Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ontario’s Pornographic Sex Education


Left Wing Papers led by Liberal Banner - The Toronto Star, came out yesterday in total support of Ms. Wynne’s perverse sex education program for Ontario kiddies.

Indeed, they said that 93% of Ontario Parents ‘have asked for it’.

As a previous Hobby Farmer I can speak with some experience when say – Horse Shit.

Indeed, you cannot get 93% of any significant sized group to agree to even get out of the rain.

Polling that I found on the internet finds two out of three Ontarians are opposed to this kinky Liberal Initiative.

Starting with the basic fact that sex ed has no place in our education system.  That has always been and should always be a role for the parent.

Schools should stick to the basics -  the 3 R’s – Reading, Riting and Rithmatic or the modern equivalent – such as learning how to use computers.

Teaching little kids – as young as grade 3, about homosexuals is ridiculous if for no other reason than only 3 % of men and 4 % of women are gay .  In other words, their numbers make them an insignificant exception to the rule that Society is heterosexually based. 

That said, I grant that books, t.v., films etc would leave one to believe that heteros are in the minority – but in truth - it is all a lie.

And then to compound things – the Liberal Left wants to teach our young how to perform annal sex.

What they are trying to do is re-educate Ontario’s next adult generation to believe homosexuality is mainstream.

It isn’t – it won’t be and the Liberals should be ashamed of themselves for trying to make it so.

It is Political Correctness gone Wild.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’