Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It is not over until it’s over…

And Dear Reader It Is Still Not Over…  The Quebec Election That Is.

But first my election prediction:

  • The PQ would squeak a majority;
  • CAQ would form the Official Opposition;
  • The Liberals would come in a close third.

The actual results:

  • PQ 54 seats / 31.94 % of the vote*;
  • Liberals 50 seats / 31.21 % of the vote;
  • CAQ 19 seats / 27.06 % of the vote.

           * note:  the two minor separatist parties received 7.93 % of the vote and when added to the PQ vote, totals a strong separatist vote of 39.87%.

So Galagher, why did you hold back your prediction until after yesterday’s Election?

Because it really did not matter which party won or came in second or even third.  As my Blog attempted to say yesterday, they are all separatist differing only in how fast each expects to attain the goal of independence from Canada.

That is not to say there are no Federalists in Quebec.  There most certainly are.  But they are too few and most of those are concentrated in Montreal.  Even the 50% of the population that did not vote can be seen as separatists, since their failure vote yesterday plays right into the Separatists hands.  Hitler, when he took over Germany, received little more than 30 % of the popular vote in their last open election.

But you have to give Pauline Marois credit.  She told it like it is – that is to say, what she and her Party planned to do if elected.  In many respects, she was even more forthcoming than was Mike Harris in his first election bid in Ontario.  Indeed, Marios was so honest, I think it cost her the majority.  Honesty though is so rare in a politician that one cannot help respect her candidness.

And don’t feel too comforted by the fact that she holds a weak minority.  This is because Marios will not use the Legislature to promote her party’s platform, rather, she will use the media to spread her message across the Province.  She will challenge the Feds at every opportunity with stuff and nonsense and with every turn down she will call foul and declare Federation a failure.

But there is still a chance that this will not come to pass.

The Liberals and CAQ have a working majority of 69 seats (50 +19) which is larger than the majority the Liberals held in the last Legislature.  Moreover, their combined % vote is 58.26% ( 31.21 + 27.06).  Indeed, the Liberal Party itself virtually tied with the PQ in popular vote.  This gives those two parties – the Liberals and CAQ - the credibility and authority to state that together they will enjoy the confidence of the new House.

In that regard, I am sure that Prime Minister Harper is on the phone as I write, encouraging Jean Charest to form such a coalition with CAQ.  One thing that will mitigate against this happening is the fact that Charest lost his own seat so the Liberal Party must be considered Leaderless at this critical point in time.  It does not mean it will not happen – just that Charest’s loss certainly complicates things.

So for me, the Election is not over. The next few days will be most interesting indeed.

In the longer run though I continue to be pessimistic since none of the Current Quebec Parties speak for Canadians and I do not see that changing in our time.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Which Party Speaks For Canada…


In Today’s Quebec Election?

Sadly, None.

There are five parties vying to become Quebec’s next Government:

1.   Liberals

2.   P.Q.

3.   Coalition Avenir

4.  Quebec Solidaire

5.  Option Nationale.

Parties 2, 4 and 5 are stated Separatist.

Party 3 is led by Francois Legault, who until recently was a senior member of the P.Q. and a holder of a number of key Ministries during the PQs last reign in power.  In the current campaign Legault states that he is opposed to the holding of a referendum on separation “within the next 10 years”.  You have to admit that this is some endorsement of Confederation.  Indeed, it signals just another Party preoccupied with advancing Quebec’s Rights at the expense of the Rest of Canada (ROC).

So where is the Federalist Party in all of this?

The Liberals?


In support of his Federalist Credentials – i.e. making Confederation work, Charest recently had this say: ‘I increased transfer payments from ROC; I was instrumental in having Canada’s Parliament deem ‘Quebec to be Nation’; and I arranged for us to become part of the ‘United Nations UNESCO)’.  Pauline Marois would, I know, be proud to have said the same thing. 

The fact is dear reader, none of the parties vying for office today speak for Canada.

In many countries, such Party Leaders would be rightfully locked up for Treason. 

But only in Canada you say…

And speaking of needing to be locked up… today’s papers announced that the largest Federal Workers’ Union –PSAC – has come out again to endorse the main Separatist Party – the Parti Quebecois. This despite the fact that they all work for the Federal Canadian Government and that their pay cheques are all funded by the Canadian Taxpayers.  If Canadians cannot expect loyalty from this group, from whom can they?

Given that our past and present politicians have taken a pass on exercising the Treason Card, we still retain the right to decommission PSAC and its traitorous Leadership. But don’t hold your breath.

So here we go – today’s election comes down to all five (5) parties supporting separation in one way or another. 

The odds are more than stacked against Canada.

I have a prediction on the outcome of today’s election and will provide that to you tomorrow – after the election results are in.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Popcorn Sutton …


The Last of the Appalachian Moonshiners.

Popcorn Sutton died on March 16, 2009 of unnatural causes; he committed suicide.

He was facing 18 months in the slammer after having been found guilty of manufacturing White Lightning.  He made it from a secret family recipe handed down over the generations.

Popcorn plied his trade in the Hills of Tennessee and when he died, he was the last of the genuine American Bootleggers.

I encourage you to look up Popcorn on Google for no other purpose than to view his image.  He was – by his appearance alone – the quintessential real mccoy.  That he was able to out fox the ‘Revenuers’ for so long in this modern age is a testimony to his cunning and perseverance. 

That he took his own life after living free for all of his life is, I believe, understandable.

Had I been Governor of Tennessee, at the time of Popcorn Sutton’s conviction, I would like to think I would have granted him a Pardon and made him the State’s Ambassador of the Hill Country.  What a tourist attraction he would have made.  Perhaps though it would not have been doing Popcorn a favour given his years of living a more or less solitary existence.

But I suspect, that had the Governor done just that, the fair State of Tennessee would have made up the lost revenue and more it conceded to Popcorn’s manufacturing over the years.

America is a poorer place without Popcorn Sutton.  We have all suffered a loss whether we were personally aware of it or not.

As I see it …

‘K. D. Galagher’