Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Eyes Have It …


Or Maybe Not.

Who would have thought that the lowly niqab would become such of an election issue that it could very well decide the outcome of October’s election.

Mulcair, who just recently was cleaning up in the Quebec Polls recently came out to defend the use of the Niqab during Citizenship ceremonies – this despite the fact that over 80% of Canadians generally and over 90 percent of Quebecer’s are opposed.

Either Mulcair is the most principled politician to ever come down the pipe or he is the dumbest.  You decide but since his courageous stance his polling numbers in the Belle Province have tumbled.

Even Young Trudeau claims to have no difficulty with Muslim Women wearing the veil during the service.

As some of you may know – I have a theory about the Hand of God directing events unexpectedly and it seems to me that this issue has the potential to fall under that category.  I often refer to the Battle of Gettsburg where the great Southern General – Robert E. Lee inexplicably threw victory away guaranteeing the eventual loss of the War by the South as an example of His Hand directing events.

But let’s get back to the Niqab itself and our Citizenship ceremony.

Initially and consistent with my Libertarian beliefs, I was inclined to think that this was a very minor issue – so let the dear woman expose her face in private to a female official and then move on to the actual ceremony itself where she could appear with her Niqab intact.

But then I got thinking about this more.

By permitting a Muslim Women wear the veil during the Citizenship Ceremony sends the wrong message not only to the woman herself but to the World at large.  Woman here have fought for over 100 years for equality and sadly, still have a little ways to to go.  For women coming here from male dominated societies that demand of they women hide their face – among many other discriminatory practices it would be most wrong for Canada to permit a woman to start her life as a Canadian citizen as a subservient being whether she is aware of that or not.

Hopefully taking the oath without the Niqab will at least plant the seed in her mind that we here in Canada do not expect her to import discriminatory practices from her former homeland.

But regardless of whether or not the seed takes root – it at least sends a very strong message to the world – especially to those male dominated countries that we here in Canada do things differently and respect the Human Rights of all of our Citizens both new and old.

I get the feeling that grumpy Mulcair and Young Trudeau are stuck in the original thought that it was no big deal – which does not speak very strongly for either of them becoming our Prime Minister.

As I see it‘

'K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Signs of Fall …


And it has nothing to do with the changing colour of the leaves.

Rather it is the Election Signs sprouting up in advance of October 19th’s Federal Election.

Like me, do you happen to notice that one Party’s signs are consistently being ripped out – ripped up or taken away?

And if so, you will of course know the signs targeted are those of the Conservative Party of Canada.

Liberal and NDP signs seem to go untouched.

Which is somewhat strange given how the Left is constantly berating the Right for being mean spirited when it is mean spirited itself to stalk in the night destroying Tory lawn signs. 

These petty vandals with hat sizes larger than their IQs really tick me off and I would love to see them caught out punished … but it never seems to happen even in this day of ubiquitous camera equipped cell phones.

And this from amongst the ranks of the left who view the Conservative’s quest for profit obscene not thinking for a minute that it is these self same profits that pay for their airy fairy, expensive schemes and as often their public salaries. 

I started putting up Tory Election signs before I even reached my teens and although I cannot honestly recall ever tearing down an opponent’s sign – though I may have covered the odd one up – I soon grew to know that it this activity was wrong and quite juvenile.

And yet nothing – absolutely nothing in the Press or other media to condemn this one-sided practice.

These signs are not only expensive they use up the valuable time of volunteers who spend hours putting them up and having to replace them because bozos.

Now I have a confession to make. 

A number of years ago I did intentionally take down a few strategically placed election signs.

The Liberal Candidate for our riding was a personal friend of mine and on election day I received a frantic call from his wife -

“How dare you … you have placed Tory election signs in close proximity to the voting polls.”

I knew exactly of which signs she spoke and told her that they were carefully placed ensuring that they did not infringe the election law – that is to say – they were beyond the required setback.

Nora was not satisfied – “technically maybe but morally you guys are reprehensible”.

“Okay Nora, I will take them down” and with that I got in my car and in broad day light took down the offensive signs all the time thinking would it not be funny to get caught by the cops taking down our own signs.

I did not get caught and often think back to that time … to bad the pin heads out there do not have similar memories to temper their actions.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Move Over RCMP–Now It’s The OPP That…


Always Get Their Man !!

This week, the OPP laid charges against Sudbury Liberal Supporter – Gerry Lougheed - ostensibly because he offered a bribe to - then Liberal candidate Andrew Olivier - to drop out of the February 5th 2015 By-election in favour of a Queen’s Park anointed replacement.

Let you be the Judge as to whether or not they – the Ontario Provincial Police - have sufficient cause for their action:

In a telephone call recorded by Olivier, Lougheed said the following:

“We should have the broader discussion about what is it that you’d be most interested in doing and then decide what shape that could take whether it’s a full-time or a part-time job at a constituency office, whether it is appointments to boards or commissions, whether it is also going on the executive.”

Looks pretty conclusive to me – don’t you think.  They’ve got dear Mr. Lougheed ‘dead to rights’ !

But of course those quotes were not made by Gerry Lougheed – local Sudbury Grit – but rather by Wynne’s Deputy Chief of Staff – Patricia Sorbara.

Below is what Lougheed was actually caught on tape saying -

“The Premier wants to talk to you. We would like to present to you options in terms of appointments, jobs, whatever,” .

And I guess, by mere happenstance, shortly thereafter Premier Wynne did in fact call and speak with Olivier.  Quelle Surprise.

So why dear Reader was Lougheed charged by the OPP and Sorbara not?

Excellent question – could it be connected with the OPP’s Union …’forcefully’ .. so to speak – supporting Wynne during the last election?

Even Ontario’s Chief Electoral Office when referring both Sorbara and Lougheed to the police for investigation called their attempts at bribery “unprecedented”.

To conclude – the OPP certainly ‘Got Their Man’ in this case but just a certainly ‘Not Their Woman’ or more correctly – ‘Not Their Women’.

As I see it…

“K. D. Galagher’