Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 I had my first flat tire in many a year and fortunately it happened near my Service Garage.

While there, I went to their canteen for lunch and found myself seated beside a table with

8 male mechanics so what better to do than to listen in.

You'd expect they'd be talking about fast cars and women...if so you would be wrong.  They

were talking about Politics.  I too was surprised.  And they covered the ground.

First up - President Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi who they pilloried in unison. It was agreed that the high cost of living in the United States was on them.

They then turned to Canada and had similar dismissive comments about our own inept Prime Minister.

What surprised me the most though was their outright contempt for Jagmeet Singh the Leader of our New Democratic Party.  They postured that Singh had destroyed the NDP and would be lucky, come the next Election, if his Party would even beat out the tiny Greens.

What surprised me equally though is the handle these fellows had on our Politics of the day.  It not only impressed me but gave me hope for our Democracy given the trials and travails we are facing today.

It also made me think of the olde saw ...if your Taxi Driver begins to give you stock investing advice it would be a wise get the heck out of the Market. 😊

Moral of the story ...if you are Biden, Pelosi, Trudeau or Singh look out since your days in office are numbered.

As I See It...

'K.D. Galagher'