Wednesday, July 15, 2020


My life-long friend Johnny suggested I write about this important Anniversary in one of my upcoming blogs:  I  think primarily because he knows that my dad, Robert Ralph Bell fought in that Conflagration.  Moreover, Johnny lives near the cemetery where my dad is buried and he and his wife lay a poppy on his grave every November 11th.  Thanks so much guys!

When Johnny and I were boy-cubs we attended, in uniform, those self-same November 11th ceremonies in our home town of Brighton, Ontario.  Back in the 50s there were soldiers still present from Four Wars - the Boer War; World War I; World War II; and Korea.  Today, for all intents and purposes, they are all gone.

That includes my Grandfather, his Brother and their Father - my Great Grandfather,  all signed up as volunteers to fight in the First War.  In that order their names are Jim, Bob and John.  They consisted of all the males in their household of six located in Foxboro, Ontario now part of the City of Belleville.  I only knew my grandfather Jim - but not very well, since he died when I was only 9 years old.  He was wounded near Arras and my Uncle Bob was killed in the long drawn out battle of the Somme on September 16, 1916.  My dad was wounded twice but never received a Wound Stripe which the Canadian Army, like its British Counterpart, awarded.  The Americans have a much sexier name for theirs ....The Purple Heart but as my dad muttered on several occasions, the Americans had a medal for virtually everything and dispersed them rather freely.

And from Laurence Binyon's Great War Poem:  'We will remember them'.

So who were these valiant soldiers of old?  First off, they were volunteers who signed up for the duration however long that turned out to be.  They were paid not even subsistence wages.  But of course they were not there for the money - adventure most likely, but they understood all too well that they were defending our Democracies from the Dictators of their Day and our Freedoms:  Freedom of Speech; Freedom of Religion; Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of the Press.  Too many lost their lives, their limbs, and and sustained many other serious injuries both - physical and mental.  But rest assured, everything we enjoy today is due to their Service.

And here Dear Reader is where I go rogue - and off the topic of gratitude.  Simply stated, my father and his father and their fellow soldiers both men and women who fought so valiantly without due regard to their own safety for the safety and well-being of others, would not recognize modern western society today.  I fear that they would be appalled at the state of affairs that currently stalks the land and would likely question why they had sacrificed so much in the first place...I truly hope that would not be the case but I am not so sure.  I know if I had fought and was one of the few living veterans left, I would be most discouraged with what I see taking place around me.

And it has nothing to do with Covid 19 though it has prompted many comparisons to the War Years.  It has to do with the Structures of Society...its very fabric is being ripped and torn and I fear too many of us are standing idly by and letting it happen. Indeed, I would go even further.. too many of us are encouraging it to happen.

Socialism and even Communism is being touted by the ever growing numbers of Progressives as being superior to Capitalism.  This despite the fact that the former have never worked and the latter is responsible to raising destitute billions throughout the world from abject poverty,  poor health and malnutrition.

Religion is under attack like never before.  The grey haired set like myself who attend Church are fewer and fewer in number while those younger sit home and party with their ever present cellulars always at hand.  The Environment, as they say, has become the New Religion or whatever other  raison d'etre the Progressives seize upon in seems to change almost daily - take defunding the police for instance.

Democracies that defend the Basic Freedoms are greatly outnumbered by Petty Dictatorial Tyrants and even our Democracies are less and less inclined to rally to their own defence.  Simply stated, we are  less able to speak freely about what we really believe in without risking censorship from our own politicians and judicial authorities.  A renowned writer of our age wrote in her column this week that re grew up in a Society of Freedom and now in our twilight have entered into a Society of Fear.  I personally like the adage...I may disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it...Evelyn Beatrice Hall.

Our neighbour to the south - America, once the guiding light for the world is beginning to see its candle burn out.  The most obvious sign of this is with respect to its is still number 1, but the day is quickly coming when Red China surpasses it.  The US is also split right down the middle between the worker and doers on the right and progressives on the left which expect others to pay their freight.  The progressives have already firmly entrenched themselves everywhere else in the Free World and now appear to be gaining ground there too. 

And speaking of China, and of course Russia and the rest of their militant cronies, to suggest we are headed for another World War is becoming more and more of a common refrain.  I worry that should this happen, we certainly will not possess the loyalty and dedication of our forefathers to duty and  are not likely to have united societies to rely upon to engage what are likely to be stronger better equipped forces. 

I mentioned earlier that the current Virus has been compared to the War Years and in many respects that is true.  But what we do not have today and what or should I say Who the Second World War had was Winston Churchill.  We desperately are in need of a 'Churchill' to rally the folks today like he did in the 1930s in the lead up to that war. Please keep that in mind wherever you live and whenever you vote. 

But back to my main topic - the Anniversary of the End of World War II , In Europe on May 8, 1945 and announced in Japan on August 15, 1945.  We Will Remember Them and for me personally I will remember my Dad's contribution along with my Grandfather's, my Great Grandfather's and my Great Uncle's ultimate sacrifice.

In an upcoming blog, I will recount a Thank You Reunion that my Dad and Mum attended which was sponsored by the City of Appledorn in Holland and where I was fortunate to be in attendance.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell


Friday, June 19, 2020

What Is Canada Going To Do About China????

Or better yet, What is the Free World Going To Do About China???

China is holding three of our citizens hostage ...Michael Kovig, Michael Spavor, and Robert Lloyd Schellenberg.  Schellenberg is on death row in this gross dictatorship while the two Michaels have been confined to solitary confinement for over a year and a half.  Interrogated every day for hours on end and housed in a small cell with the lights on 24 hours a day.  Inhumane does not begin to capture what these bastards are doing to our citizens.

Today our distinguished Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was "disappointed".  Never in the history of man has a word so understated the tragedy of what is taking place in this far away gulag.

And all because we - Canada, had the temerity to detain Meng Wanzhou a top executive with the well-known Chinese State controlled internet company called Huawei.  We arrested her in accordance with a Extradition Order issued by the United States in accordance of international law.

While our guys live in purgatory, Ms. Wanzhou lives the Life of Riley under house arrest in one of her two spacious mansions in British Columbia. 

Let me be clear here...I do not wish Wanzhou ill - but her legal battle is between her and the United States ...not Canada.  And unlike our guys, she can be assured of being treated fairly under the law. 

All this, is on top of the descent into Hell of this once proud and respected nation.  Simply stated, China, led by its chief henchman Xi Jinping, has gone rogue and is taking his country down the drain with him .

Words escape me on how best to vilify China.  But I will keep trying.

And I keep thinking of what might have been.  Through its nod to Semi-Capitalism it has raised millions of its citizens out of stark poverty and today has the world's second most powerful economy next to the Unite States.  But Dear Reader that will not last.  You cannot act the Fool and still expect riches to come your way.

