Tuesday, December 1, 2015

We Have Sinned So Now It Is Time To…


Pay Up.

So says American President, Barack Obama at this month’s Paris Climate Conference.

The ‘We’ in this case is the USA for indiscriminately pumping CO2 into the atmosphere over past decades – you know the colourless, odourless gas needed by vegetation to grow with its useful by-product oxygen.

The fact that Obama apologized on behalf of the States is not at all surprising…. before he was elected, he sat in Church for 20 years of Sundays where the Minister’s fondest saying was “Gawd Damn America” and then began his Presidency with a Tour of the Muslim World where he again profusely apologized for America’s destructive history.

Of note this guy never, ever apologizes for any of his own shortcomings of which there are many.

And although he was talking about America’s carbon history - dear reader, rest assured that the Third World will ensure that the “We” in this case will extend to all industrial countries which can now be expected to pump even more money into the pockets of petty third world dictators.

Indeed, this UN Conference has asked Western Countries to pony up another $10 Billion to help the Third World manage their own climate change issues. (Do you really think this dough will make its way Green Energy?)

Chump change you might say and you’d be right but add that to the Trillions being misspent on Green Energy, Cap and Trade and the like.  Just think what that money could have done in the eradication of ISIS and their ilk and in finding clean water and bringing the 3rd world into modern and productive farming.

Having said this, there may be one good thing to come out of Paris and that is the initiative of a bunch of Billionaires led by Bill Gates to use their vast resources in Research and Development to find ways to run our industries, heat our homes and fuel our cars other than through the use of fossil fuels.

Indeed, the mistake the West made was to jump into Green Energy as if the R&D had been done when in fact it had not.  It was governments’ experimenting on a humungous scale which nearly brought us to our knees and might still yet. If the Gates initiative is what it appears to be – there may be hope for us yet – regardless of whether or not CO2 is causing Global Cooling / Global Warming / or Climate Change.

The fact is, we will all be better off getting off fossil fuels as quickly as possible but we need to make sure the processes which will enable us to do so – are available, effective and affordable.

Failing that, we will continue to throw good money after bad while issues which we can influence - like Global Poverty,Global Terrorism, Clean Air and Water… go unaddressed.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’