Saturday, May 22, 2010

Freddy Le Freeloader....

a.k.a. .. Quebec.

Let me begin by saying that I do not relish doing this particular Blog.

Did you know, that in the Province of Quebec, a resident can receive their full Canada / Quebec Pension at 62? In the Rest of Canada (ROC), you must be 65. It was not until Lucia Corbella's Citizen column of May 17, 2010 that I became aware of this double standard.

Can you imagine - the CPP / QPP has been in effect since 1967 and no one to my knowledge - okay let's say precious few - have found it sufficiently of interest / importance to report on it until now. A conspiracy of silence on the part of the Media and the Politicians. If Ontarians were permitted to receive their pension 3 years prior to those living in Quebec there would be hell to pay.

I find this unequal treatment reprehensible.

Why should residents of Quebec, be they French or English or Haitian be entitled to retire 3 years earlier than other Canadians.

To add insult to injury, the money subsidizing Quebec's more generous approach comes from the ROC partially by way of Transfer Payments ($8.6 billion this year alone - some 60% of the fund) on the basis that it is a Have-Not Province - Which it is not!

Through a sweet heart deal with the Feds - the $Billions Quebec receives annually from its Hydro Electric Power Sales are not taken into account when determining entitlement to the Federal Transfer Payments. Provinces in the ROC are not so favoured - all revenues from power sources of any type must be factored in.

And Dear Leader Charest recently said his Province is not getting enough $ and is looking to ROC for even more. His rationale is that the oil industry in Alberta is keeping the Canadian $ high which hurts Quebec industry. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!!

There is some talk about Charest seeking the Federal Leadership - post Harper - but I can tell you, there is one vote he should not count on.

These payments allow for other areas of unfairness, as Corbella points out in her article:

  • much cheaper post secondary tuition (Corbeil cites McGill tuition at $3,475 whereas it is more than twice that amount elsewhere in Canada);

  • $7 dollar per day - child care (Corbella points out that this would not provide for even 1 hour of day care in the ROC);

  • a more generous pharmaceutical program.

The list goes on.

I began by saying I do not relish writing this Blog - and I don't. I have always believed in fairness - everyone should be treated the same. And this pertains to Canadians whether they live in Whitehorse, Victoria or St. John's.

Quebec has continually stated that it is Special and they are absolutely right - they are a 'special' part of Canada - within Canada - in the same way PEIers and Manitobans are special.
We all have a proud history to contribute to the Country we call Canada. And we all have much to offer in the years ahead. If we stay together as equals.

But I think what Quebec is really saying is that it is Different as the above preferred treatment attests. There are though positive differences that exist such as Quebec's language and culture. Indeed, there was a time when I appreciated those differences and believed that Canada benefited from them but that appreciation has softened.

What I fear now is that both Quebec and the Rest of Canada have moved on, and one of the main reasons for that is the Special Treatment Quebec has and continues to receive at the expense of the Rest.

I personally fear that it is too late to change things but if an attempt was to be made to do so, the bail-outs need to stop. They do nothing for Canada and ironically hurt Quebec most of all as pointed out by such luminaries of late as Lucien Bouchard and Maxime Bernier.

As I see it...


Friday, May 21, 2010

R E S P E C T ...

For Authority.

In yesterday's Blog I mentioned several values that have greatly diminished over the course of the last 50 years. One included the lack of Civility but perhaps I should have added to that lack of Respect for Authority.

In today's National Post appears an article about a Nova Scotian School Principle being sanctioned for using "Excessive Force" on one of his students. The article gets bogged down somewhat in dealing with the fact that the Principal black and the student is white which I see as being immaterial.

According to the article, the student in question - age 15 - was "taking inappropriate pictures of a female student" in the school's cafeteria. Staff tried unsuccessfully to get the student to stop, at which point the Principal was called in.

The student tried to take off whereupon the Principal blocked him off. The young man then "pushed on the principal's arm prompting the Principal to take hold of the student's shoulders and steer him to the office".

As a result of his actions, the Principal was dismissed from his office and now finds himself without a school.

Wow! Can You Imagine?

This may seem like an isolated occurrence but sadly it is not. I have a daughter who teaches at the high school level and she states that teachers' biggest problem is the lack of respect from their students. The 'F' word, spilling forth from a student's mouth and aimed at Teachers is far too common occurrence.

I remember when..

I was a student and if we acted up, we got the strap and it was no walk in the park.

Not only did our Parents fully support the punishment handed out - they would often add some of their own when we got home.

