Friday, August 18, 2017


With America looking inward at the death and destruction flowing from a White Supremacist March (1 person murdered) ISIS continued its daily carnage around the world ...yesterday it was Barcelona's turn with 14 dead and over 100 injured.

Right now they ...ISIS, should be the focus of the world's attention because of the destruction this warped and ruthless outfit is causing plus the fact that they are the ones who have had the temerity to declare WAR on the West.   

Rather, our Politically Correct Leadership still refuses to call them by name ..."Terrorists" rather than 'Islamic Terrorists' which is what they are!

Why the word 'Terrorist' can include several twisted ideologies... ISIS, White Supremacists, Black Bloc Anarchists, Anti-Semites... the list goes on.

We need to focus on the worst of the worst since ISIS not only kills and maims and rapes indiscriminately, it also forces us to change our way of living even if our Leaders persist in denying that that is the case.

I am not for a minute giving any extremist group a pass I am simply saying that we in Society have to choose our targets from time to time to root out the worst and right now ISIS and their Ilk are well deserving our full attention. In that regard, it is passing strange that although the world media with the Barcelona Tragedy in a clinical sterile fashion, it saves it greater repulsion for the White Supremacists a bunch of clowns who have trouble tying their shoelaces. 

I read an excellent article the other day, written by a Jewish Columnist, that provides an important perspective in regard to the issue of extremism be it on the left or on the right:

Over the past few days I have been astounded by the appalling number of pundits who keep telling me that as a Jew, I have to side with the violent left, over the violent right, as a result of the terrorist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia.
It’s hard to imagine an idea more ignorant of history.
As someone whose Catholic father-in-law was incarcerated in Mauthausen as a “politically incorrigible” enemy of the Third Reich, and whose Jewish father was smuggled out of Russia as a child during a pogrom, allow me to give these folks some advice.
That is, that the violent right and the violent left always end up in the same place, and it never ends well for Jews and other minorities.
Neo-Nazis are scum. Yes, they should have freedom of speech but not freedom from the consequences of their actions.
The murder of Heather Heyer, 32, an innocent counter-protester, when a white supremacist allegedly rammed into the crowd with his car, was terrorism.
Whoever was responsible should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. If there were accomplices, they should be hunted down without mercy.
But do not tell me I must therefore side with the violent, left-wing yahoos who clashed with the white supremacists in Charlottesville.
Do not pretend they were defending Jews, or the freedoms on which America was built.
For anyone who thinks the hard, violent left is a friend of the Jewish people, here’s a fun little assignment.
Next time, let yourself be surrounded by them during one of their riots -- anywhere in the world -- bring out an Israeli flag and start talking about what a great country Israel is.
Watch what happens.
Spare us the drivel, which the liberal chattering classes spout ad nauseam, and which provides intellectual cover for the hard, violent left, that you can criticize Israel without being a Jew hater.
Of course you can criticize Israel, the occupation and its treatment of the Palestinians and not be a Jew hater.
Jews do it. Israelis do it. The respected Israeli newspaper Haaretz, does it. For gawd’s sake, so do former heads of the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, the equivalent of the FBI, just as the foreign security service, the Mossad, is similar to the CIA.
But that’s not how the hard, violent left constantly demonizes and delegitimizes the Jewish state of Israel, while turning a blind eye to greater human rights abuses all over the world, including, to compare apples to apples, in The Islamic Republic of Iran and The Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
As a wise rabbi once said, in the ancient world, where religion ruled, Jew haters portrayed Judaism as the worst religion, including the blood libel that Jews kill Christians to use their blood to make matzah.
In the twentieth century, when science ruled, the Nazis set out to prove by “science” that Jews were a uniquely evil race.
In our time, where human rights is the dominant paradigm, Jew haters portray Israel, the Jewish state, as the worst violator of human rights, like apartheid South Africa.
Guess who the most vocal supporters of that view of Israel are today?
They didn’t have to riot in Charlottesville.
They infect our universities and journalism and the chattering classes, and they get way more air time than the neo-Nazis.
So, side with the hard and violent left over the hard and violent right? Really? Go to hell.

