Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Supreme Court’s Shut Out …Cont’d …


In my last Blog, I ended by saying that I was in despair with respect to the recent Supreme Court decision in the case of one William Whatcott.  Fall out from the decision now leads me to conclude that my despair should more correctly have been labeled ‘fear’ since its serious ramifications are quickly becoming evident.

In that regard, I highly recommend to you Ezra Levant’s column yesterday wherein he sets out in detail the salient points of the Court’s pontification.

In particular, Levant points out that from now on, the Courts will not tolerate ‘exposing a person to hatred or contempt’ if he or she comes from a ‘vulnerable group’ …whatever that term is intended to mean.

The Court also invents a new legal right, namely, ‘the right to self-fulfillment’.  Again..whatever that means.

What is clear though is their combined effect ..censorship in a wide range of cases for comments irrespective that those statements are ‘true, or a joke, or fair’.

And we thought up to this point that the Truth would set you free.  No longer.

Think about this for a minute;  If a bunch of Martians landed here in Canada and were constantly drunk, raped and pillaged… you or I can no longer say a word in criticism, for fear of exposing them to hatred or contempt, and ourselves to legal charges and expensive defence costs.

Let’s take a example closer to earth (home) – pretend there is a group of individuals, living in Canada, separate from main stream society, that lives by and large off public assistance.  And let’s say that the majority of them live under third world conditions despite the fact that their leadership receives billions of dollars per year on their behalf without having to account for the disbursement of those funds.  The Supreme Court appears to be saying that, from here on in, no one from the outside can legally criticize what is going on here.   

And think of the harm this will do to our churches – Christian, Jewish, Muslim - whatever.  Their views have already come under fire for alleged intolerance, and with the Court’s decision it will now be open season on them. 

Moreover, T.V. / Radio Talk Shows across the country are now considering whether or not they can continue to function in such a restrictive environment…and rightfully so. In many respects  these shows have been the last bastions of free speech and when they go off the air, we all lose.

For me, Freedom of Speech means having the right to say what you think despite how intolerant it may be to others on the basis that open and frank discussion will allow society to make up its own mind as to what is right and what is wrong.  It is the very foundation of a healthy and vibrant society.  To curtail it, simply moves it underground and will result in trouble ahead – i.e. the Communist experience.

There will be a part 3 to this but, in the meantime, I leave you with the following question:  Where are our politicians in all of this?

As of now, they have been collectively Missing In Action.

 As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’