Thursday, May 7, 2020



'They' being the Liberal Party of Canada and the Troop Placers being the Conservative Party of Canada - in an Election Campaign in the early 2000s.

So flash ahead till now ...There Will Be Troops In Quebec's Nursing Homes...and to a lesser the Province of Ontario as well.  This is especially rich when you consider that Quebec's Government is Separatist and you do not get anything to represent Canada's Sovereignty more than our Army.

How Ironic and yet How Revolting.  We neither need troops in our streets nor in our nursing homes.  That dear reader is not the job of our nation's military.   Maybe things like flood control and to a lesser extent - out of control forest fires but even for events like these it would be better for us to establish a Civil Defence Force as have our American neighbours done to the south. 

So what exactly will our gallant soldiers be doing?

Well - feeding; washing; and of course.....changing diapers.

I can hear it now !!

Code Brown..."all bomb experts to floor 2 / room 5  / bed 3.  An massive explosion has taken place  and in need of immediate clean-up... Be sure to wear your body armour and most importantly... your masks.

As I Smell It...

'K. D. Bell'

Monday, May 4, 2020

The 24 hour news cycle becomes very boring when it is all about either Trump or the Virus

For Long Time Readers I must apologize for being MIA in regard to my Blog Writing or better stated - Non-Blog Writing.

My excuse is contained in today's title - whatever I read and whatever I hear on the news is all about the Trumper and/or the Corny Virus.  I know you must be as tired of that as am I.

For me to be stimulated to write -I usually need to come across something in the mass media that gets my blood flowing to speak.  And the constant repetative analysis of these two all encompassing topics has just the opposite affect on me - it turns me off and out.

I enjoy blogging though and from the feedback I get, I believe you find it insightful from time to time.  As I have said before, I try to get behind the B.S. spewed by the Talking Heads and let you know what I believe is really going on...and it that regard I am usually right !! said me ...your humble servant.

Let's consider for a moment my somewhat recent blogs on the Virus.  The main thrust of my blogs was that the treatment Government and Health Personages implemented was worse than the disease itself.

But the Media was in their rapt embraceThat lasted a long time but more recently they have come to my original conclusion - why ...the social well-being of society, our economies and our collective mental health are taking a heavy hit as bad as or even worse than the virus itself.  Dah.

I also said, rather than just health care experts advising our politicians, there also needed to be a panel composed with economists and social scientists.  Not one media type suggested this approach.  But ... of course, that was then and this is now - and I have lost track of the number of talking heads coming round to my same conclusion.  After all, do you really think a Health Care Expert is going to suggest anything but a shut-down of society.  Not a chance.

And remember dear reader your heard it first from me.  I am in my 72nd year so maybe wisdom does grow with age ...or at least by now people my age have acquired a little experience.

Okay is my next prediction.  As you know, everyone appears to be predicting that everything will change in the new post virus era.   It won't of course and once that becomes crystal clear down the road - the Talking Heads will do an about face and tell you that they knew nothing of significance would change all along.

Handshakes will disappear for ever - Not;  Restaurants will be empty for a long time to come - No They Won't;  Air Traffic will take years to come back - if at all - Again after a couple of months of having slayed the Dragon - we'll be airborne in great numbers and hell bent for leather;  Stadiums and Concert Halls will be filled to capacity....etc.

At home offices will not all go back to corporate base but the vast majority will. We are after all social beings and the home front simply does not cut it for most of us. Plus managers need to face to face with their employees and there is only so much of that you can do over video.

I could go on and on ...but you get the idea.

In early February I predicted that life would return to normal in June - in fact it appears to be happening somewhat earlier though the Pol'ys and the Health'ys are doing there best to drag their heals.  By September things will be in full swing. 

I say this because unlike other tragedies that plague our economy - this shutdown was officially sanctioned - Governments turned off the Economic Switch and things naturally came to a stop.  By the same token, when Governments turn the switches back on - life will quickly return to normal.

There is one area that unfortunately may sustain serious damage and like the above, this is man-made too.  I will deal with it in my very next blog ...

As I See It ...

K.D. Bell