Sunday, January 3, 2010


Barack Obama: Michael Ignatieff: Dalton McGuinty

Free Spenders All.

Obama and McGuinty run deficit budgets; Ignatieff would do the same if given the chance.

All three see salvation in spending even more.

Obama's claim to fame is the Trillion Dollars spent on the US Bailout and a further $ Trillion on Health Care. A Trillion here...a Trillion there.

To add insult to injury, he recently announced an additional $100 Billion to assist the Third World in attaining illusive carbon reduction targets. How much of that money will go towards such an objective and how much will go to line Petty Dictator Pockets? Or worse - to buy arms for use against NATO Forces?

The fact is - America is broke - flat busted. Its annual deficit now exceeds its annual GDP. It has the third highest per-capita debt behind only Japan and Italy for industrialized nations.

Their Dollar is tanking and will continue to do so - while Gold appreciates.

The USA has turned China, its main competitor - both economically and militarily, into their Banker.

McGuinty has not done much better.

For the first time in Canada's history, Ontario has become a 'Have-not' Province.

Since assuming office, he has run consecutive deficits, with this year's expected to top $25 Billion.

Recently, Premier McGuinty rejected the idea of 'Rae Days' (unpaid leave for Provincial Workers) and then turned down the request of the Mayor of Ottawa to see municipal employees wages frozen. The Cities too are going broke.

Does he not understand that Government Workers now receive 40% more in wages and benefits than their private sector counterparts? All the while enjoying job security, while the private sector is decimated through layoffs.

Reduction in public servant wages - without reducing numbers, provides an easy and humane way to begin to tackle the Provincial Debt.

That brings us to Ignatieff.

The only reason he has yet to run a deficit is that he has yet to be elected.

He did though play a large part in seeing Canada's current deficit of nearly $60 Billion come about after years of surplus budgets. Surplus Budgets I might add that were the result of hard work on the part of his own Party during the Chretien / Martin years.

He and his Liberal Colleagues were instrumental in forcing a very reluctant Harper into plunging the nation into a major deficit position.

When asked recently to comment on Conservative Party Plans to reduce spending, Ignatieff was quoted as saying the Deficit was not the problem - rather it was Unemployment and that if Elected, he would spend even more.

Does Ignatieff not realize that it is the Private Sector that creates jobs? Big Business; Small Business; and those in between - collectively represent the life blood of a nation.

Dollars spent by Governments are dollars denied to business and to taxpayers. Dollars that can make a real contribution to economic recovery.

And what happens when Rates Rise - as they surely will. As we well know here in Canada, the cost to fund the Debt will rise exponentially. It makes the cost of money more expensive for businesses and consumers alike and growth thereby suffers.

Finally, let us not forget, that Canada escaped the worst of the Great Recession because our Books were in Balance. I can tell you, we will not be so fortunate the next time if our government spending continues unchecked.

Two thousand years ago, the Wise Men brought valuable gifts for handout to a poor family in Bethleham. Today we see our Unwise men with their hands out, demanding ever more from our poor taxpayers - their children and their childrens' children.

As I see it...