This is not to say that things did not get Excessive at times. We had one Teacher who would not hesitate to fling a student - always male students - from one end of the classroom to the other for the slightest violation (e.g. talking in class). I can tell you - we did not do much extracurricular talking.

But even then we knew he was wrong to do it and it should not have been tolerated by the administration. But that was a rare occurrence. But the fact remains it did occur and he was able to get away with it.

Today though as seen from above - the pendulum has swung totally in the opposite direction. School Administrations live in fear of properly disciplining the students and sadly in many cases, the ill mannered students have the full support of their ill mannered parents.

A balance needs to be restruck where Students, acting as spoiled brats, receive appropriate sanction.

If not, not only does Education continue to suffer but so to does Society.

As I see it...


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another Return To The 60s...

As the reader will know, I believe that as the 1960s progressed, Western Societies materially changed and, for the most part, the changes were not for the best. We are suffering the effects to this very day.

Below, is a circular making the rounds of the Internet which I find to be quite relevant to this subject:

The 60s began the process of taking the Melody out of Music....

  • Pride out of Appearance;
  • Romance out of Love;
  • Commitment out of Marriage;
  • Responsibility out of Parenthood;
  • Togetherness out of Family;
  • Learning out of Education;
  • Service out of Patriotism;
  • Values out of our Leaders;
  • The Nativity Scene out of our Communities;
  • Civility out of Behaviour;
  • Refinement out of Language;
  • Dedication out of Employment;
  • Prudence out of Spending;
  • Ambition out of Achievement; and,
  • God out of our Lives.

Something to mull over...

As I see it...


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Hand of God...

I am a firm believer in the Hand of God when it comes to History and if ever there was a time we were in need of his Presence is now.

Let me first review a couple of examples of what I am referring to:

First, the Rise of Nazism and the danger the World faced from total occupation. At the last possible minute, and I suggest with the help of God's Hand, along came Winston Spencer Churchill. He had been warning the World of the danger of Nazism for the past decade but only after Europe had fallen and Britain was faced with imminent invasion that he was at long last given his chance to save the Free World.

Then there was the 1961 Cuban Missile Crisis. Unknown to the West, Russian Generals stationed on Cuba had instructions to retaliate with Nuclear Weapons should they be attacked by the Americans. The Joint Chiefs of Staff - to a man, demanded of the young President that such an attack take place. John Fitzgerald Kennedy stood his ground and opted for a marine boycott instead. Nuclear War was averted. Kennedy's election win against all odds in 1960 was, I submit, by God's design.

Okay, to present day.

We are faced with a moral collapse - the absence of values and principles on the part of our politicians and yet they only reflect the state of affairs that exists in the public at large. Tied to this is a breakdown in the Western economies - our governments have pandered to special interest groups - people wanting things that have been earned by others or more likely, taken from future generations in the way of massive debt.

Europe is a prime example - and Greece et al are the symptoms. Canada's record is not much better despite Reports to the contrary. Our Debt is too high - $600 billion and our Deficit is at an historic level - $50+ billion. But it is the USA where things are most troubling given the leadership that America has provided to the World since the decline of the British Empire.

America's Debt is approaching $13 Trillion which is 100% of their annual GDP. Their Deficit in real terms is even worse - upwards to several trillion dollars. And until at least 2012 their country is being led by their most Socialist President ever. Simply stated, the US is going down the tubes and that has severe implications for us all.

The Hand of God..

There is a man on the Scene that is trying to rectify this terrible situation. He wants to return the States to it roots where hard work and values are once again respected and are the norm. Where profit is not seen as a dirty word. Where governments pay their way by balancing their books and by keeping their size in check.

Many of you have probably not even heard of this chap but he appears daily on the Fox News channel. His name is Glen Beck and within the last year he has had more influence on middle America than anyone, including Sarah Palin.

You will soon be well aware of Mr. Beck. He has called for a Rally at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28 of this year. I predict that this Rally will be the biggest one in history for the States - surpassing even the numbers present during Reverend King's 'I have a dream' rally in the 1960s.

The people who will be attending the Beck Rally are the ones who work day in and day out to make a life for themselves and their families ever believing in Freedom and the lost values mentioned above. They are the ones that the Left has vilified as being 'red-necked, religious besotted - racists'. They have been portrayed as being on the Fringe.

After Glen Beck's Rally in August, the Left will no longer be able to dismiss them.

But of much more importance, if the US is to retain its leadership role in the World and if we in the West are to retain our way of life, it is essential that middle america take back its lost power.

Glen Beck, to me, is a potential example of the Hand of God at work.

As I see it..
