Friday, December 31, 2021


 As in protesting Governments' recent shut-downs and closures.

With the great number of Omicron Viruses, the Experts are besides themselves with new suggestions on how to tighten things down even more than they currently are.

These 'Experts',  as I pointed out in a recent Blog have yet to be right and with their recent fearful announcements they are keeping to true form.

Parents expecting to send their kids back to school on Monday here in Ontario were told just yesterday that this will be delayed until Wednesday.  Some notice.

But worse than that - the reason given is to ensure Schools have the time to install air filtration.  First off - 2 days extra time will not accomplish this and Secondly, they won't work even when installed due to the high contagion of this new variant.  It will only amount to a colossal waste of money and will only give parents and their kids a false sense of protection. 

In Quebec, it is even worse.  New Year's Eve Partiers were given but 1 day's notice that there will be no partying even in their own homes.  I'd tell the could Premier (President?) of Quebec what he can do with His directive.  Worse - restaurants are to be shuttered - food to be wasted and another nail in the coffin of private enterprise.  Talk about Scrooge even he wasn't that mean. 

When the Experts look at the growing numbers with horror on their faces...they are doing so from the wrong end of the looking glass.  Granted, Omicron is more contagious but it is far less less severe that it actually is of benefit for those of us who have received their prescribed vaccines.  I cannot wait to catch it. 

Every hour it seems another business reports it is being crippled by lack of staff who have to isolate due to the sniffles.  It cannot go on like this...Air Lines need to operate, Police need to Police, Firemen fight fires, Nurses / Doctors need to keep Hospitals open and Home Support Workers need to help the frail and elderly..  Simply stated we are shooting ourselves in the foot - both feet actually and have the Experts to blame for it. 

You know that I am the last Person to call for a Rebellion but as for the Nonsense taking place before our very eyes - I say ...To The Ramparts.  Are you with me?

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell' 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021




With 2021 ending, our Police Department reports over 80 incidents of shootings in our fair city this year...A New Record. 

Granted, American City Chicago has that many shootings each and every weekend but for us here in Canada our number is sobering for us.   B.T.W., Chicago is not even America's worst example when shootings per capita are taken into account.

The number 80 above came out earlier this month and since then there have been several more. So our record year continues to grow to its bitter end. 

It used to be the weapon of choice was the Knife and before that... one's bare fists... but guns and gangs have progressed more latterly even here in our more friendly and safer environment.  

But that said, and as noted, this trend is increasing and most certainly will continue to get worse.  We are not a Safe as we once were. 

Which brings me to our recent Federal Election where our Esteemed Prime Minister continually mocked the Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition - Erin O'Toole for being soft on long gun owners such as Farmers, Hunters and Target Shooters. You knew, I knew and yes Justin knew full well that the real problem for the rising trend in gun crimes was and is gangs illegally smuggling hand-guns in from our neighbour to the South.  

But our Progressive Electorate turned a blind eye and voted the cad back into power. 

The handgun issue though is one area where I do agree with the Progressives in their effort to ban them. I have never owned a handgun nor do I have any wish to do so.  I have owned various rifles from time to time most recently when we owned a hobby farm on the outskirts of this city.  I was glad to dispose of them when we moved back into the city.  Fact is...I do not like guns but as a hobby farmer I understood why farmers have need for them and I can understand why they are in safe hands with both hunters and target shooters too.

But handguns are a much different 'kettle of fish'.  Simply stated, they exist solely to kill people.

So until the United States out right bans them...they are going to be an ongoing problem for our Police too.  But this of course will not happen - even in your younger lifetimes - since the 'Right To Bear Arms' is embedded in America's Constitution fact it is its Second Amendment.  So there is little we can do on this side of the border to effectively stop the flow.  In this it mirrors our War Against Drugs ...also coming to us via the USA, a war which we lost over 50 years ago. 

Ironically, when criticizing O'Toole, Trudeau promised to get tough on guns and gangs post Election.  So how has this worked out? 

In the brief period that our Parliament was allowed to resume, His Government introduced legislation to reduce sentences for serious gun crime including weapons trafficking and importing.  This includes getting rid of mandatory minimum sentences even for those convicted multiple times of gun offences.

Boy that will certainly put a dent in this vicious activity...NOT.

Trudeau takes us all for Fools and so far he has gotten away with it and there is no indication that that will change anytime soon.

As I See It...

'K.D. Galagher'

Monday, December 27, 2021

And Another Infamous Bill...This One Federal...

Bill C-4 an Act to Criminalize Conversion Therapy was passed into law at the close of  the Canadian Parliament this December where both the House of Commons and the Senate unanimously voted in its favour. 

This was the Liberal Government's 3rd attempt (third time lucky) to bring this obnoxious piece of legislation into being. 

At this point, it is helpful to point out that despite what our Governors say, there are two sides to the Conversion Therapy Issue:

The first concerns blocking attempts by the well intentioned to persuade others to be satisfied with their sexual lot in life...i.e.  if they were born male or female they should be okay with that. This is the one that is being criminalized.

