Friday, December 8, 2017



And I guess from recent events, Young-un Kim's home must be made out of brick because for all Trump's huffing and puffing, his house is still standing.

When The Donald was on the campaign trail and even well into his Presidency, he was regularly quoted on what he was going to do the Young-un if he did not cease and desist from perfecting Nuclear Tipped ICBMs that could reach the United States.

Why he was going to tear the Young-un limb from limb...totally destroy his war making ability and that was just a start.

But as they say, that was then and this is now.  'Now' meaning North Korea has recently shown itself able to successfully launch such dreaded ICBMs.

So what does President Trump's latest threats to the Young-un consist of?  Why there are going to be more sanctions imposed on North Korea, more harsh resolutions emanating from the United Nations and most recently Trump has ....are you ready for this...added North Korea to the list of countries that sponsor terrorism.

I think you will no doubt agree with me that these new measures will likely cause Kimmie to collapse with spasms of paralytic inertia.

Or you just might say, if threats of bodily injury and death did not make a dent in his determination to acquire these dangerous weapons why would hollow threats about ineffective sanctions and resolutions and laughable sponsor lists have any greater effect?

And a good point you'd make.

Trump, if you can believe it, is even talking about more negotiations with China and with North Korea even though heretofore he rightly pointed out that such negotiations were worthless since they have been ineffective throughout past decades and several American Administrations of various stripes. 

So what gives?

I am not sure but I do know that if North Korea is permitted to have nuclear weapons this will extend to Iran and a new nuclear armament race will be launched the likes of which we have never  seen before.

And I know something else as well.  If President Trump persists in this weak line of attack against North Korea, his credibility will be critically diminished.

As I see it...

'K.D.  Galagher'

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Doesn't Trump Realize That This Will Jeopardize These Delicate Negotiations ?

The Delicate Negotiations I am of course referring to are the Negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians on the latter's right to Nationhood.

What was Trump thinking ?

At least that was the position taken by all 20+ attendees at our weekly discussion group yesterday morning for one ...yours truly.

I kindly pointed out to all and sundry that there were no "Delicate Negotiations" fact, there were no Negotiations period and there have not been for a long time.

In that regard, the Palestinian situation is similar to North Korea where the charade of negotiations has played out by various US Administration with 'zip all' to show for it.

The bottom-line here is that if Arab nations really wanted the Palestinians to have their own Statehood, it would have happened years and years ago.  The cruel fact is that most Arab States want  to see things unsettled on Israel's border with Palestine. 

The other fact in the mix is that Israel is the only Democratic Nation in the Middle East and it is time that they were allowed to get on with their lives including determining the location of their capital city.

President Trump made it official yesterday that the US would henceforth recognize Jerusalem to be their capital as per their wishes.  

I see Trump's action as a step in the right direction which will hasten the Palestinian march to statehood.  I say that because when Palestine / and its other Arab neighbours see Israel moving on without them, they will realize that further stalling, foot-dragging will no longer be in their interests.

So back to our group.  I suspect much of their criticism of Trump yesterday was due to their overall dislike for the man and not so much with respect to his declaration regarding Jerusalem.  Indeed, I think this applies to much of the criticism surrounding is knee-jerk reaction rather than thought out positions and policy.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Monday, December 4, 2017


So said potty mouthed Joe Biden in a loud whisper to President Obama at a Press Conference to announce the passage of Obama's Health Care Legislation a few years back.

But today's 'Big Expletive Deal' pertains to the passage of Trump's Tax Reform Bill(s) in Congress.

The Democrats, to no ones surprise, dismisses this accomplishment by saying the legislation:

  • favours the rich
  • increases taxes on the middle class, 
  • pampers Corporations and, 
  • will add $ Trillions to the Debt.
But here is the truth.

1. The rich will benefit but only marginally.  And bear in mind the top 10% of America's income earners pay over 70% of all income taxes each year.  I'd say they are due for a modest break.

2.  The vast majority of middle income earners will see a sizable drop in the income taxes.  Only a small exception will see their taxes rise and that raise will be modest.  Again it is important to keep in mind that American's are not overtaxed to begin with...figures from 2015 show that their income taxes are but 26 % of America's GDP whereas the average for other developed countries hovers at around 34%.

3.  The US has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world 35%.  In our own country Canada, for instance, the rate is but 15%.  The new Trump Tax Reform Legislation will reduce their rate to 22 and perhaps to even 20%.  This will give American Companies an important edge to better compete with an ever growing world economy. Americans of all stripes have been complaining bitterly about losing jobs off-shore, this will work to stop and even reverse that flow.   And, 

4.  Finally the claim by the Progressives that the Debt will have to increase by at least 3 Trillion Dollars per year to account for lost tax revenue.  This is rather rich coming from the Left who in the last 8 years doubled the Debt from $10 Trillion to $20 Trillion.  The fact is, from previous experience, when income taxes were reduced, the debt did not increase, rather it decreased as more economic activity resulted in greater revenues for the Government. And this will happen this time as well to the chagrin of the Left. 

So there you have it....a Big 'Expletive' Deal...and America has Trump and the Republicans to thank for it.

If this keeps up, The Donald may well be re-elected in 2020.  Maybe they will run Hillary against him..

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'