Thursday, December 21, 2017


The non-religious definition of which is as follows:

  • a place that attracts people of a particular group or with a particular interest

In that light, our country is a Mecca for Islamic Terrorists.

Non-Canadian Readers will find it hard to believe what I am about to tell you.

The going rate here in Canada for a confessed Islamic Terrorist is Ten Million Dollars.  This is what our country paid to Omar Khadr who confessed to killing an American Medic and Blinding one of his Comrades in a firefight in Afghanistan.

Why so you might well ask?

A Canadian Judge ruled that Canada marginally participated in an illegal interrogation of Khadr when he was a prisoner at Quantomino Bay in Cuba. It was enough though to warrant our Government to shower largess upon this Terrorist Killer.

Other similar big payouts have occurred here based upon equally suspect reasoning.

Too bad some of those windfalls did not reach the hands of those Allied Soldiers who were injured or to the families of those who lost love-ones at the hands of these inhuman jihadists.

But things are not getting better.  With the collapse of the ISIS Caliphate their fighters are like rats leave the sinking to speak and are returning to their native lands.

Including Canada.

Where we should be arresting them and keeping them from harming our citizenry, Canada welcomes them with open loving arms ...offering them rehabilitation and substantive living benefits.

But this does not surprise us Canadians since our soft on terrorists Prime Minister had the gall to chastise the previous Conservative Government for referring to Female Genital Mutilation as being a Barbarous that time he cold -heartily proclaimed that such language "did not convey responsible neutrality".

As you enter New York Harbour you find the Statute of Liberty which contains the famous quotation by Emma Lazarus:

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me."

The following could well be posted for the ISIS Returnees to Canada:

"Give us your ISIS baby killers, their rapists and their choppers off of heads, and we'll welcome them with open arms and most generous hospitality".

Only in Canada ....Pity.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, December 19, 2017





No Group of Seven Nation has entered into a Free Trade Agreement with China though our country's Leader, Young Justin Trudeau made an unsuccessful attempt to do so this past week.

In fact, YT was sent home packing by Chinese President Xi King-pin with his proverbial tail between his legs.

What did the Young-un do to attract such a negative reaction from Xi...why he insisted that if a Free Trade Agreement was to be agreed upon between Canada and China, a host of Human Rights Provisions would have to be included.  

Trudeau was right to have tried to obtain an Agreement with China or with any other country for that matter since it leads to better products at cheaper prices and a general rise in employment in the Exporter and Importer Country alike.  This is especially vital to us since 85 % of our  Export Trade is with the United States and that country, under The Donald, is retreating into isolation. 

So we here in Canada desperately need to branch out and seek other world markets.

So it defies logic that Trudeau would attempt to add matters related to Human Rights when he knew or ought to have known that his demands would doom any such Free Trade Agreement with China  to failure.  YT did the same thing earlier this year at the launch of Free Trade Renewal between Canada, the United States and Mexico and not surprisingly, those talks are going very poorly.

This Fall, he inexplicably snubbed the Trans Pacific Free Trade Negotiations.  He is making Trump look like a piker when it comes to seeking isolation for his country.

Maybe this is because Trudeau, like his father before him, has not one tittle of business acumen flowing through his progressive veins.

You and I know, as the world grows smaller, freer trade has been instrumental in raising millions out of poverty. I will not though belabour explaining further why Free Trade is so advantageous to exporter and importer alike.  Nor will I get into stating again what true Free Trade consists of, rather, I wish to focus the balance of this Blog on why it is wrong to burden Free Trade Talks with Human Rights Issues and the like.

Admittedly, there is no doubt that China is one of the most evil nations when it comes to abusing its citizenry rights and Trudeau received much criticism at home here for even trying to negotiate with such an evil entity.

But, if Canada and the other Group of Seven Members were to only trade with fellow Democratic Countries that honour the Rule of Law, they would be limited to a number less than 30 bearing in mind there are nearly 200 member countries in the United Nations.

The West has to keep in mind that when people are starving, the last thing they worry about are their Human Rights... Trade though provides the way and means to raise those peoples out of poverty.  Then and only then can they concern themselves with the Rights and Freedoms we here in the West take for granted.  

And it is certainly working for China...

It is the world's number one exporter and in but a few years, their economy will be number one too, surpassing that of America's. 

And estimates state that its Middle Class now exceeds the entire population of the United States and as it continues to grow, China  will be forced to jettison its totalitarian ways.

So for the benefit of all, more Trade... not less is the answer to greater Prosperity and for greater Protection of Rights and Freedoms. That is not to say, that we in the West need twiddle our thumbs awaiting Free Trade to work its magic.  Indeed, it is being complimented by a host of other means to get recalcitrant bad actors to give up their evil ways. 

For instance, although the United Nations has taken much criticism in recent years for being ineffective, it is making progress in the promotion of Human Rights. And there are many other other World Forums dedicated to this as well including such NGOs as Amnesty International.

So back to our two Isolationists ...Trudeau and Trump and their race to the bottom.  Trump has an edge over us...the USA has the biggest domestic economy in the world.  Canada is tiny in comparison.  We'll hit bottom long before they do.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'