Wednesday, December 22, 2021



Brampton's Mayor Patrick Brown has come out to say his town is coughing up $100 k to help opponents of this Law fight it in the Courts.  Other Mayors have similarly come on board.  

Bill C-21, as we all know, bans public workers in Quebec from displaying religious identifiers on their person.

The articles I have read are all critical of these Mayors based on the belief that the actions on the part of the Mayors will only serve to incite a backlash amongst the many Quebecers who are quite okay with it.

That is not my beef however...Canada is a free Country or at least once was so I encourage anyone and everyone to speak up if that be their inclination.  My trouble with their initiative is that we are talking municipal taxpayers' money here so if Mayor Brown and the others want to pledge their own my guest, but this is not the stuff for the ever poorer municipal taxpayer.

Municipalities should focus on pot hole repair, roads, fire, ambulance and policing - not human rights issues that should be the turf of the Feds and to a lesser extent the Provinces.  We have seen the same type of thing happen here in Ottawa where our Council loves to pontificate on matters related to Climate Change and the Paris Accord which should be left to the United Nations. Stick to your knitting guys and gals.  If Patrick Brown wants to get actively involved in these types of things he should run for Premier.  Oh Ya he did ...didn't he and look how that turned out.

I would be remiss if I did not point out the entire silence on the part of Prime Minister Justin and His Merry Band of Warriors...for 2 years now nothing.  And in their muteness they have been silently backed by the Hapless Leaders of the Opposition.  Not one...not even one has dared to criticize what is an Out and Out Breach of the Bill of Rights and in this Case the blatant discrimination on the Grounds of Religion. Either they are there to protect the Rights of All Canadians or None and it looks to me like they have chosen.  

Maybe their lack of involvement has to do with the fact that Quebec has declared itself a Nation with our Federal Government's Blessing and again with the collective agreement of all Federal Parties.

It looks to me that we are well along the road to classes of citizenship which will no doubt further Western Feelings of Neglect. 

As I See It ...

'K.D. Galagher'