Thursday, January 22, 2015

Could it possibly be ….


The Raging Grannies?

The little guy who currently lives in the White House gave his second-last State of the Union Address and it lasted 1 hour – just slightly less than his average time of 1 hour 4 minutes.

Of note, Ronald Reagan’s average State of the Union Address time lasted but 40 minutes.

Of greater note – the little guy’s speech talked about Terrorism – a word he has only recently started to use in place of of a ‘handful of bad actors’.

But this aspect of his speech lasted but only 2 minutes or so out of his 1 hour discourse and this despite the fact that these Terrorists are slaughtering thousands throughout the Middle East, Africa and indeed the world.

So it appears the little guy still does not realize – the true danger these Terrorists pose to us all.  And more the point, if all we had were his wise words, we would not even know who exactly these Terrorists are…Raging Grannies anyone.

Memo to the little guy – these Terrorists are Muslim Extremists!!  Maybe by the time of your next and last Address you will have made that mental jump.

I suspect that you, like me, understand why it is important to make this distinction…

We are at War with these barbarians – recent killers of homosexuals, and youngsters watching soccer.

If one does not know – or pretends not to know who the enemy is – how can they effectively be fought?

To have any hope of success, one needs to attack the root of the problem, and this can only be done if you know whose root which.

Two more years of the little guy and then what – Hillary or Mitt – God help us.

Either though would be better.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Another Back of the Hand from …


The Supreme Court of Canada (SCC).

This time, the Justices have bestowed their blessing on the RCMP giving it the right to organize – aka unionize.

They lean on Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s infamous Charter of Rights that gives Canadians, among other things, the right to associate.

But the Court had at its disposal another option but chose to ignore it and more on that in a minute.

Readers of my Blog will know that I do not favour unionizing those who are paid from the public purse and the recent Provincial Elections, here in Ontario, can attest to the fact that Public Service Unions spent multi millions of dollars to tip the scales away from principled Conservatism which would restore balanced budgets and reduce the size of our bloated civil service.

And if you agree with me that public servants should not have the right to unionize – this is especially true as it pertains to the Police and to the Armed Forces.  Both must retain absolute impartiality.

A case in point is Ontario’s own Police Force – the OPP.  It is unionized and in fact for the first time in the most recent Provincial Election ran ads condemning the Progressive Conservatives.

All the while, that same organization was involved in several investigations for fraud, misuse of power etc on the part of the Provincial Liberals.

Most recently, the Provincial cops found that the Liberals had done nothing wrong in regard to the replacement of their expected candidate in the current Sudbury Bye-Election.  (More on that in an upcoming Blog).

But perhaps the most grievous dereliction of their duty to the public occurred with the native uprising in Caledonia.  Here radical indians seized lands and beat up home owners with abandon while the OPP stood back – some with tears in their eyes and let it happen.  Our distinguished Premier at the time was Dolton McGuinty who obviously sanctioned this serious breach of justice.

I no longer have faith in the impartiality of the OPP.

Do you?

I said at the beginning that the Court had a choice – they could employed section 1 of the Charter:

Section 1 reads as follows: The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

I happen to think that restricting the police from unionizing is most certainly a reasonable limit justified in a free and democratic society like ours.

Once again the SCC has gone rogue and Society is left to deal with the consequences.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Another Missing Native Girl…


And this time the system is behind it.

The young girl I am speaking about is of course 11 year old Makayla Sault a member of the New Credit First Nations of Ontario.

Little Makayla died yesterday of leukemia.

She need not have and there is much blame to go around.

Last year, her parents successfully challenged the Children’s Aid in the Society’s in its attempt to keep Makayla on chemotherapy, which her doctors said would save her life.

I am not going to criticize Makayla’s parents here since they have suffered enough with the loss of their child.

I do think the Children’s Aid Society did not try hard enough to get this little girl the proper medical help she needed but I save my main criticism for the Judge who inexplicably allowed Makayla to reject further treatment.

The Judge we are talking about is Ontario Justice Gethin Edward, himself an aboriginal.

He sided with the family wishes to see their youngster receive “traditional native medical treatment” in place of the tried and true chemo.

Most bizarrely, this traditional medical treatment turned out come from some hockus pokus white man’s clip joint in the southern USA.

Traditional Native Medicine be damned.

When this case first came up last year, I said then, in one of my Blogs, that the Judge would have to live with his faulty decision for the rest of his life.

The time has now come and I hope it rests heavily on his shoulders.

His decision undercuts once again the claim by - Native Leadership that they know what is best for their Band Members.

There is a serious disconnect here and sadly little Makalya Sault has just paid the ultimate price for it.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’


Monday, January 19, 2015

The War Against Christmas has …


Finally been won.

So say the pundits.

Even I noticed - on those rare occasions when I ventured out Christmas shopping - that clerks and other shoppers seem to go out of their way to wish everyone within earshot – a “very merry Christmas”.

In past years, the phrase ‘Happy Holidays’ was much more prevalent.

But just to confirm this great victory over political correctness, I checked with ‘very close friends’ to see what type of Christmas card receipts they received this past December.

These ‘very close friends; had received 35 Christmas cards – much reduced from years gone by – but with postal rates peaking at a buck a card, one can understand that volumes are down.  

Of the 35 cards 25 mentioned the word ‘Christmas’.  Sorry, rather, 25 mentioned ‘Seasons Greetings’. (I guess by ‘Seasons Greetings’ these 25 cards are referring to the Winter Season so can we expect a similar offering for Spring, Summer and again in Fall?” )

Four (4) mentioned Christmas but did not deal with its significance.

Six (6) could be considered religious in nature but only 3 of those included an actual religious picture and only one of those portrayed a traditional Christmas scene – baby Jesus with mother Mary.

So maybe – just maybe, the war against Christmas has not been won.

In fairness to those who sent cards – I found it virtually impossible to find traditional Christmas cards for sale. 

So although the vendors have now instructed their staff to ‘Merry Christmas” away – their products remain just as politically correct as ever.

The War against Christmas continues and we as Christians need to demand that Christmas be put back into our Cards as we did with Christmas Greetings at the cash.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’