Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Ontario's Premier Is Acting Like She Is Insane...

In the Liberal Government's Speech from the Throne yesterday, Premier Kathleen Wynne promised the people of Ontario Billions of new spending if they unwisely (the italics are mine) re-elect her Government in the coming June 2018 Election.

You will notice that I did not quantified the Billions to be spent since I could not find any estimates by financial experts at the time of this writing.  But they will come and they will be in the multi-billions.

What I can tell you though is that under the 15 years of Liberal Government Rule, the Province's Debt has risen from $132.6 Billion in financial year 2002-03 to an astounding $301.00 Billion Dollars for f.y. 2017-18.  In fact, during that time our Province has gone from Have Status...the engine of the Country ...to Have-Not Status and forced to beg from our neighbours.

And of course those dreadful numbers do not even include yesterday's announced spending spree. 

Wynne will often talk about her grandchildren and how she does not want them to suffer from Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change (you can pick one or all 3) as tears come to her glassy eyes.

So you might well ask the dear Premier if she is so concerned about their welfare when it comes to climate, why is she so insensitive when it comes to accumulated debt since it will be those self same grandchildren who in the end will have to pitch in and pay off debt they did not contribute to?

And with the Debt and endless Deficits have come loss of millions of good paying jobs, hydro electric rates once the envy of North America have tripled and more to the point where poorer folks can no longer properly heat their homes and both the health and education systems are grossly underfunded.

And all this in the face of scandal after scandal and wasted billions on pet self-serving projects.

The title of this blog again is Ontario's Premier Is Acting Like She Is Insane. 

For you progressives out there note that I did not say she is Insane, rather that she is acting like she is insane.

How else can you account for her determined drive to bankrupt our Province.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher' 

Monday, March 19, 2018


In my most recent Blog, I rightfully trashed President Trump for many of his recent antics, but now find that I must come to his aid.

In a recent tweet, Trump had this to say about his firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe:

Andrew McCabe Fired, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - a great day for Democracy.  Sanctimonious James Comey was is boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!

As per my last Blog, I view McCabe's firing as wrong and it brought to mind today's Heading.

This of course being the famous quote of the late Ronald Reagan which was one of the few quips in a Presidential Debate that really had an affect on an Election's ultimate outcome:

"There you go again" was a phrase spoken by Ronald Reagan during the 1980 Presidential Election Debate to his Democratic opponent, Jimmy Carter. The context for Reagan's statement does not matter at this late date, what is important was its outcome which in Carter's case sealed his fate in that Election.

So with that, back to Trump's Tweet.

Initially, I thought 'oh no, Donald you are simply pouring more fuel on the fire'.

Then I had second thoughts.

From the time of the Election Trump has ...in his own words...been the subject of a "Witch Hunt'.

As I have said countless times, I do not know of any other person who could have survived the sustained vicious attacks on him over the course of his first year in Office.  

And when he says the top echelon of the FBI has gone rogue he again has much reason for his opinion.  One that I share.

And when it comes to the Mueller Inquiry, the only proof of collusion with the Russians is on the part of both Clinton and Obama. And yet the Mueller Inquiry plods along on trying to find any dirt on Trump when it now knows full well there never was never any collusion involved on his part.

And dear reader, bear in mind that the only reason the Mueller Investigation got off the ground is because the top folks of the FBI colluded to see that it did.

Why Mueller does not do the honourable thing and pack up his Witch Hunt is beyond me?  At the very least, why does he not start to follow-up on the real proof that has been uncovered especially against Hillary and her Campaign?

It stinks to high heaven and in that regard, I fully understand Trump's frustration via his above-noted Tweet.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'