Thursday, November 26, 2015

My Solution To The Middle East Debacle.


For what it is worth, here is what i would do, in conjunction with NATO to end the death and destruction that stalks the Middle East.

First, establish no fly zones in areas not occupied by ISIS and then move threatened minorities to those areas – i.e. Christians to one area, Kurds to another, minority Muslim sects to another and so on.  (flooding Europe and North America with Middle Eastern Immigrants will not work since a significant minority of them despise our way of life and cannot be expected to meld into Western Society)

Second, bomb the heck out of ISIS controlled areas including the oil wells which fund their butchery.  (Obama’s half measures will not work but thankfully we finally have other NATO Allies like France and England stepping up to the plate including non-NATO Russia .. things are looking up)

And Third, force the rich Arab States – most notably Saudi Arabia to both supply ‘boots on the ground’ and provide $ aid to the various refugee camps.

I say this because the issue of ISIS is a Muslim one and can only be dealt with by having the moderate Muslim countries buy-in and be actively involved in solving the problem. 

American / NATO ‘boots on the ground’ may well work in the short-term and even if they successfully destroy ISIS, in due course, another equally radical Islamic extremist group will arise from the ashes.

Simply stated, the West’s boots on the ground have not worked in countless battles since Vietnam and will not work in the Middle East.

As many of you know, I do not agree with much of what Obama does or say but I did agree with him when he called ISIS a Jr. Varsity group (j.v.) since that is exactly what they are.  They have survived and caused so much death and destruction simply because no one has properly challenged them.

With this plan and given the recent positive awakenings since Paris, I believe the days of ISIS may be coming to a quick end. 

It will though depend on the involvement of all interested parties.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’



Wednesday, November 25, 2015

ISIS May Be Masters At Killing Innocents..


BUT OBAMA (worst president in US history aka WPE) now has a strategy to beat them.

It is called The Paris Conference on Climate Change which is scheduled to take place beginning the end of this Month.

According to Obama (WPE), the Conference will show these killing machines that the modern world has its priorities straight by targeting CO2 rather than ISIS and that somehow this will translate into the demise of ISIS.

You can just imagine if Ronald Reagan had used a similar strategy against the USSR during the height of the Cold War…

‘Rather than we Americans spending $trillions on munitions and such, we will now focus our spending on reducing CO2 emissions.’

The Wall, dear Reader, would still be up and quite possibly we’d be learning to speak Russian.

Flash ahead to today and you can almost visualize the glee of ISIS supporters rolling around on the ground giddy at the thought of wasted trillions being spent by the West in the nebulous pursuit blocking climate change.

Some 50,000 (half of whom will be official delegates) are expected to attend the Conference.  Talk about waste as well as the generation of a lot of Carbon Dioxide. 

Plus the Conference attendees are not likely to be attacked by ISIS since it is too devious to destroy – as Lenin is famous of having said – useful idiots such as they.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’