets and is able to accurately launch an Atomic Bomb.

Indeed, it most likely has that capacity now.

The ablest political analyst today – Charles Krauthammer had this to say earlier this week in the National Post:

“It took Nazi Germany seven years to kill six million Jews.  It would take a nuclear Iran one day.”

Sobering – is in not?

And yet, the little guy in the White House dithers and sputters ineffectively along in negotiations with his counterparts in Tehran. He does not even admit that Terrorists equal Extreme Islamists.

Even Netanyahu has shown himself to be all bark and no bite and I am coming to the realization that even he is not the man to bell the cat.


But my essay today is not about the greatest danger facing the West – it is about the second greatest danger – namely Islamic Terrorism and, more specifically - how Canada’s latest Terror Bill C-51, tabled this past Friday, measures up in protecting Canadians.

To keep your suspense to a minimum – allow me to quickly say …. it doesn’t.

This will be a two part Blog.

One clear indication that the Bill amounts to nothing is the fact that both opposition parties only concern about it is that it does not provide for adequate oversight in regard to the activities of CSIS.

Nothing of concern regarding the Bill’s actual substance.

I have no problem with providing more oversight – the more the better – but that will not lessen the danger of future domestic attack at the hands of Muslim Extremists.

The Bill’s major and only significant new substantive change relates to the Canadian Government’s power to ‘arrest … up to 7 days’ … from 3 days in the current law – and to issue a ‘peace bond for those who may commit a terrorism offence’ when the old legislation stated it would only apply to those ‘who will commit a terrorism offence’.

So dear reader that is the guts of the new proposed legislation – preventative detention increases from 3 to 7 days and now applies to those who may commit as opposed to those who will commit.

And the penalty – the issuance of a peace bond.

You know, the same one that has so ineffectively protected women from their boy friends / husbands for eons.

In other words ‘be a good boy or girl and keep the peace and be of good behaviour’.

You can just imagine a real terrorist abiding by that promise.

Why didn’t they add – and ‘go to Mosque 7 days a week’?

Now don’t you feel safer.

Better to simply lock them up until hostilities cease.

It won’t add to the cops bag of effective tricks and no wonder the left leaning parties – the Dippers and the Grits are okay with it … other than wanting more oversight that is.

But the Bill’s two greatest deficiencies pertains what is not in the new legislation.

First – the Bill does not adequately describe what is meant by terrorism. 

I can tell you what terrorism is in 2015 – it is Jihadists / Muslim / Islamic Extremists.  Full Stop.

You know the guys and gals who have declared War against the West.

The Bill should make it clear that it only applies to those who are members of groups which have declared War on us and include a living schedule to add and subtract.  For instance – the current list would be incomplete if it did not include such groups as ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram.

It goes back to the principle that if we do not know who we are fighting – we will not be victorious.

There is one more omission – and I suspect that this one would generate lots of huff and puff from the Opposition.

The Bill does not apply to sympathizers of these Barbarian Groups – what I have heretofore called the 5th Column.

If someone makes it known that he or she or they sympathize with Islamic Terrorists – I say lock them up – we are at war and we cannot afford to let these bozos roam free.

Anyone here in Canada that has anything good to say about these bloodthirsty murderers is not deserving of your sympathy nor access to our rights and freedoms.

If this denial of rights troubles you realize that they will still be much better off than that poor Jordanian Pilot who was caged and set afire.

As I said, this will be a two parter – and next time I will provide you with examples of sample cases that have come – may come our way in this ongoing war.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’