Okay, I started this blog with asking what is Canada going to do about the way in which Red China is treating our citizens: 

First, we cut off all trade coming and going.  I would rather wear a $50 dollar shirt made in Canada than a comparable one made in China for $10 bucks. 

I would then canvass the world to find better, more honourable and friendly markets for our products.

I would also try to convince other nations to cease and desist trade with this Bully. 

Diplomatic relations with their Monstrous Leaders would be reduced to but a corporal's guard in our Embassy there and they would be only there to try in some way to be of help to our three innocents.

Our days of pandering to the beast would be over.

Okay - now the Free World:

We need to establish a League of Free and Democratic Nations to do everything the United Nations was setup to do.  We would include most especially Trade.

The likes of China will not be included.  Let them deal with the North Koreas. 

We would strengthen NATO since until the Dictator Nations like China and Russia collapse, or see the light, they will be dangerous militarily in much the same way as they are today.

The time has come.  We cannot continue along as we have been doing.

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'

Friday, June 12, 2020

The Progressives Are Once Again Way Over-Reacting...

Green Energy Racism is Everywhere. 

Well at least they keep themselves busy.  Too bad for the great damage they cause in so doing.

Not being an American, I do not feel qualified to speculate on how prevalent racism is south of the border but my educated guess is that it is not as bad as many on the left portray it to be.  But that said, our southern neighbours do have issues that we in Canada do not such as its History of Slavery and the fact that it is a Gun Society.  Maybe more on that in a future blog.

I can remember well taking my wife and grandson 2 years ago to Harlem where it once was almost signing a death warrant for a white person to enter its boundaries.  We did touristy things there and had many meals in the abundant patios filled with Blacks, Latinos, and Whites like us - all enjoying one another's company.  But again, I will leave it to Americans to deal with the issue themselves.

In regard to Canada though, I know that we are most certainly not racist.  That is not to say we do not have citizens who are racist...we most certainly do as all societies do but the vast majority of Canadians are hard-working Men and Women trying to make a decent living for themselves and their families.  Simply stated ...they have neither the time nor interest in pursing racism.

Recently one of my most favourite Columnists came out in a hard-hitting article to totally debunk the suggestion that Canadians are Racists.  And as you can imagine, the Left went ballistic.  Nothing it likes better to that to tear down societies. 

As I said above, there are though racists in societies including are own. Anarchy is preferable than Democracy and in many ways I truly fear that that could well be our future.

A couple of sad cases have been in the news recently - the first... where an Aboriginal Chief was tackled  and had his nose broken by a burly cop for no other reason than his licence plate had expired.  It was all caught on tape.  The officer should have been fired and then charged with assault but the only assault charge levied was against the Native Chief.  I have no trouble chalking that one up to racism but that does not mean for one minute that many of his colleagues are similarly tainted.  Police hiring should be done in such a way as to weed out such bad apples in the hiring process.  Failing that, quick firing and criminal charging would soon set an example for anyone harbouring racist tendencies. 

The other case that caught my eye was a young black woman who fell to her death from a Toronto balcony.  She had mental health issues and her mother had called 911 to seek psychological help for her.  In burst 6 burly cops and the next thing - this poor young woman lay dead from the fall.  A Police spokesperson said she had jumped, her family said that the cops pushed her over.  Realistically the poor woman was overwhelmed by 6 cops coming at here all hell bent for leather that she tried to escape her apartment by climbing over the raid and trying to reach the apartment next door and then slipped and fell to her death.

So what went wrong-- you do not send a swat team to subdue any young woman ...or any person for that matter - that is having a mental breakdown. Whoever sent in the cavalry should be fired. And all the police who participated in this debacle should be disciplined.

The Police should not be 'Defunded' rather parts of its duties should be 'Repurposed' so that the Full Monty is reserved for the truly bad cases the truly bad guys.  Militarization of the Police needs to stop and be reversed save for Swat Teams again, for use only in cases of last resort. And certainly not against citizens peacefully protesting for change.

And calling out everyone as Racist has got to stop ...we're not and nothing good comes from such labeling.

As I See It...

"K.D. Bell"

Friday, June 5, 2020

The World's Societies Have Gone Off The Rails !!!

Today's Blog is limited to the recent, excellent and insightful writings of Mark Mallett entitled The Now World Reflections of Our Times.

MARK MALLETT, is a Roman Catholic singer/songwriter and missionary. He has performed and preached throughout North America and abroad.

It is a long read but a most comprehensive one and if you like the bent of my writing, you are going to find his most interesting indeed.

As I Read It....

'K.D. Bell'

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


We are seeing today riots occurring throughout America and indeed across the world because of the recent killing of George Floyd ...a black the hands or should I say foot of a white policeman in Minnesota.

To me this is a result of a buildup in resentment on the part of blacks and indeed on the part of concerned citizens regardless of colour or creed.

I need not review what happened in the case of Mr. Floyd since it is fresh in all of our minds but I would like to review a few similar others that have occurred in recent history.

But before I get into that, I would like to take you back to 1939 with the courageous and yet star-crossed Billie Holiday's and her most famous signing of Strange Fruit:

Southern trees bear a strange fruit
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees

Holiday was vilified for her temerity in the American South, where Blacks could not eat at white only restaurants, drink at white only water fountains,  use white only toilets, their transportation and schools and neighbourhoods were similarly segregated.

And of course Justice was meted out to Blacks in the exception as opposed to the rule.

It was simply awful and difficult for us in the year 2020 to even imagine how bad things were for these poor people.  Things since then have improved but George Floyd's indiscriminate killing and the cases I am about to focus on - show that we in society have a long way to go to ensure everyone is treated equally.

So let's begin with a look at the 2012 Florida murder of 17 year old Trayvon Martin who was murdered by self-appointed vigilante George Zimmerman.  Trayvon's offence was in wearing a hoodie and walking through his neighbourhood at the ungodly hour of 7 p.m. in the early evening.

Zimmerman was found Not Guilty !!

2014 saw 18 year old Michael Brown killed by a Missouri Ferguson Police Officer who had fired 14 shots at Brown ...6 hitting their target.  Witnesses say Brown had his hands up in a surrender position.

2014 also saw Dontre Hamilton, 31, fatally shot 14 times by a police officer in a Milwaukee park. The officer was responding to a call from employees at a nearby Starbucks alleging that Hamilton, who had been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, was disturbing the peace. In my readings there is no indication that Hamilton was armed.  No charges were laid against the police officer. 

There are just too many for me to even begin to itemize but for now more.

And that pertains to the murder of Ahmaud Arbery who made the mistake of Jogging While Black in Georgia.  We have all heard of the offence of Driving While Black . but this is a first for me though I doubt in the annals of Racism against Blacks that this is by any means the first.

