Sunday, July 24, 2022


The World Food Program estimated that 285 Million People Face Starvation...this even before the War in Ukraine.

Over 2 Billion People live in Water-Stressed Countries as a result of extreme climate and population growth.

In the Horn of Africa alone, over 7 Million Livestock have died due to an exceptional four year drought.  In fact, many parts of the world are experiencing the worst droughts in over 70 years

And what Dear Reader do we in the West concern ourselves with?

Covid, along with High Interest Rates, Food and Gasoline Costs.

That is not to say these matters are not important in and of themselves, but compared to mass starvation on the part of our Brothers and Sisters elsewhere in the World ...they pale considerably.

The World Must Act since this Catastrophe is unfolding as I am typing this Blog.

We need to Mobilize Now but I Fear this to be Most Unlikely.

How will we live with ourselves if we stand idly by in the face of this Pending Disaster?

Alone, there is not much either you or I can do but collectively we can make a difference.

For me, as a Catholic, I am going to contact our Church to suggest it mobilize its 1 Billion Followers to  to work together to see this Tragedy Averted.

I urge each of you to suggest the same to your Church, your Political Representatives and Societal Leaders in general. 

The Olde Saying Comes Readily to Mind...they came for (fill in the blank) but I stood silent, then they came for (again fill in the blank) and finally they came for me and there was no one left to help me.

We have the chance and opportunity to make a once in a lifetime contribution to the Welfare of the World and Its Peoples.  

Let's Not Blow It !!

"As I See It..."

'K.D. Galagher'