Friday, June 4, 2010

Sheila Fraser... Is Going Too Far

I have been meaning to write this Blog for some time now; but other things have kept cropping up.

Simply stated, I believe Dear Sheila is going too far when she demands to examine the books of individual Parliamentarians.

Once again, I know that I am going against the grain of public thinking but Permit Me To Explain My Position:

But first I digress.

In a recent column, John Robson of Ottawa Citizen fame, wrote an excellent article on why he too does not agree with a Sheila Fraser Audit. John talks about rights of Parliamentarians vis a vis the bureaucracy and that Parliamentarians should rule supreme. On that I fully agree.

John also points out quite correctly that Parliamentarians themselves have an internal body that conducts its own audit on their expense accounts.

Although I agree with John, my opposition to an AG Audit is based on less noble principles.

I am mainly opposed to it since I know that it will result in yet another circus of criticism on minor and inane matters.

The Media talks about openness and that the taxpayer has a right to see how MPs are spending their hard-earned dollars. And the Media is quite correct. But that, ladies and gentlemen, is not why the Media wants to gets its grubby little hands on this information. They want to use it to embarrass Parliament - to create stories about how wasteful our representatives are - as has happened in Britain and more recently in Nova Scotia.

They are looking to create juicy (little) news stories that in the end will only lessen public respect for its leaders.

In ordinary times we could afford such nonsense but these are not ordinary times. We have a world economy on the verge of collapse while the Media and Opposition Parties here in Canada deal solely with the trivial: The Detainee Issue; The Guergis Affair; Man-made Lakes and so on.

Issues that at the end of the day I submit do not amount to a hill of beans.

And now the Media pounces on the Audit Issue that will only continue continue to divert attention away from what is really important.

In these troubling circumstances - quite frankly - I do not care if an individual MP has purchased a wide screen TV for his office - or even, double charged on his/her mileage.

Again that is not to say that such misuse of our taxpayers' dollars is right - it most certainly is not. But we have lost so much time chasing shadows that the real issues - the economy, the environment, our broken health and school systems continue to be ignored.

In this sense, I am mad at Sheila Fraser. In just the area of finance, she of all people should be aware of how precarious things are for our Government and in that regard I have to question why she would raise this matter save for the fact that it would garner her attention.

Up to this point, Sheila Fraser has done a commendable job as A.G. but perhaps the time now has come for her to stand down.

As I see it ...


Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Age of the Czar continues...

I suspect many of you will disagree with me, but I for one am not pleased to see Andre Marin reappointed as Ontario's Czar - I mean 'Ombudsman'. Simply stated, I believe it usurps the power and role of the Member of Parliament.

The concept of Ombudsman is not in itself a bad idea. Someone who knows the intricacies of the bureaucracy and can help individuals navigate it when other sources of help have failed - e.g. their own initiative or assistance from their MPP.

But as with all Czars - power tends to corrupt and from modest beginnings, their Empires are built.

If Marin and his ilk stuck to basics - in Marin's case helping individuals navigate the ever-growing bureaucracy, it would be work well done.

But too often he (the position) feels the need to take on the Government by being critical of its Policies. That dear reader, I respectfully argue, is the role of the MPP - through Government Caucus, the Opposition and ultimately will be decided by the Electorate come Election Time.

As I have pointed out in earlier Blogs, we are more and more ruled by Czars - indeed, the USA has mastered this Black Art. Correspondingly, the role of our Parliaments and its Members is greatly diminished.

We need to reverse this dangerous trend with a view to holding our MPs more accountable to we the voter.

Permit me to give you an example.

Marin has been highly critical on many occasions about the poor quality of health care in the Province. A position on which we can all agree. However, ...

...nearly 50% of Ontario's budget is currently dedicated to Health.

So Marin complains, as he has done in the past, that more money is needed and from his pedestal, he successfully embarrasses the Government of the Day into providing more funding from an already strained Budget.

That, I submit, is none of his business.

There will be others in society who would rather see these scarce resources spent on education, policing, infrastructure and the like.

It is Parliament's Role, as our Elected Representatives, to make these difficult trade-offs.

Marin should confine himself to dealing with individuals who are having trouble with the Ministry of Health - e.g. getting their drug claims approved for payment.

Unfortunately Czars, like our bureaucracies, continue to grow like Topsy.

As I see it...


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Five Quick Hits....

Israel; Black; Menard; Mulroney; Korea....

In descending order of importance.

1. Israel

Cry me a river. The world is in feigned outraged by Israel's continued interest in preserving itself. Yesterday saw Israeli commandos enforce its naval blockade of the troubled Gaza resulting in some casualties. Passengers in the six boat flotilla confirmed that their real intention was not to bring aid to Gaza but rather was to break the Israeli blockade.

As we all know, Israel is surrounded by millions of Arabs who would like nothing better than to see it eliminated from the face of the earth. Should Israel relax its efforts to protect itself that day would soon come.

Sad to say, I suspect the outrage on the part of the Rest of the World is fuelled by anti-semitism.

2. Conrad Black of Penal Reform

In this Weekend Post, Black writes an article on Canada's misguided attempt to reform its Penal System. Like him or hate him, Black can now argue from personal experience his knowledge crime and punishment.

Anyway in regard to his article. Black believes, as do I, that there is little value served in imprisoning non-violent offenders. Our prisons are overflowing now and to toughen legislation, as the Tories propose, will see even more non-violents locked up. Simply stated we as a society cannot afford it.

Both in regard to cost and to damage to society. The first is self evident, the second relates to prisons having a dehumanizing effect and serving as a training ground leading to more serious offences.

There are lots of penalties that can be applied to non-violents other than incarceration including: fines; confiscation; house arrest; loss of licences; community service etc etc.

3. Brig Gen Menard - a) Sex & b) Skewed Priorities

a) Sex

Menard has allegedly breached DND Policy of 'no sexual involvement between consenting adults' even if those adults are married to each other. Why not a policy then on declaring Afghanistan weather to be mild and sunny? They would both have about as much chance of success.

b) Skewed Priorities

My greater concern with Menard's actions relates to his self imposed charge that he accidentally discharged a firearm. He made it look like he was one of the guys - prepared to take the same penalty he would dish out to those under his command for a similar occurrence.

But he is not the same. The Allies are readying themselves for the most major assault on Taliban forces to date and Menard was tasked to be the Commander of the UN forces in that assault expected this Spring. And what does he do? He heads back to Canada to waste three (3) weeks on a minor Court Marshall offence resulting in a piddly fine. Can you see Eisenhower doing that three (3) weeks prior to D-Day? To me this is a far greater offence.

4. Mulroney

Justice Oliphant's $18 million Inquiry to tell us what we already knew - i.e. it was inappropriate for Mulroney to conceal large amounts of cash payments from Schreiber.

As soon as Mulroney disclosed these payments - pre Inquiry - the damage was done to his reputation and nothing further was required. He will have to live it.

As readers of this Blog will know, I am more interested in the dealings of a previous Liberal PM and his ties with such luminaries as Maurice Strong in China.

5. Korea

The sinking of the South Korean warship but a North Korean sub has also been in the news much of late. Talk now centres around what punishment will be laid on North Korea by the South and its Allies.

Bottom-line here is that nothing will come of it. South Korea is in no position to suffer the damage that would flow from a victory over the north. Its main city Seoul is located too close to the north and has too many missiles trained on it to allow anything more than vocal complaints.

There is one benefit out of this. The strained ties between Pyongyang and Beijing will loosen even further.

As I see them...