Anyway a former cop and his son, their pick-up, took it upon themselves to see that this fellow paid the ultimate price for his jogging.   Too bad for them, they were caught on tape doing it.

Surprisingly the Georgia Authorities for a month turned a blind eye to what had occurred.  It was only when the video became public that heads rolled and charges against these two pieces of white trash were laid. 

I would like to go on and on here with countless other such cases but for want of time now - I will leave it at this.  Over the course though I will continue to add more such cases at the top honour of those mentioned above and in honour of those yet to be mentioned and hopefully not forgotten.

As I See It....

'K.D. Bell'

Sunday, May 31, 2020


Why a Term in the Slammer ....aka Prison.

And don't just take my word for it...take my hospital room-mate's, a former Crown Attourney of over 30 years.  He was called to the Bar of Ontario in 1975 one year after me.

One night during my recent 10 day stay in hospital he said to me - you know when I was sending offenders off to jail during my career I often wondered what it would be like to have to go there myself.  "Having now stayed several days in hospital, during Covid, I believe I have some idea".

I told him it was funny that he had said that since the idea had also gone through my mind too as a retired lawyer who did some defence work during my career.

We both agreed too that it might have proven helpful if  part of our training had included a stay in a crowbar hotel.

Our conversation then went on to list what we saw as the similarities:

  • Close confined quarters;
  • Meer curtains to provide a semblance of privacy.  You quickly learned everyone's diagnosis including whether they had a successful bowel movement withing the last 24 hrs;
  • We could not leave the floor;
  • There were no telephones nor t.v. nor radios permitted;
  • There was lights out; 
  • And no visitors...even inmates are allowed visitors;
  • No choice in meals - you got what was sent - for instance, I was served room temp tea 2x per day irrespective of the fact that I do not like is my weakness.  One patient mentioned that he knew for a fact that prisoners in provincial jails were being served the same food as us and here I thought all they got was bread and thinking about it, maybe that would have been preferable;
  • Lights came on a 6 am.   so no sleeping in. Good thing we were put to bed early.; 
  • You were powerless - constantly told what to do and how to it;
  • Beds were seldom did it yourself and sponge baths ever given.  You had to ask for a towel to shave and wash yourself....I could go on but you get the idea.
Anyway I guess with my recent hospital stay I can now truly say I do have some idea of what it would be like to have spent some time in jail.  

So, dear reader, I can now mark that off my Bucket List !

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'

Monday, May 25, 2020

China's Xi Jinping & America's Donald Trump are both dangerous to the future of our World....

Update Note:  In today's paper it is reported that a Motion put forward by our Conservative Party in Parliament, condemning China for its harsh crack-down on Hong Kong was defeated by the gutless trilogy led by our Liberal Government and supported by the New Democratic Party and the Green Party.  SHAME

In 1997 Prince Charles handed over Hong Kong to the Chinese on the understanding that there would be 2 forms of government ...a more liberal and open government for Hong Kong and a more dictatorial and closed one for the rest of China.  China is now in blatant opposition to that agreement.  I would hope if I were Prince Charles that I would have the courage to go back to Hong Kong to remind China of their agreement some 23 years ago.

But China's Jinping is by far and away worse.

And I am not talking about viruses, or Hong Kong, or denial of human rights, or Taiwan; or lack of rule of law; or imprisoning Canadian Citizens without cause; or locking up their journalists who write anything negative about the glorious State Dictatorship  etc etc.

I am referring to International Trade...that which makes the world go round and that which is needed to see the world go forward and truly put the current pandemic behind us.

Both Trump and Xi use their offices to continually mess with Unfeddered Trade but Xi is the most ruthless of the two and both personages spell trouble for the World Economy if they continue to hold office.

But at least the USA is a Democracy...China is a Dictatorial, Ruthless Nation.

In that regard, I have read many articles of late suggesting that we in the West should simply stop trading with China but that would be a fool-hardly and self defeating thing to do.

If China can provide things cheaper and with relative quality we would be fools to cut that off.  If for its petty purposes, they cut us off something, we simply go tit for tat and cut off a comparable amount of things that China wishes to receive from us.  And we look elsewhere to get what the Chinese have stopped sending to us. 

I have used similar examples in the past...but if Country A can produce apples at twice the quality and half the cost that Country B does - it borders on stupidity for the latter to not take advantage of that.  Country B can then focus on trading items - let's say Oranges - that it can produce better and at less cost than Country A.

Indeed China is only hurting itself when it plays games with Trade and they are certifiable for playing such a game.  It has made $Trillions in trade, raised Millions out of Poverty and now has the world's second biggest economy... soon be number one.

So Galagher are you saying we simply keep trading with China and turn a blind eye to all their negatives much like what Canada's Progressive Government appears so keen n doing?


I have said in previous blogs and recently read in a major newspaper editorial suggesting that the Democracies of the world ...a club of less than 30 nations out of nearly 200, need to come together and form their own Organizations to mirror but not replace the UN type of Associations.

Let's call this Club The Democracies of the World Club (DWC) and other countries - the remaining 170, will be free to join the DWC as soon as they can prove that they too have truly become Democratic and support the Rule of Law.

Leave the Dictators to sputter and spew in the UN and related organizations ....talking never hurts and it will give them something to occupy their time.  But for the real work - let's leave it to the Democracies.

Watch how fast countries like China come around ...they have too much to lose -  i.e. hard cash.

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'

Saturday, May 23, 2020


Just home from a 10 day stay in Hospital and glad to be here.

I was housed in a semi-like ICU where patients were on top of each other and staff ratios were roughly one to one - one nurse for each patient. 

From my perspective, that number was at least twice what it should have been - i.e. one staffer for per 2 patients would have been more than sufficient.  But it did allow for some interesting insights:  staff spent most of their time chatting to each other followed closely glued to their cell phones. The remaining time - not much - was devoted reluctantly to patient care.

Not surprisingly then, most of the staff had worked there for years.  They know a good thing when they have it.

And my next door neighbour, like me, was bedded directly in front of the nurses' station.  He made no attempt to hide the fact that he was tuned in completely to their discussions and in fact on numerous occasions he joyfully told them he was doing just that. They just smiled. He was also overheard saying several times that their discussions were better than watching t.v..

I think he somewhat overstated that since I personally did not find it so spell-binding but I did find it interesting none-the-less.  Their discussions mirrored life in general:  a group of young nurses - for the most part female - were centred on their partners, boy-friends and where applicable, their children.  Sometimes they discussed issues related to us patients but that was done in the exception and little attempt was made to keep things secret.  In essence though, they were projecting their hopes and dreams for the future as we, who were once young, did too.  It was heartening to hear and in the case of my roomie -  apparently gripping.

I noticed early on that their discussions seldom if ever dealt with current events or domestic or world politics.  I tested this with many individually and it became evident that they had little or no interest in these subjects as our older generation most certainly does.

