Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Beckster...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday was Glenn Beck's last show on Fox News.

Quite awhile back I did a Blog on Glenn Beck saying that if you had not heard of this chap - you soon would.

I suspect that by now you have.

From my perspective, this one fellow, has brought about the most profound change in US Political History. The Leftists will howl at this but that only serves to confirm the statement.

Beck was and continues to be the spark plug for the Tea Party Movement.

A former drunk and high school educated, he deserves much of the credit for the Republican re-take of the House Representatives this past November. And surprisingly - he is neither Republican nor Democrat.

He does not trust Politicians.

The guy marches to his own drum.

Like me, he wants to see Smaller more responsive and representative Government. And he also wants Government to reflect the values that many of us were raised on - Honour, Integrity and Truthfulness.

This past August, Beck led a Pilgrimage to the Lincoln Memorial where nearly 1 million Middle Americans joined with him to reflect on their country's current sad state of affairs. There were no placards, no violence, and no litter. It was an entirely peaceful but determined assemblage designed to show Politicians of all stripes that the Silent Majority was beginning at last to speak out.

Beck is also very much a Visionary.

Over the several years that he held his 5 p.m. time slot on Fox he has made numerous predictions - most were ridiculed at the time of making, yet most have come to pass.

In Churchillian fashion, he saw and continues to see a dark future for America and indeed the world. Flash-backs to the 1930s with Churchill warning of impending doom at the hands of the Nazis ("Narzis" as WSC would say) readily come to mind.

Unlike Churchill, Glenn Beck, sees 'Two' Major Threats to Our Way of Life.

The First is Economic - the US is broke as indeed is the entire Western World. Simply stated, the last 50 years of Entitlement has Busted the Bank. Western Democracies continue each year to rack up Deficits and extend their overall Debt. (40% of US Federal Spending is borrowed $). Future generations will be saddled with repayment, assuming bankruptcy does not intervene first, which is most likely.

He points out that along with out of control government spending, our money is becoming evermore worthless as more and more of it is printed without backing. He is not surprised therefore with the rapid rise in the value of Precious Metals - most notably Gold.

One need look no further than Europe to see the negative effects of this. Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Italy are on the financial ropes. The contagion seems to be spreading. Each day new riots are flaring up and if anyone thinks the US or even Canada is immune to this - they are sadly mistaken. If we do not get our spending under control we too will share in the upset.

Greek citizens pride themselves on finding ways to avoid the payment of income taxes. Until now - they have been able to retire with full pensions at age 50. Civil Servants earn 5x as much as their private sector counterparts and they are fighting like hell to keep their benefits even if it means others - e.g. Germany must step in to pay their freight.

The bottom line here is that a financially weakened America / West, seriously limits their ability to compete with the growing Tigers of Asia and with Sinister Outside Forces.

That leads to the Second Threat - Radical Islamists.

They are in the process of establishing a "New Caliphate" - a world government headed by Muslim Extremists.

But Beck sees the greater danger here to be Ourselves - more precisely, our Western Apathy combined with our loss of those self same values mentioned above.

He notes that the Middle East is burning and not surprisingly predicts it will be the Islamists that put these fires out and not democracy.

He senses that Israel is today's 'canary in the coal mine'. The US at one time was the only country Israel could count on as a friend, but that was then and this is now and no longer can Israel be sure of American support.

Obama's recent speech pledging the return to the 1967 borders, without consulting Israel, is the latest example of this distancing between the two countries. Canada is now one of the only friends Israel has left and that is entirely due Prime Minister Harper.

I think it is safe to say that Iran is now capable of launching nuclear war-heads. A tiny nation like Israel would last but minutes under such a nuclear attack.

In realization of this, Beck is headed later this year to head a Pilgrimage to Israel and I suspect that many from the Tea Party will join him. I would also like to be there with him.

The UN is continually critical of Israel; likewise the Left in the West who purport to love peace. Nonsense.

As has been said many times, if Israel was to dispose of its armaments it would be invaded immediately however, should the Arabs disarm, there would be immediate peace.

The Left never has a response to that observation.

So Beck is all Gloom and Doom?

I cannot blame you for thinking just that. But he also holds out hope. He, like Churchill before him, sees a day when the West finally wakes up to what is happening and will do what is necessary to address the above Threats.

Make no mistake though, it will take a re-awakening on our part - great sacrifice and sadly loss of life but in the end we will do what it takes to restore our values and preserve our Way of Life which has been won by countless sacrifices in the years gone by.

As Churchill so wisely noted, the longer we put off this re-awakening, the more costly will be the price we pay for our delay.

In Western History, we have been fortunate to have great Leaders come forward in time of Our Need - and as for me, Glenn Beck is the man for our Times.

As I see it...