Saturday, December 2, 2017


NOT !!

But boy would the Progressives out there like to hear people like me admit to such in light of this week's charges against Michael Flynn (Lt. Gen ret'd).

But dear reader, those charges have nothing ...zilch... to do with anyone seeking Russia's help to defeat Hillary in 2016. All they prove is that Flynn, like countless others in Washington, on all sides of the aisle, are lobbyist first and foremost trying and usually succeeding in filling their pockets with tons of other people's money. In fact, the biggest knock against the American Political System is that it is funded / controlled by Big Money.

And, as to the charges...hold your breath, they are for 'lying to the FBI', the same cops who continually lie to each other, to others in related security agencies and even to their politicians.  I classify these charges as Martha Stewart Charges since that was all they were able to pin on her.  It is all so pathetic. 

And all the while, the only real proof of an Election Candidate seeking the help of Russians is with respect to dear Hillary.  And yet no investigation there.  

It is nothing but a Witch Hunt ... or should I be politically incorrect and call it a Warlock Hunt in the case of The Donald?

As you know, from the very beginning I have called these assertions against Donald Trump to be wishful thinking on the part of the Dems.  They still are and will always continue to be so.

But there is something even more sinister happening here and it is not about either Donald Trump nor even Hillary Clinton since, in the scheme of things, they are merely bit players. Rather it is the Socialist Left's (a.k.a. the Democrats) fear of Parties of Capitalism, which, for the most part, the Republicans continue to be although even that is being tested in today's Progressive Climate.  

They will stop at nothing to discredit Capitalism even though that is what made America great, has pulled the majority of the world's peoples out of poverty and despair and today is being employed most successfully by heretofore communist nations and their like.

To paraphrase Winston Churchill, capitalism is the worst basis for economic development save for all the rest.

As I see it...

"K.D. Galagher'