Is this a good thing or bad?  I do not know and leave it to you to decide given your own circumstances.

Anyway, it was a long 10 day stay for me which I hope and pray does not happen again too soon or for that matter ever.  It may though generate some further blogs.

We'll see....   

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'

Thursday, May 7, 2020



'They' being the Liberal Party of Canada and the Troop Placers being the Conservative Party of Canada - in an Election Campaign in the early 2000s.

So flash ahead till now ...There Will Be Troops In Quebec's Nursing Homes...and to a lesser the Province of Ontario as well.  This is especially rich when you consider that Quebec's Government is Separatist and you do not get anything to represent Canada's Sovereignty more than our Army.

How Ironic and yet How Revolting.  We neither need troops in our streets nor in our nursing homes.  That dear reader is not the job of our nation's military.   Maybe things like flood control and to a lesser extent - out of control forest fires but even for events like these it would be better for us to establish a Civil Defence Force as have our American neighbours done to the south. 

So what exactly will our gallant soldiers be doing?

Well - feeding; washing; and of course.....changing diapers.

I can hear it now !!

Code Brown..."all bomb experts to floor 2 / room 5  / bed 3.  An massive explosion has taken place  and in need of immediate clean-up... Be sure to wear your body armour and most importantly... your masks.

As I Smell It...

'K. D. Bell'

Monday, May 4, 2020

The 24 hour news cycle becomes very boring when it is all about either Trump or the Virus

For Long Time Readers I must apologize for being MIA in regard to my Blog Writing or better stated - Non-Blog Writing.

My excuse is contained in today's title - whatever I read and whatever I hear on the news is all about the Trumper and/or the Corny Virus.  I know you must be as tired of that as am I.

For me to be stimulated to write -I usually need to come across something in the mass media that gets my blood flowing to speak.  And the constant repetative analysis of these two all encompassing topics has just the opposite affect on me - it turns me off and out.

I enjoy blogging though and from the feedback I get, I believe you find it insightful from time to time.  As I have said before, I try to get behind the B.S. spewed by the Talking Heads and let you know what I believe is really going on...and it that regard I am usually right !! said me ...your humble servant.

Let's consider for a moment my somewhat recent blogs on the Virus.  The main thrust of my blogs was that the treatment Government and Health Personages implemented was worse than the disease itself.

But the Media was in their rapt embraceThat lasted a long time but more recently they have come to my original conclusion - why ...the social well-being of society, our economies and our collective mental health are taking a heavy hit as bad as or even worse than the virus itself.  Dah.

I also said, rather than just health care experts advising our politicians, there also needed to be a panel composed with economists and social scientists.  Not one media type suggested this approach.  But ... of course, that was then and this is now - and I have lost track of the number of talking heads coming round to my same conclusion.  After all, do you really think a Health Care Expert is going to suggest anything but a shut-down of society.  Not a chance.

And remember dear reader your heard it first from me.  I am in my 72nd year so maybe wisdom does grow with age ...or at least by now people my age have acquired a little experience.

Okay is my next prediction.  As you know, everyone appears to be predicting that everything will change in the new post virus era.   It won't of course and once that becomes crystal clear down the road - the Talking Heads will do an about face and tell you that they knew nothing of significance would change all along.

Handshakes will disappear for ever - Not;  Restaurants will be empty for a long time to come - No They Won't;  Air Traffic will take years to come back - if at all - Again after a couple of months of having slayed the Dragon - we'll be airborne in great numbers and hell bent for leather;  Stadiums and Concert Halls will be filled to capacity....etc.

At home offices will not all go back to corporate base but the vast majority will. We are after all social beings and the home front simply does not cut it for most of us. Plus managers need to face to face with their employees and there is only so much of that you can do over video.

I could go on and on ...but you get the idea.

In early February I predicted that life would return to normal in June - in fact it appears to be happening somewhat earlier though the Pol'ys and the Health'ys are doing there best to drag their heals.  By September things will be in full swing. 

I say this because unlike other tragedies that plague our economy - this shutdown was officially sanctioned - Governments turned off the Economic Switch and things naturally came to a stop.  By the same token, when Governments turn the switches back on - life will quickly return to normal.

There is one area that unfortunately may sustain serious damage and like the above, this is man-made too.  I will deal with it in my very next blog ...

As I See It ...

K.D. Bell

Wednesday, April 1, 2020



By Gary Abernathy*

*Gary Abernathy, a contributing columnist for The Post, is a freelance writer based in Hillsboro, Ohio. After spending 13 years as an editor at three Ohio newspapers from 1983 to 1996, Abernathy worked in Republican Party politics in Ohio and West Virginia, 

Mr Abernathy wrote a column this weekend entitled We are all socialists now.  And boy is he right.

The money being thrown at this Virus is simply mind-blowing and will in my humble opinion turn the majority of Americans into Progressives.  The West, including my country Canada, has already swallowed the cool-aide and the only place where the fight between right and left has prevailed is in America.  Indeed until the current crisis, the split was right down the middle - 50/50.  But like Mr. Abernathy - I too believe those days to be well and truly over.  

Welcome to our Progressive World US of A.  

Good thing? Bad Thing?  even I no longer know - as a fiscal conservative I would never had thought the Government Debt / Deficits could grow to such levels as we have seen since the mortgage backed security scandal of 2007 and 2008.  And that does not even include the massive quantitative easing - the art of financial institutions printing money without backing.  Kinda like former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke suggesting helicopter drops of cash to fight deflation.  I laughed at the time but since then... seeing this more or less happen - I am laughing no more.

So in my humble opinion Abernathy is correct and so to is one of my favourite author's ...
Lord Conrad Black of Cross Harbour.

Lord Black writes of the Hysteria caused by the Pandemic and in particular focuses on the closing of the Canada / US border to Non-Essential Travel.  Black reviews in some length the long and storied history of our open border - the longest undefended border in the world.  Now a casualty of this bug that confronts us all.  

There is one other author I would like to reference though will leave this wayward wag nameless. He too sees change and likes it.  The change he endorses is the end of the handshake and notes with glee  that 'history has never witnessed a more disgusting and dangerous interaction between humans besides murder'.  To him I say...Get A Life.. He goes on to say he expects the elimination of the handshake will survive the current pandemic.  I hope he is wrong. 

He does not mention the long tradition of European Cheek Kissing but you can just imagine his  horror at just the thought. 

So what does he suspect will replace these longstanding traditions?  An elbow bump?  God save us.

Both of the above referenced traditions are intimate yet respectable manifestations of a warmth between two human beings.   If we lose that bond we will have lost something very special.  So if you have a elbow bump planned for it for your dog. 

None of what I have written pertains to China but ready or not, I am going to deal with this subject here as well.

