Saturday, January 27, 2018


And that is the question...Does He Want It.

For those Readers who have no clue who John Baird is, permit me to enlighten you.

Baird was the second senior Minister next only to Prime Minister Stephen Harper during the Conservative Government of Canada from 2005 to 2015.

Baird resigned his Ministry unexpectedly during the dying days of Harpers Administration for which I have never received an adequate explanation.

If it was just because Baird sensed the good Ship Harper was going down and simply got out when the going was good, he would not be too blemished should he decide to go for the Leadership of the Conservative Party in Ontario in the wake of the recent resignation of Patrick Brown. 

And should he do so, he would win a landslide victory in the coming Ontario Election which by law must be held this Spring. 

The Liberal Party, which ruined the economy of our Province over the course of its 14+ years in power, will be left as nothing but a rump.

There will be lots of interest in the coming Leadership Race, but when the dust settles it will be Baird who stands victorious.

That is of course, should he decide to run.

As I See It...

K.D. Galagher

Thursday, January 25, 2018


In my list of predictions for the coming year, which I just completed the other day, I said that the Progressive Conservatives under the Leadership of Patrick Brown would win this coming June Election and he'd become the Premier of Ontario...Canada's largest Province.

That will now not happen...Patrick Brown has just resigned his Leadership allegedly due to two sexual indiscretions of some 10 years ago

For me personally, there is both good and bad in this development:  the good being that I will now likely be able to vote Conservative in the coming Election.  The bad part is that Politics is a dirty business and despite my misgivings about Brown as Party Leader, I feel very sorry for him... he did not deserve to have it come to an end in this way.

That said, it is somewhat ironic that Brown had this hidden in his closet, a year or so ago, when he cashiered our own Member of the Legislature... Jack MacLaren from the Party.  MacLaren had made an off-colour joke at a 'male, off the record charity fundraiser' the joke, is alleged to have been given to Jack to say by his Wife.  Knowing Jack as I do, I suspect his wife was just trying to make her straight-laced farmer husband look just a little more like 'one of the guys'.

Looking back now it seems to me to have taken a lot of gall on the part of Patrick Brown to have acted so swiftly and decisively in regard to MacLaren when his own record in these matters was less than pristine.   

So what did he do?

Again, both events are alleged to have occurred 10 years or so ago.  In one, he kissed a staffer and when she resisted and asked to go home, he drove her home.

The second, involved oral sex.  He asked a woman to give him oral sex and she started to do just that.  Then she stopped saying she did not want to have this go any further.  So what did Brown do?  He stopped.

On the Harvey Weinstein sexual assault scale, Brown's actions barely register.  

Could this just come down to Patrick Brown's ability as a Lover, as his ability as a Leader, is wanting?

I remember vividly, an elderly Statesman of the olde school upon hearing that one of his colleagues had been charged with sexual harassment commented, 'has the guy not learned by now how to approach a woman".  

But there is something in the air that does not smell right.

I spoke earlier today with my life-long friend Johnny who summed it up quite nicely, ..."there is someone(s) out to destroy Brown" and I agree.  It just does not add up.

And to have his entire senior staff quit on him too makes little sense if the 10 year old assertions really contain so little substance.  I never had any use for his staff and maybe this is just another example of why I have held that belief.  But just maybe they know something that we don't.  With so many involved, it will soon come out.

And, if there is nothing there but what has been reported, it is another example of Brown's Deficient Leadership since he was the one who put these senior staffers in place.  

So politics is dirty but as always...very interesting. 

As I See It...

'K.D. Galagher'

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Generally Speaking, I Am Opposed To The Death Penalty...

There is one group for which I find the DP entirely acceptable and that is with respect to Islamic Terrorists.

I say that not so much for their cowardly and inhuman ways as much as for the danger posed by their delusional accomplices who in all likelihood will take innocent people hostage to try and exchange them for their freedom.  

They should be immediately taken out and shot.

And that reminds me of a well traveled satirical joke  that I will mention just in case you have never heard it.

Islamic Terrorists are apparently so stupid they believe 72 Virgins await them in whatever they call their heaven.  The story goes that one such unfortunate, upon attaining his sought after hereafter, was met by 72 Virgins alright but they were all Nuns brandishing AK-47s and pointed in his direction.  Can't say his prayers were not answered!

But recently another situation has been in the news where I would not hesitate to prescribe this type of speedy justice.  You probably heard about it.  A Mother and Father were charged with venal abuse of their 13 children.  Starving them, tying them up, beating them and so on.  One girl, age 17, managed to call 911 and the first responders who found her said she looked no more than 10.

As a parent of three children and 6 grandchildren I cannot imagine the horror inflicted upon these innocents.  Hanging is simply too good for the pair of them. 

As I See It...

'K.D. Galagher'