Friday, March 29, 2013

Two Nutbars at the Top….


And dear reader, for once I am not talking about our Nutbars close to home.

Rather, I am writing today about the Leaders of Iran and more specifically, North Korea.

Iran is led by a tyrant who brooks no dissent from within and states his major priority to be the elimination of the Jewish State Israel by way of nuclear holocaust.  I have said in numerous past blogs that this is the biggest story of our time.  If Iran is allowed to perfect its nuclear weaponry Israel will most likely become history and the west will be sucked into the world’s first nuclear war.  No one will be spared the fallout.

Thankfully, it appears that at last Obama has realized what is at stake here, as evidenced by his recent buttering up to the Prime Minister of Israel.

But in recent days the worry about Iran has been replaced by the ravings of a even greater madman – the leader of North Korea.

As evidence of this, its leader cancelled just cancelled the armistice which brought an end to hostilities on the Korean Peninsula in 1953.  This has to be about the dumbest thing for the North to do.

All the while its leader, Kim Jong Un (hereinafter referred to as the ‘young-un’), plays toy soldiers with his Generals, while most of his populace starves.

From my perspective, there are but three possible outcomes:

first, that this has all been a bluff on the part of the young-un to gain more aid;

second, that he actually wishes to bring about a cataclysm but that will thankfully end prematurely when his Generals, realizing that the young-un is indeed serious, seize the reins of power from him; or,

third, his generals are a nutty as the young-un is and a nuclear war is unleashed.  This would not be pretty.

My guess is that either the second or third scenario will prevail but am hopeful for the second.

And, I do not think we will have long to await the outcome.

In any case, I do not see the young-un dying of natural causes like his grandfather and father before him.

We are living in dangerous times.  Our governments’ finances are teetering on the brink and our world is facing war on a scale that could exceed anything experienced in mankind’s history.

It is fitting then, at this most holy time of the year, to pray to the Lord Our God for deliverance.

As I see it…

“K.D. Galagher’