There is something ugly in Canada's relation with China and more to the point - something ugly in our National Liberal Party's - aka Laurentian Elite relationship with that country.   Some day I hope that a Inquiry is called to investigate this and it will not be pretty.

For decades now former senior liberal politicians and senior bureaucrats have gone off to the China Trough.  

Justin Trudeau, even before he became Prime Minster, waxed eloquent about how much he respected this ruthless dictatorship which more or less mirrored his late father's view - former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott. 

More recently and during the beginning of the Pandemic - the Liberal Government went out of its way to praise China for the effective way in which they went about fighting this outbreak.  All the while they had to know that China was dramatically downplaying the disease's seriousness while 10s of thousands of its citizens were dying or were traveling across the world spreading the joy.  

Canada was welcoming China's sick with open arms.  We are still paying the price for this Liberal Government Folly.

And then we sent China tons of medical supplies which China did not use but sent back to us.  To add to this nonsense we then ordered tons of medical supplies from China at a cost but the items turned out to be defective.

When non-liberals complained they were showered as being racist pigs.  Who is the racist and who is the pig? 

And all this being done while China is holding two of our citizens for 480 days and counting.  The two are Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig.  If you do not know the sad story of their kidnapping... I encourage you to look it up. 

What is clear in all of this is that in all of our  dealings with this ruthless dictatorship - no attempt has been made to see our two brethren freed.  At least some good might have come from our niceness to the Giant but my extensive reading on this has found no indication that any attempt was made to see the two Michaels freed.  And until these two fellows are released Canada should give them spit and refrain from saying anything nice about them.  We should also be working to ensure that China is jettisoned from every world organization known to mankind.  It needs to be shunned. 

So we are seeing changes wrought by the Virus - some of which maybe permanent.  But the one constant throughout is that Canada remains suppliant at the Dictators Feet. 

As I See It...

K.D. Bell


Tuesday, March 24, 2020


In a recent blog I wrote that the best response to the Corona Virus is to do Nothing.

Well in retrospect perhaps I was a little bit over the top.  But not as much as you might think.

In the blog, I employed an analogy of a patient going to hospital for an ear ache and coming out with casts on both hands and both feet.  Well I should have said ...came out in a full body cast.

I say that since there are 3 serious affects that can be attributed to the Corona:   Health; Economic; and Social.

To date the focus has been mostly on the threat to health but the Virus has other equally deleterious affects:
  • The World Economy has been shut down.  Millions are out of work and the dirty 30s are beginning to look like a cake walk in comparison to what is happening today.

  • Social Isolation recommended by health experts and politicians alike is working but at the cost of isolating the frail, the elderly, and the vulnerable.  in fact it is not mentally or physically healthy for any of us.
So how come?

The answer my dear friends is relatively easy to determine - our Politicians are making decisions that affect us all on the basis of what the nearest Health Expert recommends.

For instance, how many times have you seen Politician X make a declaration of some sort and a reporter naturally asks - 'Why So'?   The answer is inevitably that this is what the 'health care experts are advising us to do'.  End of Story. 

In effect our politicians are hiding behind these Experts - following rather than leading as they should.  In one sense who can blame them - they are on the side of the angels.  This despite the fact that the damage these self-same declarations can do is often worse than the virus itself.

So here is what I would suggest:

We all know the reaction of health care will be 'shut her down'.  So that position needs to be counter-balanced with the other two major players in the game represented by economists / business and social scientists / sociologists.  A panel representing the nation's experts in these 3 fields could then look for a compromise approach which the Politicians in their infinite wisdom can then consider and then act on the ones they find best suited to today's complex situation.

You read it here first - don't be shy to pass it along.

In closing, I will make a prediction - fear is what currently drives today's policy decisions but the day is quickly coming - even without the above panel - when fear of illness will be replaced by greed and economic self-preservation.  Society will be out for the welfare of Number 1 - themselves and to hell with a virus that may or not make them sick and will unlikely kill them.

For the sick and vulnerable continue to stay in doors throughout all of this and self-isolate. 

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Friday, March 13, 2020

We Have A Virus Alright ...But It's Not The 'Cornie' One That Is Causing Us All The Trouble...

Rather, It Is The Panic The Cornie Causes !!

Whole Cities, States and Continents have been cut-off from civilization. 

National and International Sport Leagues and Events have packed up and gone home or stayed home.

Police are enforcing the distance you can legally stand near another human... 1 yard apart.  Who knew such draconian measures even existed.  It would make even the most notorious Dictators of history blush in envy.

There are differing lists of Freedoms but as a Libertarian - the basic ones  that I subscribe to are:  Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Assembly.

And three of these have come under attack as a result of the Corona Virus - Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Assembly.  The first example indeed consists of the two of them - Churches in some jurisdiction have been told not to hold services because of fears that this could lead to the spread of the virus.  The Freedom of Assembly has been generally sacrificed with the dictate that crowds larger than 250 - 500 will not be permitted - hence sports events, political meetings and meetings of any kind will not be tolerated.  Even our Parliament closed today allowing our politicians to slink out of town. 

And the olde saw - never let an ill wind go to waste is alive and well in today's whirlwind.  Progressive Lefties ...aka Greenies are simply beside themselves.   Their goal to save the planet has been to see industry shuttered and by Joe - this is being accomplished before their very eyes.  I have to wonder though they will manage when their day to comforts are suddenly not available.

China - the biggest supplier of things to the world - like the shirt on your back and parts for industry has seen a reduction in their external shipments reduced by 85%.  Their smiles will soon fade as it sinks in that they - like the rest of us are also consumers. 

And speaking of consuming - the hottest item in the market place today of course is toilet paper.  My wife and I went to two major grocery stores yesterday and neither one had but a roll of tissue left.  Just long empty shelves for as far as the eye could see.  We do have an ample supply of old newspapers here and would gladly provide some to the greenies when their need arises.

Today the news was full of reports that the local Costco's parking lot was jammed full and that cars were backed up for long distances on the roads leading to that store.  All had come for the Toilet Paper and reporters found these toilet paper hunters to be universally ugly in nature.  I thought to myself thank heavens we have much stricter gun controls than our American neighbours to the south.

Yesterday, we overheard one woman standing in the check out lines ....did I mention that I had never experienced lines so long?  - She wondered out loud if the only thing left for her to do was to go to her basement with a can of tuna and a supply of toilet tissue and cover her head with a blanket until the panic ceased.  Her comments were followed by a nervous laugh from those around her.

I would like to continue on with this blog further but find that I must sign-off - need to check to see if any stores around me have restocked their tissue.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Monday, March 9, 2020


I am currently following three Leadership races here in North America - - four actually, though one is a none race - 2 in the US of A and 2 here in Canada.  Lets begin with the former.

We are now down to 2 candidates for the Democrats - the above-noted Biden and Bernie - both are past their 'best before dates' and even when they were in their prime - they were nothing to speak of.  Sorry guys.

