Wednesday, October 7, 2015

It Is Probably Just A Matter Of Time…


Before The Conservatives Come Out In Favour Of The Wearing Of The Niqab and The Burka whenever and wherever a Muslim Woman wishes.

I say that because just the other day, the Tories unceremoniously dumped their Toronto Area Sikh Candidate – Jagdish Grawal from their list of candidates for the October 19th Election.

Grawal’s offence was that he had written an article supporting the proposition that homosexuals could be medically treated to transition them into heterosexuals.

His position was based upon his religious belief that the state of homosexuality is not normal.

Many Christian Faiths – as well as the Muslim Faith – share his belief.

Grawal was not saying – that Homosexuals were not equal to Heterosexuals or that they are deserving of discrimination.  He was saying that Homosexuality is not normal.

Nor is it; certainly not in the statistical sense.

Statistics show that only 2% of the world’s population consider themselves to be homosexual.  (One would think otherwise, given the Media’s propensity to depict homosexuality the norm).  But the ‘norm’ would have to go to those 98% who deem themselves to be heterosexual.

It is though a very emotional topic and I really do not like dealing with it – but I believe I have to since I foresee the day coming when it is just not candidates like Grawal who are punished for their thoughts and their religious views – but our Church leaders will soon find themselves on the wrong side of this Politically Correct Equation.

Indeed, one Catholic Priest in Calgary has already been prohibited by the State from preaching passages of the Bible which condemn the practice of homosexuality.

So to sum up, if Grawal was calling for the beheading of homosexuals – course he should be condemned for his hateful speech.

But to simply have a personal and/or religious belief that Homosexuality is not normal and to be punished for it - begs the question of whatever happened to the Rights of Free Speech, Expression and Religion the corner stones of a free and vibrant society.

So if you are still wondering why Donald Trump is making such a big splash in the Republican Presidential Race – look no further than to Politically Correct Decisions like Mr. Grawal’s.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’


Monday, October 5, 2015

And Of Course He …


Does Have Nice Hair.

I was not going to do this Blog until closer to our Federal Election which some outside Canada may not know is coming up quickly – Monday October 19th.

It has been a long campaign – frankly too long but still not the horror show South of the Border where it consumes the best part of two (2) years.

And during our long campaign – each of our three main parties have at some point held the lead.

But if today’s polling is correct, the Liberals under Justin Trudeau appear to be pulling away from the pack and since time is running out – I am obliged to start taking the polling numbers more seriously.

In my plan to do this Blog later, I was going to recite the troublesome policies of the Liberals and the New Democrats (NDP) but with the latter Party in apparent free-fall, I have decided to just concentrate on the Libs.

So here is why I will not vote Trudeau / Liberal and am hoping that you will be inclined not to as well:

1.  Trudeau and his Party are about death – they support unrestricted abortion and euthanasia. In fact, Trudeau prides himself on being so open and that his Party is a ‘Big Tent’ – but no one is welcome in that Big Tent unless they support death over life.  

2.  On the foreign front – Trudeau does not want to fight ISIS – those Barbarians who behead men, rape and kill women, and bury babies alive. He’d rather send blankets to refugees hiding in the hills.

3.  Connected with this and like his father before him – he will let our military dwindle away.  If you do not mind ISIS freaks terrorizing the Middle East and think peace comes from the end of feather – he is your man.

4.  He is okay with extreme Muslim Women taking our Oath of Citizenship with her Niqab on.  I am strongly opposed that as per my very recent Blog.

5.  He does not want Islamic Terrorists to be stripped of their citizenships – presumably so they can trollop unfettered across the world all the while doing their worst.  Chretien took Conrad Black’s Citizenship away from him solely because Black wanted to become an English Lord.  I guess those who commit heinous crimes against humanity and treason to boot – get a pass from the young guy.

6.  The Guy loves deficits – again eerily similar to his father in the 1970s and 80s.  In fact he has pledged to have 3 of them right off the bat and if you believe those deficits will miraculously disappear in year 4 – I’d like to introduce you to fellow Grit – Kate ‘the spender’ Wynne who never met a deficit she did not like.  Plus both he and Wynne claim to worry about the negative affect our environment will supposedly have on our children – but do not seem to share the same concern when leaving these self same kids to face repayment of our ever growing and behemoth debt

7.  His support of oil and gas pipelines is tepid at best and if Harper – who is supportive – cannot get even one pipeline through in the 10 years he has been in office – guess how successful Trudeau is likely to be.

8.  When asked recently how much his Election Promises added up to – he had to confess that he did not know.  But I can tell you they add up to plenty.  There is no way in hell that he will be able to restrict his projected deficits to $10 Billion per year.  If the young lad gets in I look forward to reproducing this Blog on the 1 year anniversary of his election.

9.  He said he will make voting mandatory and I thought we lived in a democracy that valued freedom of action. I have never ever missed a vote in my life but I can tell you if this was to come about – yours truly would not be voting.  I would go to jail first.

10.  Related to 9. Trudeau wants to get rid of first past the post elections and is prepared to replace it with proportional representation which is just another word for the Leaders to install whomever they wish.  Margaret Atwood anyone.  This is not democratic.

11.  He wants carbon taxes implemented.  A tax by any other name and it will only serve to generate a steep rise in the cost of living for all – including his so called beloved middle.

12.  Like his mentor – Premier Wynne – he is in love with Green Energy even though it has destroyed Ontario’s economy. Once the proud engine of Canada – it is now wallowing in Provincial Have-not Status.  The recent Report by the renowned Fraser Institute sets out the facts in clear and unadulterated fashion.  Hopefully I will get the time to do a Blog on their Report before the 19th.

I could go on and on but the above are most of the highlights of what we can expect from this misguided individual.

Will it happen – that is to say will he get elected.

Quite possibly – many of you know my saying – Never Over Estimate The Intelligence Of The Electorate – as amply evidence by the 4 successive election victories of Ms. Wynne and her predecessor Dolton McGuinty.

Say a prayer.

As I see it…

‘K. D. Galagher’