Saturday, September 10, 2016


Why put a cruise missile through his bedroom window of course.

This Jerk is on his way to obtaining the ability to successfully launch long range nuclear missiles.

The guy, like his father and grandfather before him, is certifiable...he fiddles with Nukes while his Countrymen Starve.

His weakness stems from the fact that his control over North Korea begins and ends with himself.  Take him out and his people are free.

That said, I am not one to usually condone State Sponsored Execution - save for in time of war - but in Kim's case I gladly make an exception. 

The Stakes are just too high as evidenced by this week's major underground nuclear test which even the dysfunctional UN Security Council was quick to unanimously condemned.

Even the usually passive President Obama allowed that he would never allow North Korea to become a Nuclear State which may strike some of us as odd since it already is.  (Supposedly he was referring to it getting long range capability).

But keep in mind that the little guy in the White House has been known to draw 'red lines in the sand' before only to then run and hide.

If the little guy had a smidgen of smarts he would take out this Terrorist for two reasons:  first, the Jong-un is universally hated so no one, not even the Chinese, would mourn his loss and second, his popularity at home would soar and would continue well into his presidential retirement.

So ...just maybe.

In our weekend newspaper appears a front page picture of Kim asking whether or not he is the most dangerous man in the world.

He's not of course - that title still rests with the leadership of Iran. With the help of the United States - with money and the green light to continue to build their nuclear arsenal - this is where the real danger lies as it has for many years gone by.

Maybe it is time to give the green light to the Israelis to get rid of that threat as well.....

But don't count on that happening any time soon.

In the meantime dearest Leader - don't sleep too soundly and keep one eye open to the bedroom window. 

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher' 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Professional Columnists vs Us Amateurs

Let me be Quite Honest .... I have been Lazy of Late - Blame it on the End of One of the Most Glorious Summers that I can Ever Recall !!

But it is not just that - The News seems to be going in endless circles - Killings by ISIS and Their Ilk, the Never Ending Presidential Campaign etc etc.

Nothing is new anymore - same old, despite the fact the issues continue to be some of the most serious we've faced since the time of the Second World War.

For instance, on the US Presidential Election front - Trump continues to make stupid statements while each day's revelations regarding dear Hillary make it obvious the dear woman belongs behind bars.  That said, the Mafia Bosses were able to run their Empires while in Jail - so why couldn't Hillary run the Country from there as well?  If anyone could do it ...she could.

Us Amateurs have the luxury of taking a break from this 'same olde' ... the Pros do not.

Imagine having to be required to write weekly or even daily columns during this time of inertia.  Those poor devils.

They have to be the best self-motivators going.

So allow me to highlight those whom I believe are the best of the best both here at home and in America.

Andrew Coyne is by far and away the best here in Canada.  His ability to write and his insightful analysis is a pleasure to read.  His father, by way of interest, was the Governor of the Bank of Canada during Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's Government in the late 50s and early 60s.  Indeed the feud between these two luminaries was instrumental in bringing the Olde Chief down. 

Andrew is middle of the road and cannot easily be pegged as either Conservative nor Liberal which I believe is an essential attribute for a columnist to have. 

Our second best is Rex Murphy a Newfie, whose ability to manipulate the Queen's English is unparalleled.  The Guy is Hilariously but Yet Seriously Funny. 

At an earlier time, I would have added Journalist Chantal Hebert but over the course of the last several years she has retreated to her Quebec roots and now spouts analysis based on a parochial bias. 

That leads me nicely to the Best American Analyst ... Charles Krauthammer.  Krauthammer is a medical doctor, come psychiatrist come columnist / analyst who I find to be the Best of the Best. 

He rarely follows the crowded field of fellow pundits but follows his own insightful logic that seldom if ever fails to impress.  BTW, he obtained his medical degree after an accident which left him nearly quadriplegic.  The guy must have an IQ of 202.

But like our dear friend Chantal - he too has a human flaw - he despises Donald Trump ... no doubt rightfully since Trump turned his caustic tongue on Krauthammer in the latter part of last year.  

Accordingly, when Krauthammer comments on The Donald, his opinions are needlessly jaundiced for reasons that date back to the insult.

That said, he is still the Best out there - but he could be better - as Chantal Hebert could be better, if they left their personal prejudices aside in the interest of fair commentary.  

I would - if I could add a second pick from the American side - but none appear to warrant that selection. 

Maybe you have some suggestions and I would love to hear them.

Anyway - Summer is winding up and hopefully I will get back to some writing but am thankful that we have the Pros out there - day in and day out. They deserve whatever they are paid.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'