Smart money is now on the former V.P.  but it really matters not, since neither one will take out The Donald.

And Donald Trump is the second race I will also deal with quickly here.  There isn't one - a race that is and there should be.  Trump has been a disaster in his term of office and someone(s) in the Republican Party should have come forward to challenge him.  I can think of several but won't name them - if they did not have the patriotism to come forward - I cannot be bothered with naming them either.  And, I well remember the 1968 Election Campaign when Bobby Kennedy challenged then President Lyndon Johnson.  It cost Kennedy his life but it also forced Johnson's resignation. 

So Donald Trump runs unopposed when he should not be there at all - and this coming November he will find himself running against a candidate - likely Biden - who is even worse than himself.

Where is Winston Churchill when you need him.  Even in advanced age - he would beat the socks off these guys.  And to think, the Presidency of the United States is the highest gig going. Pity.

So now we come to my own country Canada.  Nationally we have a Leadership Race for the Conservative Party - and also have but two eligible candidates - both second-line stringers.  For some reason, the Conservative Party apparatjik went out of its way to discourage participation and in that they have been most successful. 

Given this, we too in Canada may well end up with our current Prime Minister come next election which would be similar to the United States since, like Trump, our current guy is probably the worst Prime Minister we have had in modern time. Indeed, the only thing our guy can still look up to is his own Ego.

Now to our largest Province - Ontario where 40%  of Canadians reside.  The Liberals in fact just wrapped up their Leadership Convention on Saturday and some guy whose name begins with Del ? was elected on the first ballot.  Don't feel bad if you do not recognize the name- none of us here do either. 

His claim for fame is that he is a professional politician having entered the fray at the tender age of 15.  What he does not realize of course is that this attribute is not an asset for him but rather a detriment.

And, the only thing Del ? has in his favour is that if and when the mantle of power is placed on his shoulders he does not need to worry about growing gray.

With the world feeling like it is falling in upon itself we need great Leadership more than ever and yet seem to go out of our way to see that we do not get it.  Pity too.

As I See It, 

K.D. Bell

Friday, February 28, 2020


UPDATE:  Just to keep the coronavirus in some perspective, 10% of the US population (25 million) gets the flu each year and 36,000 die from it on average    

NOTHING          NADA          ZIP          ZILCH          RIEN     

It has been less than two months since this new virus has become a house-hold word and yet during this relatively short time 'The Experts' & 'The Politicians' have gone all the way from saying "nothing to see here...move along"  to Henny Penny's famous running about proclaiming "the sky is falling".

And all the while entire cities have hunkered down indoors leaving streets abandoned while the world's commercial network has virtually come to a stand-still.

So what began and still is a health matter has morphed into a social and economic catastrophe.

So how did we get where we currently are?

In the beginning the danger of this virus was sorely downplayed while today is it grossly overblown.

The Experts are calling for hospitals to "stock-up with medications" while the Politicians are telling us to "stock up basic supplies" such as food and water.

Exactly what 'medications' hospital would stock-up on is a mystery to me since no medications exist yet for this new virus.

It is all over-kill and only serves to spread panic throughout the world which they have been very successful in doing.

Which leads me back to today's solution - We Should Do Nothing.

The virus is less serious than the flu which we have contended with since the early 1700s and every year sees outbreaks of this old virus all over the world.  And yet we do not shut down whole cities and discontinue international commerce in its wake.  Granted, vaccinations exist for the flu but the same will apply soon in the case of the coronavirus virus.

Fatalities are less than they are with the flu - something around 2% and then mostly affects the elderly - which though bad enough - if the numbers were reversed...if the survival rate was 2% and the death rate 98%  then I could understand the need for panic.  But it is not.

So here we have a medical issue but you and I are needlessly turning it into social isolation and economic decline.  We are shooting ourselves in the proverbial foot.   It is like going into a hospital with and earache and asking for castes to be placed on your hands and legs.  How to make it a bad situation much, much worse.  Have we become so soft in the 21st Century that we are willing to stop living just because we might come down with flu like symptoms?

During World War Two - Londoners went underground as their City was bombarded - buildings obliterated, citizens killed and wounded.  And yet come the morning sun, they dusted themselves, stayed calm and carried on.

We, indeed the World, have been given the rare chance to emulate their courage...are we up-to-it?

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


As in Recession ....or even  Great Recession?  Or how about a Depression or even another Great Depression?

Can't happen you might say.  But maybe, just maybe...

Yesterday, the DOW was down over a thousand points and today it again came too close to that significant number - so nearly 2,000 points down in but 2 days.  What will tomorrow or the day after bring?

It has been but 10 years since the world experienced the Great Recession - 2007/08 and some 90 years since the Great Depression and folks I can tell you things on the ground today - as we head into a new decade - look similarly bleak.

The immediate cause for this week's down-draft is the spreading of the Coronavirus.  Whole countries are shutting down and with them - economic activity is coming to a halt.  It just shows how vulnerable commerce is to outside influences in this modern, mobile age.

But there are other perhaps less serious causes for the economic retraction but all still substantial - take Donald Trump's irresponsible policies of trade war and devastating tariffs.  They hurt the USA as much as they hurt other countries.  Even the 'White House' came out recently to say that its President had been mistaken in these regards.

And then you have the Climate disasters that abound through-out the world - forest fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes and twisters.  They do not just damage infrastructure - they destroy it for years on end.  Revelations makes good suggested reading.

Add to this - war and strife that too inundates world affairs.  The economy takes second-fiddle to trying to protect life and limb.

Finally, to insult to injury is the progressives' move to everything Green.  It is expensive, inefficient and takes away from serious economic activity.  Our Prime Minister - Justin Trudeau is a prophet when it comes to this nonsense and if you do not have the misfortune of living under his delusional leadership - you are indeed most fortunate.   But many other countries have also drunk the kool-aid.

And thanks to our flakey Prime Minister, we in Canada have the unique problem of our natives deliberately trying to bring our commerce to a halt - via rail, road and bridge stoppages.  All that our natives want is for the 'white man' to turn over the lands they stole... back to the Indian.  Simple as that and - dear reader - the natives have an ally in Justin.

So the question becomes not Why Are The World Economies Faltering - but, Why Did It Take So Long? ... When the World is going to Hell in a Hand-basket.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Monday, February 24, 2020


This week was supposed to be the week when our Federal Government ruled on whether or not Teck Resources' Frontier Project would be allowed to proceed in the Province of Alberta.

Earlier today though, the CEO of Teck came out to say his company was cancelling the project - a project that would have created 7,000 good paying jobs and would have injected over $40 Billion into Alberta's stalled economy.

