Thursday, September 9, 2010

To Burn or Not to Burn...

That has become the Question...But, with respect, it is not the Issue.

As we all know by now, a man in Florida calling himself a Pastor and his merry band of but 30 followers is threatening to burn copies of the Muslim Koran on the anniversary of 9/11.

That this chap is a nut bar is beyond question - indeed even as a self styled Libertarian, I would have no difficulty in seeing him charged under Hate Crimes if he goes ahead with his plan, which at this point, it appears may not, given all the negative press.

But I believe the issue itself goes deeper than it has been portrayed in the media and by the politicians and even by senior military.

Their initial reaction is - 'you must not burn the Koran since that will only incense radical Islam to cause death and injury to many innocents'.

I concur with their analysis since it will indeed result in innocent maiming and death. But the fight for freedom over the years has resulted in much more loss of life and injury and is too precious to relinquish without a fight.

And that is what this issue comes down to - Preserving our Freedom.

When we restrict our actions for fear of what Radicals may do to us, we are trading our Freedom for peace. Chamberlain, as some of you older readers will remember, tried that without success.

In fact, if it is not a Koran burning - the Radicals have shown themselves quite adept at finding other reasons to rant and rave and kill and injure.

Moreover, if those same Radicals threatened to burn the Bible or the Talmud it would be met with a collective yawn on the part of Christians and Jews alike around the world. They would not like it, but they would consider the source and would dismiss the act as the ravings of idiots.

Real Rage should be reserved for vile acts such as those continually demonstrated by Extreme Muslims - beheadings, hanging of 7 year olds, stoning of women, bombings and the like.

To go back to our misguided 'Pastor' - it is my hope that common sense will prevail but if he goes ahead - I will keep it in perspective that it so sorely deserves.

As I see it...