                                                          By Lorrie Goldstein

So where do we stand?

  1. Hate Mongers on both extremes of the spectrum, and in between, are well deserving of our contempt;
  2. The immediate threat to civil society is the Islamic Extremists who must be dealt with on a war-like footing;  and,
  3. The Greatest Threat to society is the growth of extremes on the Left as well as the Right.  We are not quite there yet but the world is moving in that direction and Donald Trump, dear reader, is not the reason for this but rather a symptom.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Canada's Media Is Even More 'Loony Left' Than America's

Although not a Trumpie, I thought in fairness to him that he did an admirable job of calling out The White Nationalists who marched Saturday in Charlottesville Virginia at his Monday Press Conference in New York.

I was appalled later that day when watching Canada's Main Two Media Sources...CBC and CTV both of which led off claiming that President Trump had avoided singling out these Twisted Nationalist for criticism at his said Conference.

Was I watching a different Press Conference or was this simply another example of our Media spewing Leftist drivel?

So you decide.

Below are President Trump's own words:

  • "Racism is evil -- and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other hate groups are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans" Trump said and went on,"Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America." 

Even CNN, the President's arch nemesis grudgingly had this to say...Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump, facing mounting pressure from Republicans and Democrats alike, did what he declined to do over the weekend during an event at the White House on Monday when he directly condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis in a brief statement to reporters.

Something is drastically wrong with the United States and it is not all about President Trump and his Administration. In fact, there is a concerted vicious effort to destroy Trump in any and every way possible and to think that the Media is a party to this Hysteria, is simply appalling.  

I have no trouble calling out any politician on their Policies, be they Conservative, Liberal or Socialist but to destroy them for the sole reason to be rid of them is reprehensible. 

That is why we have Elections.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'


Tuesday, August 15, 2017





We here in Canada are governed by a Prime Minister who is very photogenic...nothing he likes better than having his picture taken. He is also a Progressive as sadly most Canadians are.

What drove me to write today's Blog though was this morning's newspaper which dealt with negotiations our country is currently engaged in with the United States to update our Free Trade Pact with the US and with Mexico.  The morning's news sets-out in some detail the position our country is taking in regard to those talks.  

And quite frankly I was shocked.

As was Andrew Coyne, our nation's best commentator when it comes to matters of the economy.  Here is what Mr. Coyne had to say:

  • I said we should be prepared to walk away from the negotiations, ...I didn't say we should deliberately sandbag them from the outset.
What Coyne is talking about and what I am in 'Shock' about is Canada's assertion that matters of gender, feminism and global warming should be part of the new deal.  And naive me thought that Free Trade was about Freeing Up Trade and not throwing in all and sundry Politically Correctness.

I can just imagine how the Trump Administration will react and deal with this Progressive Nonsense. 

This is our same Prime Minister who fervently supports the UN's Paris Climate Accord which costs us $$ Billions and gains little.

He is also our Prime Minister who tripled the amount of his election pledge to run a deficit during his administration from $10 Billion to $30 Billion per year. 

But unlike you and I, 'Young' Justin Trudeau need not worry about the future economic welfare of his children since like him, they were born into vast inherited wealth.

But dear Reader, if our Federal Government under the Stewardship of Trudeau is bad...our Largest Provincial Government led by Premier Wynne is even worse.

Currently she is raising Ontario's Minimum Wage by 32% ...from $11.40 an hour to $15.00 per hour.  An independent Blue Ribbon Panel estimates that 185,000 will be lost and upwards to 5,000 small businesses will fold as a result of this ill-advised initiative and if you can believe it, this lunacy is occurring without public consultation.

Again, I nearly choked when I read that Premier Wynne said her Minimum Wage fiasco was another step in her Government's ongoing efforts to build a strong vibrant Private Sector.

Give me a break.