The second side of this controversial coin is far more damaging in that it actually changes an Individual's sex.  Our Government does not legislate against this fact it pays and is delighted to see it happen. 

Bill reads:

Conversion therapy, is defined as a practice, treatment or service designed to:

        (a) change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual;
        (b) change a person’s gender identity to cisgender;
        (c) change a person’s gender expression so that it conforms to the sex                               assigned to the person at birth;
        (d) repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour;
        (e) repress a person’s non-cisgender gender identity; or
        (f) repress or reduce a person’s gender expression that does not conform to                    the sex assigned at birth.

The problem with this is with respect to the wording "practice, treatment or service ...".  It can mean anything.  In fact, it casts such a wide net that it captures parents, clergy, school guidance officers, medical professionals and other well intentioned people. That said, you and I are apt to think and picture Conversion Therapy as involving the hooking up of some poor bloke to electrodes and having his or her brain rewired. 

Despite the fact that this type of inhumane treatment went out of vogue in the 1950s and was the stuff of rogue CIA agents... if the elimination of this type of this was the only likely outcome of the new Law we too would all be most supportive.

But sadly and recklessly as noted, C-4 goes far and away beyond that.

So that leads me to the unanimous nature of the Bill's passage.  Not one Leader, not one Member of Parliament nor any of our Esteemed and over-paid Senators had the courage to stand up and tell Emperor Justin Trudeau that he has no clothes. The Government has a duty to do what is in the best interests of Canadians and in this sad case it has failed miserably.  So too did the Opposition since it is their job to point out deficiencies in what the Government proposes and here they were all missing in action.

And the blessed Senate - the Body of Sober Second Thought was anything but Sober in their hurried enthusiasm to get the legislation into law. 

If ever there was a draft law that required sober serious second-thought and amendment was this one.

Shame, Shame on Them All. 

I mentioned that the other form of Conversion is the truly dangerous and damaging one and sadly is the one that our Government actually involves the change of an individual's sex.. the loping off of parts that will not be coming back despite the many who live to regret what they have done. Studies show that depression and suicide are common effects post operation.

But I am a Libertarian and fervently believe that an Individual is free to do whatever he or she wishes to do to with their own body and long as their actions do not directly injure others.  So if someone wants to cut this and that and replace it with that and my guest.  No law should exist for or against it.

A Big However ...the Individual must be of Adult Age to make such a major decision.

Until Adult Hood - let the Children be Children and if they think they are of a sex different from their birth sex...So Be It.  They have lots of time left to make irreparable change - for good or bad.

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'


Sunday, December 26, 2021



A recent front page headline in the National Post contained a picture with the heading 'Demolishing History'.  It was quite sobering for me.

We know how the Progressive Left has worked feverishly to rewrite history so Up becomes Down, In becomes Out and Frontwards becomes Backwards.  And sadly, by and large we the unwashed masses*have let them get away with it. *(their words...not mine and also used phrase...useful idiots).

Well they have now gone one further:

The Post story states in a matter of days, the Peace River Homestead located in the renowned Royal British Columbia Museum will be ripped off the face of this once proud country.  The article reads: "Starting January 2, crews will start taking crowbars to life-size dioramas of a Peace River homestead, a Vancouver Island coal mine and HMS Discovery the flagship of British explorer George Vancouver."  The reason given by the Museum's Pin-Heads is that this sacrilege is being done in the name of "decolonization".  

Ranked as one of our Country's 'most-visited' museums it is now most likely to cease being so and for all the right reasons.

The fall-back position for the Museum is that they are 'doing this for the aboriginals' however B.C.'s First Nations have come out strongly opposed.  They do however acknowledge that Museums such as this one need to be more inclusive and focus on their history too and in fact that is what the Province has been moving toward in recent years.  They want to show how their lives 'intersected' with the lives of non-aboriginal without destroying the early presence of the latter. 

This nonsense must stop.

Several years ago your mother and I went on a trip by car across Canada and when we returned we crossed the Alberta border and headed to Custer's Last Stand in Montana on June 25, 1876.

We were ready to hear of the daring do of Colonel Custer and his brave band of soldiers but were pleasantly surprised to have a young Crow Guide walk us through this most famous battle.   This young woman was very reserved...almost shy but when she began to recall what had occurred that day so many years ago- she became animated. Proud even since it was her people who had defeated the undefeatable  George Armstrong Custer the Yankee Hero of the Civil War.

She told us where Custer was at the end...where the rest of his officers were too but not only that ...she told us where the Indian Braves where ...their names and where those who were killed fell.  White Crosses for the Army dead...Red Crosses for the Indians.  It brought this famous battle to life in a way we never expected and it was all due to her.  

Of note, Custer went headlong into battle even though his Indian Guides told him not to.  There were other cavalry coming shortly to their rescue but Custer wanted all the glory himself.  He paid the ultimate price along with over 260 troopers. 

Crossing over to Canada, Chief Sitting Bull surrendered to North West Mounted Policeman Inspector James Walsh with but a handful of Mounted Police.  That too is an important part of our history that should not be forgotten and it involved natives and non-natives alike.

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'