Friday, February 9, 2018


Well I certainly do...especially if it is a Santa Claus Parade.

Way back, in one of my earliest Blogs, I mentioned being in one cross-starred  Santa Parade in my home town of Brighton where the wind was so strong that day it blew every float away save the sturdy Santa Float.

The parade consisted of that one float plus a station wagon which provided the only music...Gene Autry's Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer with yours truly winding the gramophone and its 78 rpm record.  

So it probably comes as no surprise that upon Donald Trump's return from Paris earlier this year where he witnessed its annual Bastille Day Military Parade, he started planning one of his own.  

A Parade with marching bands, armed forces personnel and tanks.

After all, what is a parade if it does not contain tanks and hopefully a bucket load of nuclear rockets thrown in.

I am sure that you, like me, this brings to mind such worthy defenders of Democracy as Vladd Putin, Xi Jinping and North Korea's Yong-un and their impressive military shows of power and might. 

Not to leave out a plethora of petty dictators and tyrants that circumnavigate the world.  And their need for such displays has more to do with scaring the bejeepers out of their countrymen to ensure none of them have the temerity to challenge their enlightened rules.

And we know of course that this would never be Donald Trump's goal... why he is only out to have a nice sunny 4th of July and enjoy America's delicacy... the Hot Dog.

At least I hope that this is the intended goal for his parade.

But maybe...just maybe there is something else at play here.

Maybe it has something to do with xxxxx envy as was evident recently when the Yong-un bragged about the seize of his Nuclear Button to which Trump quite rightly responded that his Nuclear Button is much Bigger and in fact can kill more than any other country in the world. 

Not though in the tradition of Teddy Roosevelt and encompassed in his oft repeated quote,  'walk softly but carry a big stick'.

From the beginning of Donald Trump's Administration there were several areas where I had reservations about the direction they might be going.  One of those and one of the most important was his reliance upon elderly male Generals.  Indeed his top 3 Advisors all fall into this category.

As a Libertarian, I do not trust Big Government including Big Military especially a Military which is not held in proper civilian check. 

I have written about the Cuban Missile Crisis where had it not been for President Kennedy and to a lesser extent his brother Bobbie, the world would have likely experienced its first nuclear war.  The Joint Chiefs wanted to go into Cuba with guns blazing but thankfully neither Kennedy trusted the Chiefs all that much and devised a less confrontational response, namely, a naval blockade.

I say thankfully since post crisis, America discovered that the Russian Troops on the ground had been instructed from Moscow to respond to any attack, with nuclear missiles.

So have a parade and enjoy your hot dog President Trump and leave the scare tactics to those leaders who are insecure enough to  need them. 

Monday, February 5, 2018


This past Friday saw the long-awaited release of the above-noted memo.  

It was light on specifics but the following are the facts I was able to glean from it:

  1. In October of 2016 at the height of the bitter Election Campaign between Republican Trump and Democratic Clinton, the FBI and the Department of Justice applied to the Courts for a warrant to allow surveillance of one of Trump's campaign workers...Carter Page.
  2. This same Carter Page had been the subject of their investigations prior to the time that Donald Trump came onto the scene.
  3. Key information, without which, it is agreed by all, the Judge would not have allowed the issuance of the Warrant was supplied by Hillary Clinton's Campaign and by the Democratic Party at great expense ($) to them both. 
  4. All of this Information in due course turned out to be false.
  5. It was obtained by Clinton et al from the Russians through an intermediary by the name of ChristopherSteele ...a self professed 'Trump Hater'.  
  6. Finally, the application to the Court did not expose the fact that Hillary / Her Party were the principals involved in obtaining this data, but it did allow that it had come from a 'political rival of Trump. 

Trump claims that the Nunes' Memo 'completely vindicates him'.  It does not, but in truth does not matter since he never needed vindication...there has never been any evidence tying him to Russia's alleged interference in the 2016 Election.

The Democrats on the other-hand  say 'there is nothing there ...move on'.

'Nothing there?'  Other than the fact that it confirms both the FBI and DOJ were fully aware of the fact that it was Hillary and her Campaign who were playing footsies with the Ruskies in advance of Election Day.

So in the post Election period is it not the height of hypocrisy for Hillary to blame the Russians and their ties to the Trump Campaign as one of the major reasons for her election loss?  The woman has no shame. 

And how is it that the Meuller Special Prosecutory  Commission was allowed to form to investigate the non-existent Trump - Russia connection when these senior FBI / DOJ officials knew all along that the real culprit in this sorry mix was Dear Hillary?

Talk about being in the bag for one candidate over the other.

Long time readers will know that I jokingly say that you can be sure a politician is lying as soon as their lips start to move.  Sadly this is more often true than not.

But at least you get an opportunity every 4 years to vote the most notorious out of office.

What can you do though in the case of faceless senior enforcement officers who try to influence the outcome of our democratic elections.

More on that another time.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'