One of the greatest costs for business is Energy and in that regard, Wynne and her Progressive Liberal Cronies have destroyed our Province's Energy Sector with their pig-headed move toward Green Energy ---you know, Wind Mills and Solar Panels which do not work when the wind does not blow or the sun does not shine. Despite spending multi billions $$ on these two Green Energy Sources they supply but a tiny fraction of our Province's energy needs...less than 5% on a good day. 

We used to get the lion's share of our power needs from water power as clean an energy source as there is.  We could still be doing that but for our Provincial Government's insanity.

We used to have the cheapest power costs in North America but now have the highest.  Rates under this Liberal Government have tripled and businesses have fled to the northern United States. 

So if you think you have things bad wherever you live...just realize it could be worse...Take Canada and Ontario For Instance ...Please.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Monday, August 14, 2017


Updated Note:  In my bid to keep things in proper perspective, Progressives / The Media are in great dungeon over the 1 - 3 deaths in Charlottesville and yet are but silent when it comes to the slaughter committed by Islamic Extremists.  Tens of thousands of innocent people have been victims of their twisted ideology and as recent as yesterday another 18 perished at their hands along with numerous more injured.  Below is a list of their attacks for the first half of this year.  It is not that White Supremacists should not be punished for their crimes, but the scale of the carnage wrought is decidedly tipped toward the former.

The Subject for Today is this past weekend's March by Neo Nazis and various other White Supremacist Groups where one person was killed (3 if you count the 2 police officers killed when their helicopter crashed) and many others injured. 

The media coverage has taken on a hysterical tone because they believe President Trump was not forceful enough when he first commented on the March. 

In particular, Trump talked about bad actors on "many sides" when he should have used the occasion to specifically condemned Neo Nazis, Skin Heads and their Ilk in no uncertain terms.  As an aside though, I do not recall former President Obama condemning Black Lives Matter Marches where numerous placards called for Death To PIGS (aka police).

But the Day's events were not caused by President Trump...indeed in these Blogs, I have said that the rise of right-wing-nuts in the United States and throughout Europe, that we have been witnessing over the last couple of years, is the result of Left-wing, Politically Correct Leadership.

In truth, Extremism of any kind needs not only to be condemned but eliminated.

So don't get caught up in this nonsensical claim that Trump's Presidency represents a green light for Right Wing Racists...this is merely another attempt by Progressives to destroy him through lies, distortion and manipulation of the media and the public at large. 

But that is not to say they will be unsuccessful in their vendetta against Trump but I can tell you, if they do succeed in bringing him down, we are going to see an out and out fight between both sides of the political spectrum which will make the events of today look tame. 

But there is an important issue that is at the forefront in Charlottesville and that is Freedom of Speech. All advanced Democracies guarantee this basic freedom in their Rules of Law / Constitutions.  It is the fundamental right without which all others are doomed to fail and yet, under modern day governments, this Freedom is consistently being eroded.   

In our own country for example, Canada's highest court has ruled that a person can be held to account even if what he or she says is the truth.  For example, if one says most Terrorist Attacks in the world are carried out by Muslims ...which they are, simply stating that fact may get you into trouble with the State.

Here too, we have numerous Kangaroo Courts also known as Human Rights Tribunals which delight in censuring citizens for the crime of simply stating their opinions that might hurt the feelings of others...for example, A Roman Catholic Priest in Alberta was banned from Preaching Against Homosexual Marriage.  

I support unrestricted freedom of speech with a few exceptions such as the classic one 'don't cry "fire" in a crowded theatre'.  And I often quote late author, Evelyn Beatrice Hall, who is known for coining the phrase "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".  

So although I do not like Neo Nazis nor do I agree with anything they espouse, I do respect their right to think and say it.  As long as they are not directly inciting violence as was the case of the Black Lives Matter Placards requesting that Cops by killed.  

