Thursday, November 8, 2012

As Columbo Would Say…


Just One More Thing.

Well Maybe Two …

The New Motto For The United States of America that has been bandied about since Tuesday’s Election:

  • Ask Not What You Can Do For Your Country…Ask What Your Country Can Do For You.

Plus Flora MacDonald is famous for saying it is passing strange…

I find it passing strange that now that the Election is over – all of the media has suddenly focused on how bad the American Economy is – the fiscal cliff etc etc . Where were they a week ago?

Oh and one more thing..

In the lead up to the Election I naively thought that America was split more or less 50/50 between the Givers and the Takers – when in reality, like here in Canada and Europe – the Takers now obviously compose the majority. 

After 4 more years of Taking – the chances of the US returning to some form of sanity – is very remote indeed.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Let The Games Begin …Again.


OBama has won another 4 more years !!

And unlike his poor imitation here in Ontario, thankfully, Obama will not be able to run and hide from his win.

Given that, the ‘Why’ he won is not important; we can leave that to the Historians to determine.

Moreover, ‘What’ it means for the United States and the World generally, is not an issue either, because the Dye has been Cast.

The main thing here is that the American Voter got what he or she wanted, as did Canadians …if we’d had been able to vote, that is.  Indeed, in our case, a recent poll showed that only 9% of us would have voted Romney.

For the record, Count me among the 9.

That said, the next four (4) years will be most interesting.

In fact, Too Interesting.

And as is the case with McGuinty, I do not plan to talk about the re-elected President in my future Blogs, rather I will let the events to unfold, do the all the speaking.

‘K.D. Galagher’