Thursday, December 4, 2014



When it comes to dealing with the West’s Oil.

Andrew Coyne writes a great column in today’s National Post – indeed most of his columns are great – about the Feds being Missing in Action when it comes to the Oil Debate and more particularly the establishment of pipelines to take that oil safely and speedily to both internal and external markets.

Sadly his dithering may have been an even more costly mistake given the recent collapse in the price per barrel.

Everyone is in the fight – the loudest are those opposed – the environmentalists both here in Canada and the United States – oil producing nations such as Saudi Arabia and of course many of our provinces including our two largest Ontario and Quebec – both of whom are have-nots as in $.

It has been said many times but is worth repeating here that Canada’s transfer payments to our 7 have-not and 3 Territories comes from oil money generated primarily in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

So these dear have-nots would rather cut of their collective noses to spite their faces than support the hands that feed them.  No more clichés - I promise.

The recent collapse of in oil prices is also now putting in jeopardy Canada’s next year’s anticipated budget surplus.

Harper has only himself to blame for this.

He and his Government has stood by while everyone else has entered the ‘oil pipeline’ fray.

And dear reader – it is his and only his Government that has the power to deal with this most important issue.

More recently the only thing Canada has had in its favour economically is its resources – primarily its oil and natural gas.  More recently our collapsing dollar has given a much needed lift to the ailing manufacturing sector.

And yet thanks to the Government – this advantage has been squandered.

Why so?

I think Harper and company are afraid of a left wing backlash if he / they were to get dirty so to speak and get directly involved.

But you what – that is what leadership is all about.

And I would be if he had got directly involved – the majority of Canadians would have backed him to the hilt.  Leftist Activists can wallow unemployed in the dark but the most of us – good jobs and warm houses trumps all.

All this said- it is still not too late for Harper to get off his rump and do what is right. Even if it involves invoking the War Measures Act to get those pipelines through and even if it entails posting soldiers along every inch of those lines to protect them from terrorists.

If I was Harper here is what I would do:

I’d go on national television to say to the Canadian People that the time has come to put through our pipelines from Coast to Coast to Coast and to the US Border.

I would mention all of the studies including the McKenzie Pipeline Study that expended decades to no avail.

I would also mention the millions of foreign money coming into Canada to fund the opponents.

I tell Canadians that we are most fortunate to have been able to help the less fortunate areas of Confederation in the past – but that with so many of our Provinces in have-not status and with falling oil revenue the day is quickly coming when these transfers will have to be seriously cut of disbanded with entirely.

I would end the program by saying our very economic survival as a nation is at stake and that accordingly our Government is going to use every ounce of its strength to see that our oil gets to market.

Harper would be guaranteed a majority government in the following election.

But even if he did not – it would be the right thing for him to do as leader and more importantly – the right thing to do for our country.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’