Unless we keep this in perspective, the best days may well be behind us.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'   See List directly below

TurkeyJanuary 1An Islamic State gunman opened fire on a crowd of people in the Reina Nightclub in Istanbul.[271]39(killed)70(wounded)
IraqJanuary 2A suicide bomber with a truck full of explosives attacked a predominantly Shia market in Baghdad. The Islamic State took responcibility for the attack, claiming to target a "gathering of Shia".[272][273]3652
FranceFebruary 3A machete attack at the Louvre injured one soldier as well as the attacker, who has posted support for the Islamic State just before his attack.[274]02
AfghanistanFebruary 8Islamic State militants attack a convoy of aid workers of the Red Cross in Northern Afghanistan. Killing 6 and taking 2 prisoner.[275]60
AfghanistanFebruary 11Taliban suicide car bomber killed seven people outside a bank in Lashkargah.[276]721
PakistanFebruary 16During the 2017 Sehwan suicide bombing a suicide bomber entered the main hall of the Shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan and detonated his payload amid dozens of worshippers.[277]88100+
IraqFebruary 19Five people were killed in two suicide bombings that hit districts recently retaken from Islamic State in eastern Mosul. The first attack targeted an army checkpoint, killing three soldiers, and the second a gathering of civilians in the commercial district known as "My Fair Lady," killing two.[278]50
PakistanFebruary 21Three militants threw hand grenades and opened fire as they launched an assault in Tangi, near the border with Afghanistan. Two of the men blew themselves up during the 20-minute gun battle with security forces at the gate, while the third was shot dead by police before he could detonate his explosive vest.[279]722
EgyptFebruary 22Two Coptic citizens were found killed on Wednesday inside the North Sinai city of Al-Arish. The two are believed to have been kidnapped by anonymous militants who are suspected to be members of the IS-affiliated group of “Sinai Province.”[280]20
AfghanistanFebruary 28Twelve policemen were killed in an "insider attack" in the southern Afghan province of Helmand. An infiltrator from the Taliban had allowed militants into the outpost in the regional capital, Lashkar Gah.[281]120
AfghanistanMarch 8Gunmen dressed as medics attacked a military hospital in the Afghan capital of Kabul, killing more than 40 people, in an assault claimed by Islamic State.[282][283]40+50+
IraqMarch 8Two suicide bombers blew themselves up, killing 26 people at a wedding party in a village near the Iraqi city of Tikrit. Islamic State said two of its fighters had carried out the attack in the village of Hajaj.[284]2667
RussiaApril 3A suicide bomber blew himself up on the St. Petersburg metro. The bomber was born in Kyrgyzstan and had ties to radical Islamists. [285]515
EgyptApril 9Palm Sunday church bombings on Christian churches in Tanta and Alexandria kill at least 36 people and injure more than 100[286]47100+
FranceApril 20Three police officers and a bystander were shot by an attacker wielding an AK-47 rifle on the Champs-Élysées, a shopping boulevard in Paris. The attacker was shot dead during the incident. He had a note defending the Islamic State, and had previously attempted to communicate with Islamic State fighters in Iraq and Syria.[287]23
United KingdomMay 22Manchester Arena bombing – A suicide bomber attacks Ariana Grande's pop concert with audience of up to 20,000. Authorities promptly raise the terror threat level to "Critical" fearing another attack.[288][289][290] Twenty-two people were arrested in connection with the attack, all of whom had been released without charge by 11 June.[291]22129
EgyptMay 26A gunman opened fire on a convoy carrying Coptic Christians traveling from Maghagha in Egypt's Minya Governorate.[292]2822
FranceJune 62017 Notre Dame attack A lone wolf who was carrying knives in his rucksack attacked an officer guarding Notre Dame de Paris with a hammer. A video pledging allegiance to ISIS was later found.[293]02
IranJune 72017 Tehran attacks Iran parliament and the shrine of Ruhollah Khomeini. In the first attacks orchestrated by ISIS in Iran, Tehran was targeted by suicide bombers and teams of gunmen when they stormed Iran's parliament and the nearby shrine of Ruhollah Khomeini. All 4 attackers at the parliament were killed.[294][295]2243
IraqJune 9At least 30 people were killed in a suicide bombing in Karbala, Iraqi officials said. The attack was claimed by ISIL.[296]3036