Now if I was the cynical type - I would say from the above that we the taxpayer had been had.  After 10 years of fighting tooth and nail for this project - its owners come out at the 12th hour to announce that it has lost interest in it.  Pshaw !!

And I later learned that my suspicions were validated.

Some intrepid reporter found out that or Progressive overly Green Government had recently approached Teck to say that although it would approve the project later this week - it would do so with a number of conditions that would keep the project on ice for a further 10 years or more.

To understand what happened here - is to understand that had the Government imposed more restrictive conditions at this late stage - Albertans would have gone ballistic.  Fuel would have been added to the ever-growing separatist feelings.

By having Teck do its dirty work - it at least dulled the impact and at the same time - keeps its stranglehold on their progressive, tree-hugging followers.

But now we know the rest of the story - my apologizes to the late Paul Harvey.  Teck was tipped off and knew full well their project - after 10 years was dead on arrival.

Or do we know the rest of the story...Perhaps only part.

Again call me a cynic - but what would you do if you were the head of Teck and Young Trudeau's thugs came to you to tell you a decision would be forthcoming but with a number of conditions that could not be possibly met?

If you are anything like me - you would not issue a last minute statement to say your company was pulling up stakes.   Why - you's let the Federal Government render its divisive statement and then you would announce your pull-out.

Teck says that it has lost over a billion dollars on this futile project ....I wonder how much of that the Feds will cover-off?  Nothing else makes sense.

Our Government makes Trump and an company look like amateurs.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Saturday, February 22, 2020


As you know, I was not a fan of the endless Impeachment Debate that, until recently, had plagued Trump's Presidency virtually from the get-go.  Like many of you, I saw it for what it  was - the Democrats seeking revenge against The Donald for having the temerity to win the 2016 Election over their fair-haired - Hillary Clinton. 

I will not rehash this embarrassing period- embarrassing for all participants, other than to say its most recent alliteration - of  saying Trump tried to bribe the Ukrainian President regarding matters relating to V.P. Joe Biden and his son.  When the President of the United States - the strongest politician in the world, cannot say what he wishes to his counterparts throughout the world without it landing on page 1 of the New York Times ... we're all in trouble.  Folks that is simply how politics works - or if you like...doesn't work in the big leagues.

However, that does not entitle a President or any other leader of one of our few democracies to personally interfere in the workings of the administration of justice.  And that is just what he did - when he directly involved himself in the sentencing of his good friend -  Roger Stone earlier this week.

This has been verified by none other than the Justice herself and by his own Attorney General - William Barr.

It is called interfering with the Rule of Law and not even the President of the United Statesd has the right to do this.

If I was Barr, I would resign immediately - it would be nice to see someone of principle leave on their free will than be dropped kicked out as has happened to so many of his contemporaries. 

Strangely, and you will know from my recent blogs, we have the similar problem here in Canada but from the reverse angle.  Our Prime Minister - Justin Trudeau, will not invoke the Rule of Law to prevent some Natives from tying up our Commerce via rail and road blockages. 

So in our case, Trudeau ensures special legal treatment for some - just like he has shown in the past for special legal treatment for some of his influential friends in our Province of Quebec.

So while Trudeau ignores the Rule of Law like the plague - Trump stomps all over it for a friend.

In both cases it is gravely damaged.   Can one Impeach our Prime Minister too?

As I See It ...

K.D. Bell

Friday, February 21, 2020



Permit me though to quickly put your minds at ease.

We here in Canada are currently undergoing 3 weeks of Indian Blockades of our rail systems which has greatly adversely affected our economy.   These environmental thugs are blocking our rails attempting to shut down various large mineral and oil extractions.  What they do not seem to realize is they can stand-down easy since our Prime Minister - the one and only Gadfly Justin Trudeau has always been willing to do their bidding for them - and there is no indication he will do differently in the future.

So why I am becoming a Proponent for these Shenanigans?

Well to tell the truth the idea is not mine - but belongs to my friend Johnny who grew up with me in our village of Brighton Ontario on the same street.  I have mentioned this street in past blogs - as you may recall - it has two names - at the one end it is called Sandford and at the others - the d is dropped. I lived at one end - Johnny's home was more toward the other end so I guess we really did live on separate streets...

I spoke with John last eve by phone - by way of our land phones if you can believe it.  Johnny currently lives nearby the Tyendinaga Reserve which has reveled in this self-destructing tactics for many years now.  In keeping with Peter MacKay's vocal support for Albertan vigilantism, I asked John if he and his wife would be renting a pick-up truck and routing out these marauders just like the fellows did a couple of days ago out west.  Sadly Johnny said "No" - I was naturally disappointed but now hold MacKay in somewhat greater regard.

Okay here is his idea.  Many reserves in Canada are simply places for illegal business - cigarettes,  marijuana, booze, gambling and the like.  In recent years, routes into these reserves have been lined with state of the art prefab illegal sales outlets and all while the police turn a blind eye to the general public coming there on mass to seek out spectacular but illicit deals.

So what would happen - Johnny opinions - if the cops were to block off the general public from their Merchandising Bonanza?  I could see his point immediately - their lucrative misadventures would immediately be ruined.  Bet you would see their rail blockades come down pretty darn fast.  And no one would get hurt.

But the chances of this happening are most unlikely despite the fact that it is so common-sensical.  Common sense appears to have less and less relevance in the affairs of man as time goes on.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Western Society Continues It's Relentless Descent Into Oblivion

Take our Country - Canada - for example.

We have different laws for our 9 provinces and 3 territories than we do for one of our provinces - Quebec.  Well in fact, we have no federal laws applying to that province.  Similarly, we have different laws for the average citizen than we do for our natives - indeed, like Quebec, neither federal nor even provincial laws appear to apply to them.

We now have a significant portion of our economy seriously being damaged due to Indian rail blockades.  Our provincial police were shown recently approaching one such blockage with a peace offering - maple syrup.  Only in Canada you say.

In addition to lack of law enforcement, Religion too is in steep decline.  The Christian / Judaic Principles that built our land are long gone despite the fact that these very values were the reason millions of the world's poor, weary and huddled masses came to our shores seeking and finding a much better life.

Given this, it comes as no surprise that the culture of death is extending its tentacles into our society's most vulnerable.  Death once had it is becoming just an inconvenience.

A former Prime Minister famously said 'our Members of Parliament became nobodies when they traveled but 50 feet from our Parliament'.  Today, our Members are nobodies even when they attend that self-same Parliament...Government is run by the Prime Minister, The Head of the Civil Service and their personal coterie of advisors in 'short pants'.

But dear reader, there is even a greater threat to our democracies and that is the Courts.  When I went to Law School I was taught that our Laws were made by politicians and administered by the Courts.  Today, the Court has assumed responsibility for actually making the laws despite the fact that its membership is neither elected nor accountable to the public.

