Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I Am Furious With …



Last Evening’s news cast with Peter Mansbridge included a segment on Michael Bryant and his recently released book entitled The 28 Seconds That Changed My Life.

Bryant, for those of you who may not be following the story, is a former Attourney General of Ontario.  In 2009 his path crossed with one drug induced, out of control maniac by the name of Darcy Allan Sheppard. Their encounter really did change Attourney General Bryant’s life forever and not for the better.

It also left Sheppard dead.

Here are the facts:

  • Bryant and his then wife, were out for an early evening, celebrating their wedding anniversary.  After which, at around 9:30 pm, the non-drinking Bryant was driving home with his wife.
  • He soon encountered an out of control bicyclist by the name of Darcy Allan Sheppard, who was harassing motorists and blocking traffic.  Bryant was able to pass the melee but Sheppard followed him and due to traffic and lights, he was able to catch up and began to terrorize both the Bryants; running into their car and attempting to gain control of the car’s steering wheel.
  • Sheppard, a big guy, literally scared the wits out of the Bryants who immediately then called for the police.
  • At some point in the struggle over the steering wheel, Sheppard fell off the car, struck his head and died.
  • Earlier that evening Sheppard had been fighting with his girlfriend and assaulting a homeless man.  The cops were called and for some unknown reason let the creep go.

So dear reader, what happens next?

Bryant naturally is arrested, cuffed, charged with murder and jailed.  Months later, the Crown drops the charges for want of evidence but this was after Bryant spent $300k on legal fees.

In addition, his marriage ended.

So yes, his life changed and in a recent interview you can see that he has been ‘broken’ by the experience.

So what did CBC do last night?

Apologize on behalf of Ontarians for the indignity suffered by this poor guy?

No, rather it interviewed only two people – a representative of the Toronto Police Union who said the cops performed admirably in Bryant’s case.

The second interviewee was the late Sheppard’s father who complained that Bryant had not had the decency to contact him to express his condolences.  “Express His Condolences” !!!  Why the father should have been the one to express his condolences to the Bryants for all the trouble his out of control son had caused them.

This reminds me of the recent case where the Asian store owner was arrested and charged with detaining a shoplifter and where the self same shoplifter was given immunity to testify against the merchant.  But Bryants case is even worse, since no one came to his rescue and since his life was truly changed for the worse.

It is Alice in Wonderland all over again and it just makes me sick.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Nasty is as Nasty does …


Apologies to Forest Gump.

The pundits have said that November’s Presidential Election will be one of the dirtiest in living memory…and so far, they are bang on.

I am on record as saying Mitt Romney will win the Election in spite of my philosophy of never overestimating the intelligence of the electorate.  But even I cannot imagine a majority of Americans casting their votes for the current occupant of the White House.

Obama has been such a disaster by foisting Trillions of Dollars of Debt on an already grossly indebted nation.  The only comparison I can think of is having Dalton McGuinty in the White House rather than Barack.  Like McGuinty in Ontario, another four years of Obama in Washington will likely put the USA over the economic brink.  Unlike Ontario though, the American decline will negatively affect the world – Canada included.

Anyway the nastiness.

Two recent Democratic Ads speak volumes:

The first consists of an interview with a widowed husband who blames Romney for the death of his wife from cancer.  The widower explains his wife was laid off from one of Romney’s businesses and with the lay off, she lost her health care.  She then contracted cancer and soon died. The truth soon came out that although she did lose her job, like millions under Obama, her health care remained unaffected and in place and her death did not occur until years later.  I cannot imagine a campaign ad getting lower than that, unless of course it is the following one.

In the second ad, a chap purporting to be Paul Ryan – Romney’s VP choice – is seen pushing a wheelchair with a struggling old lady in it.  He pushes her to the edge or a cliff and promptly jettisons her into the abyss.  If the whole thing did not look so unbelievably funny, it would rank in infamy with number one.

The ads remind me of the Tory Ad put out during Kim Campbell’s unsuccessful run for PM back in 1993 where a picture of Chretien’s distorted face was shown to voters as part of their negative campaign.  Even it did not reach the lows of Obama’s.

Yesterday, a Republican Senate Candidate used inappropriate words when trying to say that foetuses resulting from a rape should not be aborted. He is a strong proponent of prolife and whether you agree or not with his position – it is one he honestly and deeply holds.

Sadly, Democrats and Republicans both are demanding that he resign his candidacy for his poor choice of words, when advocating his stance.  This despite the fact that he profusely and most sincerely apologized.  Fortunately, as of the time of writing this Blog, he has refused to give in to their demands.

Another instance of gottcha politics and another reason why good people – be they Republican / Democrat or Conservative / Liberal are disinclined to run for office. 

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’