Saturday, August 6, 2016


For quite some time I have found the labels for Political Left and Political Right out of date and over the course of the last few weeks I have been putting my mind to finding better descriptors.

In a very generic fashion - Right to me means supports least government and least taxes while the Left of course appears to support the exact opposite.

But to me those generic descriptors do not appear to capture the essence of either one.

I kinda like the word Doers for us Rightists and Takers for you Leftists.  But those words too are not all inclusive enough.  

That said, I read with interest the other day that a Wild Rose Supporter described the new Socialist Government in Alberta Canada as A PARTY OF ENTITLED MOOCHERS  while calling his own party on the Right as a PARTY OF PRODUCERS.

Pretty Good Descriptors Too ...I'd say.

So we have Doers / Producers on the Right and Entitled Moochers and Takers on the Left.

This weekend I read of another suggestion - this one by Lord Conrad Black.  In his article 'America the Basket Case', he refers to the Left as a bunch of Vulgar Idiots.

So no shortage of potential new names.

But I am inclined to disregard Lord Black's offering - since I think the term 'Vulgar' is a bit over the top and the term 'Idiots' quite frankly applies to all of us at one time or another.  But good try on his least we know he is on our team so to speak.

So what about -  Producers & Doers vs. Moochers & Takers?

  • I see the word Producers to include our inventors and our builders - those that make things and create the jobs in so doing and in the word  Doers those who work day in and day out to provide for themselves and their families in our over-governed and over taxed world.

  •  Moochers & Takers are more closely aligned but between them they encompass those who love nothing better than to spend the avails of others especially the money of the Producers and the Doers.  For instance, public service workers earn much more and have greater benefits - including pensions -than their counterparts in the private sector. And why is this?  It's because our politicians - those elected to spend our tax dollars wisely - roll over time and again to keep bureaucratic peace and by so doing, buy the bureaucrats votes.  

In our country, their are twice as many Moochers and Takers than there are Producers and Doers.  In the United States the two groups are split roughly 50/50. And the rise of former is historically a rather recent phenomenon - dare I say - it started in the 1960s?
Prior to that and dating back to the very beginning of the settling of North America - our people were fully consumed with producing and doing in order to eke out a living. Moochers and Takers have only begun to appear in the last 50/60 years with the proliferation of social programs and the heavy taxes that support them along with the unrestrained growth of government.

It is worth repeating that 50 Million Americans are on Food Stamps - 1 in 6 while 100 Million - 1 in 3 receive some form of welfare.  They have opted out of society in large measure because they can. 

So let's reduce it down to Producers & Doers on the Right and Takers on the Left. 

But there is still something missing in the cut-down descriptor of the Left. It does not explain the Left's penchant for wanting - nay demanding -that everyone walk in lock-step with them (i.e. everyone must think like them).  When they support Global Climate Change - we all must do so; when they hate oil pipelines - ditto; Kangaroo Human Rights Commissions limit our Freedoms; they see Christianity as flawed  yet voice not a word of concern about the Islamic faith - well that is just the way it is and you'd better come on board, add gay marriage, unrestricted abortion and on and on and on. 

And of course, when those of us on the Right do not quietly fall in line with their often dubious way of thinking - we are labelled racists, homophobes and misogynists.

And dear Reader I have the word for this most offensive of traits - Leftists are ....drum roll please are .....Busybodies.

  • Busybodies are defined in the dictionary as persons who pry into or meddle in the affairs of others.

That leaves us with Producers & Doers on the Right with Takers & Busybodies on the Left. 

So from now on when I write about Producers & Doers I am speaking of those of us on the Right and when I refer to Takers & Busybodies I am referring to those on the Left. 

A final note - there are fewer and fewer countries with a majority of Producers & Doers the day appears to be coming when the vast majorities will consist of Takers & Busybodies and that will last only as long as the hard-earned avails of the former last. It is a world I do not want to inhabit but my heart goes out to my children and my children's children who from birth to death will be told how to , think and how to act and behave.

As I sadly see it...

'K.D. Galagher'