Capitalism is also under attack.  Polling shows that societies' young vastly favour Socialism over Capitalism and all of our Parties are simply various shades of Progressivism.  No wonder then, a septuagenarian leads the race for the Democratic Candidate for President - socialist Bernie Sanders.

The Environment has become our new religion -  our new economic underpinning.  Significant construction projects take years to navigate the cumbersome reviews and then, most likely,  are turned down.  Indeed the McKenzie River Project took over 40 years to study and finally, ended in failure.  At the other extreme we see dictatorships, like China build an entire 1,000 bed hospital in but 10 days.  Better start taking Chinese language lessons folks

And last but not least is the issue of Debt and Deficits.  Progressives' love them.  Everything they could possibly want - their little hands are thrust out to receive.  Forget about the American tradition of earning your own way and Margaret Thatcher's apt warning - Socialism works only until progressives run out of other peoples' money to spend.  Just like your chargex bills at home -  the day will come when the balance is due...and what then.

It doesn't work for you at home and it won't work for your government.  Here in Canada we have a master spender of hard-earned taxpayer dollars... our one and only Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  When he ran for office in 2015 he promised a modest deficit of $10 billion - modest to him - large to you and I.   But that soon proved to be chump change for him. The debt then at the national level was $628 Billion.  Today it has morphed to $699 Billion while the deficit has increased to $20 billion annually and is predicted to rise even more.  These numbers do not even include the dismal figures at our provincial level.  In the USA it is even worse.  When Trump came into power the national debt stood at $20 it is $3 Trillion more...some businessman he.  This number exceeds that country's annual GDP.  He is adding to the debt at a rate of $1 Trillion per year - the same high number experienced by his predecessor Barrack Obama.

 When does it end it surely will.  And do not forget, America's Banker is now China. 

You might have noticed that I have not mentioned Europe in my above analysis.  I did not do so - since those countries are in worse shape than us.

So what is the solution.  That's easy ...citizens of western democracies need to take back power from the elites and the small but vocal interest groups.  I can be done but time is running out ...for us all.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell

Friday, February 7, 2020


Sorry for my tardiness in supplying my (non) predictions for the year we are now well into.

As you will see, I thought I would approach this topic a little differently this year...rather make predictions, as in other years, I thought I would approach the coming new year / new decade with non-predictions such as:

But before I begin....this past year saw my son save my life with his aggressive cpr so he can no longer complain about anything I say,do, or write about...It Is All His Fault.  So please bear that in mind if you find things you may disagree with is not my fault ...rather Scott's. 😌

1. There will not be a federal election this coming year despite the fact that the Liberal Government finds itself in minority territory the main reason being none of the opposition parties want one and will not want an election for some time yet.  The other reason is that the Libs will find themselves in the popularity doldrums and thus in no position to call a snap election;

2.  Trump will not lose America's General Election this coming November thanks mostly to the Democrats antics surrounding Impeachment and the plethora of moderate dem leadership candidates;

3.  New Oil and Gas Pipelines in Canada will not get built this coming year despite Prime Minister Trudeau's promise to lend a more sympathetic ear to the economic needs of Western Canada;

4.  Brexit will no longer be an issue for the Brits;

5.  China will not release the two Canadian hostages taken in revenge for the house arrest of Huawei's Meng Wanzhou in Vancouver but she will no longer find herself in Canada - rather the USA;

6.  The economy of the United States will falter.  It has simply gone up for too long;

7.  The World will not become a safer place: violence, resurrection will not end save for in Hong Kong where the Chinese Leadership's patience will not continue;

8.  Venezuela's Dictator - Nicholas Maduro, one way or the other, will not remain;

9.  Peter MacKay - slated to be coronated Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada - will not be so;

10.  The world economy will not be robust no thanks to President Trump's Tariff Antics;

11.  Alberta will not separate from Canada although over the year separatist sentiment will not will worsen;

12.  Ottawa's Light Rail will finally not breakdown continually;

13.  The Coronavirus will not get lessen, it will get worse despite efforts by Health Experts to down-play the danger;

14.  If John Baird enters the Leadership Race for the Conservative Party of Canada ...he will not lose;

15.  In this same Leadership Race, the Social Conservative Vote will not embarrass itself.


Wednesday, January 29, 2020


I have not been all that prolific in my writings of late but when I do write it is often about the Conservative Party Leadership Race currently underway here in Canada.

You know as well as I that if I wrote about the Trump  debacle my readership would swell but the one area I agree with the Trumper is that Impeachment is a contrived witch hunt.  It will not bring him down and may well launch him back into the Presidency this coming November and I say that with sadness.  America and indeed the world needs better.  But continued talk and writing about it is a monumental waste of time.

So I keep coming back to my home country since the divisive issues facing us have the potential of breaking up our 150+ year old democracy.

One of those serious divisive issues concerns Social Conservatives and whether or not they should be allowed to remain in our supposed Right of Centre Party.

As a Social Conservative myself I have felt, for some time, unwanted even though I have voted Conservative since age of majority.  The bulk of the pundits though have concluded that our Party would be best off if it simply jettisoned our ilk and moved closer to the left... liberal lite so to speak.

And that Dear Reader is the last thing our country needs.  Canada is full of Progressives now and look where that has gotten us.

I read an interesting article the other day in which a conservative commentator actually allowed that us social conservatives had "value" to our party.  But not in the way one would expect the word 'value' to mean least in how I define the word.

He spoke of the word from the perspective of a back-room apperratjeck in we need social conservatives solely for their votes..since we are just too numerous in the Party if not throughout the land in general.  He is of course partially right - the Party does indeed need our votes but our real value is to keep the Party true to its traditions while defending and supporting social issues essential to the well-being of Canada.

This includes things like trying to put the brakes on our Society's determined descent into The Culture of Death; Support for the Traditional Family which has been and will continue to be an essential building block to ensure a robust democracy; Pro Parental Rights - why the heck are we teaching serious sex ed to very young children in our schools. Let kids be kids; Promoting Basic Freedoms such as the Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of Speech...our human rights tribunals are nothing more than kangaroo courts that stomp on those freedoms at will; and finally, to Defend Traditional Marriage - we view marriage as a union between a man and a woman...if gays wish to marry, more power to them but do so in a  civil ceremonies we'll get married in our Church.

And, one more thing...Gay Pride Parades...I would find Heterosexual Pride Parades equally offensive.  In a word, they are nothing but a spectacle.  I do not feel superior to Gays..indeed we are all human beings, bleed the same way and we all want to enjoy good health and enjoyment in life.  I know gays in my life who also do not attend these events and I know that they certainly are not the least bit critical of my not attending either.

Okay to sum up:  Social Conservatism is the Conscience and Soul of the Nation.  We will most certainly not go away and if the Conservative Party continues to denigrate our beliefs, we will have no choice but to walk away from it and start afresh.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell