Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Prognostications for 2015… Pt. 1


Some of you may recall that I came at this a little differently at the beginning of 2015 – first a look at the coming year generally and then followed with more concrete predictions.

So first, my generalizations with my self grade in Bold Italics:

1. International … (grade A+)

Iran remains the world’s number one issue as the US continues to diddle around, making no significant attempt to force Iran to roll back its atomic program.  When Iran is able to ‘deliver’ its bombs all bets are off for peace in our time.

Russia will continue to threaten the former USSR nations.  With the drop in Oil / the Ruble, Putin is a wounded bear and is more dangerous than ever.

ISSIS will remain the beasts they are throughout Iraq and Syria.

Terrorists will continue to stalk the jungles of Africa preying on the innocent – mostly girls and young women.

The fires of the Middle East will continue to burn brightly.

Europe will continue to struggle economically.

The US will continue to be led by its most inept President in its history and since he cannot seek re-election – he is at his most dangerous.

Another $ Trillion will be added to the US debt.  The Government is on life lines.

Black militancy will continue to threaten.

International foes will continue to not fear the States and friends will continue to realize that they can no longer depend on America as it once did.

2.  National … (grade B – solely for my erroneous prediction of a minority government but in truth, this outcome was not predictable until the dying days of the October never ending campaign)

Canada will face an election this year which at this point will likely end in minority government.

The plunge in the value of oil will severely dampen the economies of Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Columbia and as such will put pressure on Canada’s ability to balance its budget.  It will also put a strain on the equalization program.

We will continue to be involved militarily throughout Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Pipeline construction will continue to idle.

3.  Ontario ….  A

Will continue to be governed by the worst government in its history – the McGuinty / Wynne Regime.

Our debt will continue to rise with no balancing of the budget in sight.

Public Service Unions will finally start to be told ‘no’ or perhaps ‘maybe’ but it will be at the margins and will have little effect on the ill state of the Province’s finances.

Green Energy will continue to get the green light despite the fact that our Auditor General just told us that since the Grits came to power, Ontarians have paid $50 Billion more for hydro than we should have.

Our Health and Education Systems will continue in decline.

4.   Municipal …A

Ottawa will continue to spend too much on its operations, too much of it is wasted on too many expensive employees and too many pet projects not aligned with the city’s core service responsibilities.

The biggest issue in that regard is with respect to garbage collection as residents continue to be subjected to only twice monthly pick up of real garbage.

Gang Shootings which reached a record level last year, will continue unabated.

The above are not predictions as much as they are just statements of fact - that is to say it is just a rehash of how things were last year and will continue to be in 2015. It takes no genius to identify them.

Note:  Overall I place my mark at an A – but in truth, generalizations are much easier to make than are specific predictions which follow in my next Blog.  Wish now though that I had stuck with just doing generalizations. G

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’

Monday, December 21, 2015




This past week we were exposed to these two rhapsodizing about one another.

It was to gag.

Putin has become a petty little dictator who, as a former officer of the infamous KGB, is only interested in restoring the USSR.

And, he let’s nothing stand in his way to see this accomplished.

While here in Ottawa plans are going forward to build a public momument to the memory of the Victims of Communism.

I have said repeatedly that if I was an American, I would only vote for Donald Trump if it came down to him against Hillary Clinton; I have now changed my mind – I would no longer vote for Trump even under that circumstance.

But please realize, this does not mean I would now vote for Hillary since I cannot see myself going so low.  Rather I would probably just spoil my ballot.

I stand by my initial assessment that Trump’s candidacy has been good not only for the Republicans but indeed for all of America.

He has singularly forced Americans to address important issues that they would otherwise just like to avoid – e.g a porous Southern Border and just as importantly, he has fired back mercilessly at the Self-Serving Politically Correct.

It has been an absolute joy to watch.

But the time has come to say goodbye to The Donald. (I suspect many of you in Russia would like to do the same to Vlad Putin).

In Trump’s case it will not be that easy since he holds quite a lead over his many rivals but I am hopeful that even his ardent supporters are beginning to have doubts with his recent complimentary comments about Putin and his proposal to deny all Muslims entry into the US.

And hopefully this will translate into a win for Marco Rubio which I will now extend to Carly Fiorina – one tough, knowledgeable broad.

As I see it…*

‘K.D. Galagher’

*Note:  My next two blogs will deal with my predictions for this year about to end - 2015


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Donald Trump and The Listeners

One of my favourite poems in high-school was Walter de la Mare’s ‘The Listeners’ and it comes to mind when I read about Trump’s critics going hysterical every time he supposedly makes a campaign-ending statement.

Is there anybody there?” asked the Traveller

“But only a host of phantom listeners … that dwelt in the house .. stood listening in the quiet of the moonlight”.

“Tell them I came, and no one answered, that I kept my word, he said.”

“They heard his foot upon the stirrup, and the sound of iron on the stone, and how the silence surged softly backward when the plunging hoofs were gone”.


Unlike The Listeners in de la Mare’s poem, Trump’s Listeners are neither anonymous nor do they hide in the shadows; his Listeners are well known as they impatiently watch & wait for him to fatally slip up; their eyes focus in on him like an entomologist’s microscope on a bug.

When a perceived ‘slip’ comes – The Listeners’ eyes bulge in contrived shock and mocked outrage … they turn to one another, speaking in gleeful tongues, high fiving, trying to convince one another that this time Trump has gone too far and will not recover.

But then come the new polls showing once again that Trump’s popularity continues to rise.

And it’s back to the microscope awaiting his next pronouncement which will surely result in his undoing.

Why are the Left and indeed many Insiders on the Right aghast at The Donald’s success?

The major reason I believe is that he is their antithesis; they who like to tell others how to live and what to think cannot stand it when a ‘clown’ dares to respond to them in kind. 

And the ordinary Joe and Jane are sick and tired of these Elites, Politically Correct Politicians and a Left Biased Media lying to them day in and day out.

Indeed, ever since Obama’s Election in 2008 the average American has watched in utter disbelieve as their once powerful and proud Nation has descended into irrelevance.

Its allies no longer trust it, its enemies no longer fear it and to boot – its national debt will exceed $20 Trillion Dollars, (more than its total GDP) when Obama’s term ends in January of 2017.

So America is not only broke but is a shadow of its former self.  But the Movers and Shakers act as if everything is A-OK.

But of course everything is not okay:

  • ‘Islamist Terrorists’ have declared war on America and yet the President cannot even bring himself to say who these Terrorists actually are while continuing to pretend they are just run of the mill criminals, bandits, and jv’ers.
  • All the while its Southern US Border is a sieve.
  • Guantanamo Inmates are cut loose to fight again.
  • It has given Iran the right to build an Atomic Bomb at the end of 10 years – their stupidest decision yet.
  • Followed closely with its buying into… or more appropriately… selling out to Climate Change Charlatans. So we go to War against a colourless, odourless gas used by plants for growth and the production of life-giving oxygen; a War wet hopefully lose.

And at every turn these self-styled Elites dismiss anyone who dares criticize them as racists, homophobes and the like.

In the face of this, Trump, has come along to poke these know-it- all-primadonnas in the eye.  And I am particularly incensed when these Bozos compare Donald Trump to Adolph Hitler.  Hitler, like Trump is an Egotist but the comparison ends there since Hitler was also a Psychopathic-Hater.

That said, as many of you know, I am not a Trump supporter - from the start, my preferred candidate has been and continues to be Marco Rubio and I still believe he will ultimately win out.

I am glad though that Trump has appeared on the scene to shake things up and get Americans focused on the really important issues – many of them set out above.*

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

* One issue that I did not specifically deal with above is with respect to Muslim Immigration. I would like to see a freeze on it until the War with the Islamic Terrorists is over.  On the other-hand, The Elites’ /The Politically Corrects’ attitude is ‘the more the merrier’. So for you, the Reader, I pose the following:

Why is it that in Muslim dominated Countries  Non-Muslim Minorities cannot be left to live their lives in peace?


Why would the West expect Muslim Immigrants to be able to live in harmony with others in their adopted countries?