Monday, November 6, 2017


Another Day...Another Mass Shooting.

The latest, yesterday's killing of nearly 30 parishioners in a small Texas town Baptist Church.

Indeed, on average, in the great United States of America, at least 1 mass killing occurs each and every day!

And the response from officials is always the same:

  • We will not be cowed, we will not change our way of life etc. etc. etc,
  • This will bring us all together,
  • And this, 'in the face of these atrocities we now more than ever need to be packing'; and, of course,
  • Thanks to our brave First Responders ...a, b, c, d, e and so on. and then my favourite...,
  • Now is not the time to talk about Gun Control.
In essence, Freedom Reigns along with our Constitutionally Guaranteed Right to Bear Arms.

Excuse me while I suppress a yawn.

Now some more grime stats:

      • Each year approximately 34,000 Americans are killed by guns.  This is equivalent to the number that die annually in car crashes;
      • An equal number are injured as a result of guns; and,
      • The USA's homicide by guns rate is 25 x greater than the combined rates of 22 high income sister nations.
Now as many of you know, I seldom agreed with former President Obama or his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but this is one important area where I strongly agree with both of them.  

Simply Stated...The time has come to get rid of all firearms.

Will it happen?

Yes, but not in my lifetime, nor even during my children's time, but hopefully it will occur during their children's time here on earth.

It has to and it will.

But think of the wasted slaughter in the meantime.

So yes, Dear Reader, now is the time to talk Gun Control / Elimination

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'